“Shit, I ain’t in the mood. It’s just gonna
be a yawn.”
“Come on, dude. We never get enough people to
show up to make a quorum. It shouldn’t take long to get through the
planned business.
“Fuck, this is all I need,” Mason groused as
he followed Jacob down the hall. Amazingly, the few people they
passed didn’t make any comments about Mason’s perceived sexuality.
He figured they were afraid of Jacob, who was a big shot on the
wrestling team. As he walked, he idly wondered why Jacob hadn’t
made reference to that day’s hot item of gossip.
The meeting dragged on, Mason growing more
and more anxious to get away and go see Parker.
“Jeez, some people just like listening to the
sound of their own voices,” Mason said none too quietly to Jacob,
when the student body president had been speaking for over ten
minutes with little sign of winding down.
Jacob snickered. The exchange caused others
to either smile or shoot disapproving glances at the errant