
Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel

Upon opening his eyes, Elias was confronted with a sight that was both unfamiliar and strangely familiar. He found himself trapped in a world vastly different from his own, where futuristic technology blended seamlessly with Victorian-era architecture. It was a peculiar combination, one that Elias recognized from somewhere. As the realization dawned on him, he couldn't help but wonder—was he really trapped inside his favorite novel? The thought sent a shiver down his spine. Who was this character he had transmigrated into? Not a main character, not a side character, not a support character—not even a background character! Who in the world was this Quill Nocturne?!

UntoldQuill · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Sentinel's Doorway

The car came to a smooth stop, the hum of the engine fading into silence as the windows tinted, cutting off the view Quill had been enjoying moments ago.

His eyelids fluttered open, disoriented.

'Was I that tired?'

The ride had been more comfortable than he'd imagined, almost unnervingly so.

He looked around, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, only to be jolted awake by a sight that made his heart skip a beat.

"Oh, what the fu—"

"Finally decided to wake up, eh?"

Quill jerked back as an old man's face appeared inches from his own, a grin that was anything but friendly stretching across his features.

The man's breath reeked of tobacco and something sour, making Quill's stomach churn.

"You're lucky I don't throw you out right here," the old man growled, his voice like gravel. "But I suppose I'll restrain myself this time."

Before Quill could respond, the car door opened, and the chauffeur stood there, offering a polite, almost robotic gesture.

Quill stepped outside, momentarily blinded by the sun.

As his eyes adjusted, he found himself standing before an enormous gate, shimmering with silver and gold, towering like an ancient tree bathed in the dawn's first light.

'So we parked directly in front of the school gates,' 

Luxury cars, limousines, and high-end vehicles lined the driveway, likely carrying young adults from prestigious backgrounds like Quill.

Though Sentinel Academy wasn't exclusively for the elite, it certainly felt that way.

The academy trained Hunters and Huntresses, humanity's defenders against the dark forces that threatened their world.

A famous name alone wouldn't suffice to earn a place here; skill and talent were paramount.

Still, it was common for these talented individuals to hail from powerful families.

Given their lineage and early training, it made sense.

But many 'ordinary' young adults attended as well, just like the main protagonist.

"Wow," Quill breathed, taking in the grandeur.

As he turned back to the car, the old man's unsettling grin greeted him once more.

Without warning, the man hurled a black suitcase at Quill.

Instinctively, Quill's hands shot up, and to his surprise, he caught it.

"That's top-quality gear, kid. Use it wisely," the old man said cryptically before the chauffeur closed the car door. Moments later, they drove away.

Quill watched the car disappear, a sense of relief washing over him.

"Finest quality, huh?" he murmured, inspecting the suitcase.

It had to contain something valuable, possibly high-quality artifacts.

The old man's disdain was palpable, but being a Nocturne came with its perks.

No way they wouldn't give him some head-start benefits.

But now wasn't the time to delve into it. He'd inspect the contents in the privacy of his dorm.

He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves. The academy's grandeur was overwhelming, but he needed to focus.

His memories of the novel's beginning were foggy, the details hazy.

He knew the major events, but the smaller nuances eluded him.

The protagonist's journey was different from his own, making his path uncertain.

However, he recalled one crucial detail: the first-day speech in the Community Building.

"Alright, follow the crowd," he muttered, trying to reassure himself.

Watching other students say their farewells and instinctively head towards the academy, Quill decided to follow, blending in with the crowd. 


"It's just like the novel described..." Quill whispered as he stepped into the grand hall of the Community Building.

Following the other students had been the right decision; they all had the same destination.

Attending this speech was mandatory. Only an idiot would miss it on the first day.

...That reminded Quill of the protagonist, who was notoriously late.

Quill chose a red armchair near the front rows, hoping it wasn't assigned seating. The hall was filling quickly.

"This chair is really comfy..." he mumbled, settling in.

His gaze drifted to the main stage, the lights drawing attention to it.

He wanted to plan his next steps, but the noise was overwhelming. Students were already forming connections, the chatter filling the air.

