
Trapped In The Dark

The world was boring for Jon he saw it on a grayscale. He grew up without parents and the only family he ever knew was his grandfather and his sister. One day a message from his grandfather changed his worldview everything he thought he knew wasn't what it seemed to be, the world no, the universe was much bigger than he thought and the darkness of humans was a lot darker than he thought as well. Follow Jon and his friends as they turn the world upside down starting from a small island in the Caribbean.

Beast_son · Action
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Got Me Good

My name is Jonathon Tier, I'm sixteen years of age, I stand at the height of 5ft 9 inches, I'm dark-skinned and I have light brown eyes. Like your average teenage boy, I love listening to music, watching combat sports and I like exotic cars. 

Unlike your average teenage boy from an early age, I was trained in the art of combat, both armed and unarmed. I'm proficient in 3 martial arts that include Kyokushin karate, jiu-jitsu, and Taekwondo. I guess I'm also fairly decent in Boxing and Aikido if I try hard enough. I was taught Kendo by a friend of my grandfather and I'm also good at using knives and small blades. Don't even get me started with firearms, I was taught to use those before I was even 10 years old.

I know it all sounds unbelievable but it's all true, let's just say the man who raised me was a bit special. From a young age he would often bring me and my sister out into forests split us up and have us hunt each other down. He gave us airsoft or paint guns and told us to have at it until one of us got shot in what would be deemed a vital spot which would mean our death. At times he would have us hunt him down in the forest and try to take him out before the sun set or else we wouldn't eat and of course as young as we were we would never be able to keep up with him so we would have to hunt the wild animals in the forest often to eat. The animals weren't dangerous to us since they were primarily wild goats, birds, boars, and so forth. So my hunting instincts were sharpened to the point beyond belief for someone my age. 

You must be wondering why I am telling you all this right? It's because after all those years of abuse… sorry I meant training, I was caught by surprise by this girl walking ahead of me. She walked with calculated steps with her head held high and confident in every step she made. I stared at the purple bag that she wore on her back as we entered the school building while listening to the whispers of the students around us, from the way they were behaving I assumed that this girl was quite popular in the school. I thought back to the little stunt she pulled at the school gate when she was adjusting my tie and let out a sigh.

'She did that on purpose.' I thought to myself as I shook my head and continued to follow behind her.

"Don't pay them any mind they're high school students you know they like to gossip. They will forget about you in an hour or so." She said as she slowed down her pace to match mine so she could speak to me.

"I see." I replied to her apathetically as we started to walk side by side. She stared at me for a few seconds before a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

" You're the shy quiet type aren't you?" She asked leaning a little closer to me. I looked at her expression for a second then slowly pulled away from her.

"What made you come to that conclusion?" I asked her a question instead of giving her an answer.

"Well, you don't seem to be the social type to me." She replied looking at me with a strange look that seemed like she was trying to figure out my actions.

"Oh really? People who are immediately friendly towards people who they just met are the weird ones to me though" I replied side-eyeing her as we walked through the corridor.

"Sarcasm? So you do have a sense of humor." She said while looking at me with yet another mischievous smile on her face.

'I have a feeling this girl is gonna be trouble.' I thought to myself when I saw the way she was looking at me.

"Here I thought you were -" She stopped talking suddenly due to us arriving in front of an office door.

"We've arrived. This is the principal's office." She said then proceeded to knock on the door. I noticed that after she knocked on the door the expression on her face became serious the playful and mischievous smile that she had disappeared like it was a lie.

There was an awkward silence in the air for a few minutes. I continued to observe her face for a few seconds until I heard a voice from the other side of the door.

"Come in." I heard a stern feminine voice from the other side of the door. I looked at the girl beside me as she turned the doorknob pushed it open and walked in. 

When she entered the room, I walked in after her, and as soon as I entered the room I saw a middle-aged woman sitting behind an office desk using a computer. She looked like she was in her early forties but I can't say for sure.

After she finished the work that she was doing on her computer she looked up at us and then proceeded to speak.


"How can I help you Victoria?" She asked while looking directly at the girl which we now know the name of then her gaze fell on me to which she raised an eyebrow as if she was curious about something.

"I found him at the school gate and since I didn't recognize him I thought he was a new student and decided to offer him my help," Victoria answered the question with a business-like demeanour while looking at the principal.

"I see, thank you for your assistance Victoria. You may head to class." The Principal said to Victoria with a smile on her face to which she gave a brief nod and then turned around to leave, walked past me gave me a small smile exited the office, and closed the door behind her.

After the door was closed the principal focused her attention on me with a little smile on her face, She got up from behind her desk walked around it, and stood in front of me she then stretched out her hand for a handshake. I looked at her extended hand for a second then proceeded to take it and shook her hand.

"Welcome to Bridgeview Academy Jonathan Tier." She said to me while we were shaking hands. She soon let go and then proceeded to head back to her chair. After she was behind her desk her face changed to a complete business-like expression with no trace of the previous smile to be seen.

"I've been expecting you, Jonathan," She said to me while opening up a drawer on her desk and taking out a folder. She placed it on her desk opened it and took up some papers in her hand.

"Oh? I don't remember doing anything special to gain the attention of the principal on my first day at my new school, Mrs Walters." I said to her while glancing at the nameplate on her desk. I looked up at her to see that she was still looking at the papers and when she noticed my gaze she put down the papers and looked me directly in the eye.