Adults stationed at the entrances, whom Quill assumed were professors—Hunters and Huntresses—kept a watchful eye.

With so many important people in one place, security had to be tight.

Any malevolent act would be swiftly dealt with, at least for now.

Quill tried to relax in his chair, the black suitcase nestled between his legs.

Well, relax might be too strong a word; he was scanning the room, his red eyes taking in every detail.

'Maybe... Just maybe...'

A flicker of excitement stirred within him. He secretly hoped to catch a glimpse of the main characters from his beloved novel, now brought to life.

Who wouldn't? Seeing the characters he'd read about, knew intimately, and cared for—alive and real—filled him with a strange, excited anticipation.

But he knew the chances were slim. His knowledge came from written words, often lacking in detail. The variety of appearances here was astonishing.

Still, he knew he had to adapt. The normality he once knew was gone.

Hair colors like white or silver were common here.

He himself had red eyes. Beautiful red eyes, if he might say so.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed, leaving only the stage illuminated.

The sound of heels clicking on the floor commanded instant silence, everyone taking their seats. The transformation from chaos to calm was swift and impressive.

Each step heightened the atmosphere, the tension palpable. Quill hadn't known it was possible to feel such pressure from another person.

Finally, a silhouette emerged, standing at the podium.

As the lights focused on the main stage, the crowd fell silent, all eyes on the figure.

Quill found himself captivated. She was breathtaking—not just in beauty, but in presence. Her hair, dark as liquid night, cascaded down her back, her striking red eyes commanding the room's attention.

She was a living masterpiece.

Nobody dared to speak; everyone's focus was entirely on her.

Even the professors' attention was now fully on this person.

This person whom Quill recognized.

"Welcome, students," she began, her voice clear and authoritative, "to Sentinel Academy. I am Erisa Nocturne, former student president and last year's top-ranked student."

Erisa Nocturne. She was part of his—or rather Quill's—family.

Though he knew nothing about Quill's character or connections to the world, he wasn't sure if there was any familiarity between Quill and Erisa Nocturne.

Not that it mattered.

Erisa wasn't part of the main cast, but she played a crucial support role during the protagonist's time at the academy.

Even after that, she was vital in the battles against their enemies.

With her wealth and self-built esteem, she was essential for the protagonist's growth. She saw potential in him and invested in him. Successfully so.

"I once stood where you are now, and today I have the honor of guiding you through your journey here. This year will be transformative. It will teach you discipline, strength, and help shape your futures."

Traditionally, those who placed first in the entire academy were given the opportunity to teach the following year.

An opportunity only fools would decline, as it provided important life lessons, access to professional Hunters, and elevated their status among peers.

Additionally, she could scout out potential future Hunters just as she did with the protagonist.

"I'll keep this brief, as I know you're all eager to explore the academy's grounds. Today, there will be no classes, so you have the entire day to familiarize yourselves with your new environment."

She paused, her red eyes scanning the audience, taking in every face.

With a smile, she continued, "Under your chairs, you will find your scrolls. These are essential tools for your time here, so please take good care of them."

As if orchestrated, all of the students, including Quill, simultaneously reached under their chairs and retrieved a tablet.

It was as thin and clear as glass, yet surprisingly heavy and sturdy. This was the academy scroll, a device designed to store all the valuable information one would need here.

Quill, already knowledgeable, quickly pressed his thumb onto the display, letting it scan his fingerprint.

Shortly after, the screen lit up, displaying the message:

[ Welcome Student Quill Nocturne ]

"On your scrolls, you will find all kinds of information: rankings, grades, classes," Erisa Nocturne continued, "but also the map to your dorm room and other facilities. It's also a device for contacting fellow students and professors."

She paused for a moment.

"With that said, I will not intervene any further. Please calmly and orderly leave the auditorium and find your new homes."

Her speech ended, and the students only stood up after Erisa was out of sight.

"Huh, that felt way longer in the novel... I think," Quill murmured, shaking his head.

Experiencing something firsthand versus reading about it was bound to feel different, faster.

More importantly, he now had all the time he needed to relax and finally open up the suitcase he had been eagerly waiting to examine.