"We both know that's a lie and I rather you not lie to me, Jonathan." She said while looking at me with a small glare in her eyes and I looked back at her with an apathetic look at my face as if I don't have a care in the world. Seeing the look on my face she gave a brief sigh and continued.

" Four students ended up in a hospital due to various knife injuries. Injuries that you inflicted on them but you got way scratch-free from that incident, even when the police got involved the case was labeled as self-defense and was swept under the rug." She finished and interlocked her fingers placing both her elbows on the table while looking at me with an intense gaze.

"I didn't know this school had so much interest in my personal life," I said in a playful tone while glaring at her slightly.

"Forgive me if you feel threatened but here at our school, we try to make sure that our students are safe from all kinds of harm even from themselves. Besides that, normally you wouldn't even enter a school like ours with that kind of record on your file." She said while taking up a sheet of paper from the folder and holding it up in front of her face. She then lowered it after a few seconds to show a small on her face.

"Luckily your grades are above the average student at this school which is quite an achievement in itself. However, you would need much more than luck to get in, especially with an incident like that. You had the help of someone with a higher position than me to get into this school, and there's only one person who fits that description." She continued speaking as she placed all the papers back into the folder and returned it to where it belonged.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you, Mr. Tier, make sure to be on your best behavior." She said with a stern look and proceeded to type something on her computer.

"I've informed your homeroom teacher of your arrival and he'll be coming to get you. You can wait outside the office." She said then proceeded to focus her attention back to the computer monitor.

I nodded then turned toward the door to exit the office and as I was making my way out the door I heard the voice of the principal once more.

"I hope you enjoy your days at the academy." She said without looking away from the computer monitor.

I looked back and once again nodded then closed the door behind me. Hearing the door closed the principal raised her head and looked at the door with a pondering look on her face for a few seconds and then went back to what she was working on.


"Man, that lady sure loves to hear her voice doesn't she?"

After exiting the office and standing to the side I heard the voice of my so-called alter ego echoing in my head. I looked to my left and saw it with a cocky smirk on his face. After looking at it with an annoyed look and sighed.

"Too bad unlike her I don't particularly like to hear my voice. Can't you make yourself useful and disappear forever?" I said to it with an expressionless face while putting on my headphones.

'Now why would I do that when we have such a close bond with each other?' He said with a narcissistic smirk on his face which irritated me more because I knew no matter how loud the music I was listening I'll still be able to hear this annoying motherfucker in my head clear as day.

I decided to ignore it and continue waiting for my supposed homeroom teacher to show up and after ten minutes a tall light-skinned man in a blue shirt and a black tie that matched his black pants and his black leather shoes walked up to me.

He had shaved hair with a mustache that was connected to his goatee, He looked at me from head to toe and I looked back at him with a lethargic expression. After a few seconds, he seemed to finish evaluating me, and noticing this I took off my headphones.

"You have problems with higher authority, don't you?" He asked when he saw me take off my headphones.

I looked at him with slight confusion due to the sudden question and when he saw the look on my face he shook his head, sighed, and muttered something about 'problem children' then proceeded to speak.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, you can call me, Mr. Thomas, headphones aren't allowed in class put them away and follow me." He then turned around and started walking, I looked at him walking away, raised my eyebrows for a few seconds took the headphones from around my neck, and started to follow him while putting them away.


After a few minutes, we exited the faculty building and approached the school building. As we walked Mr. Thomas gave me a brief rundown of the school.

"This school has three major buildings, well four if you count the old school building behind the school. We have the Faculty and administrative building which we just came from, The school building where classes are held, and where you would be spending most of your time. The school building is the largest building it is rectangular, and the classes for students from first year to fourth year are divided into different regions." He explained as we continued walking.

As we were walking the school was a lot bigger than imagined from what I could see so far the school owned more than two-hundred acres of land. We walked past a big garden with all kinds of flowers in it and after about fifteen minutes I could see the school building and I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised by it. 

It was about 2 stories high and was at least 40,000 square feet in size in a rectangular shape built out of reinforced glass and concrete. Mr. Thomas glanced at me and saw the surprise on my face and gave off a proud smirk as if he was proud of himself.

"I'm glad I took the long way just by seeing that surprised look on your face." He said to me while looking at me with a smile on his face.

Noticing this I reverted to my expressionless face to which he noticed and shook his head and continued.

"If you look to the right you'll see the gymnasium it's not quite as big as the school building but it's still big enough. Behind the gymnasium, you'll find the various sports fields and courts and if you go beyond the fence of the school grounds you'll see the old school building but I recommend you avoid that in fact, it's against the school rules to go there." He said while pointing out the previously mentioned places.

He continued walking entering the huge school building and I continued walking behind him while I looked around. Once we entered I saw a huge staircase that splits to the left and the right. Students were loitering about moving up and down the stairs some even walked behind the stairs that I couldn't see clearly due to the huge stairs. The interior of the building is like a mixture of modern architecture and old European architecture combined which gives off a weird feeling but somehow fits perfectly.

"Shouldn't these students be in class?" I asked wondering why students were still seeing loitering around the area.


"Hmm? Oh, classes don't start until 8:30 and it's still only 8:00 so they have a little time to spare. You still don't have a class schedule but I'll give you one once we arrive at the classroom. Follow me." He said as we continued walking up the stairs and made a right turn. We past several classes until we arrive at a glass door with the number 2-1 above it. He slid the glass door open and the once boisterous classroom became silent and he began to speak.

"Good morning class we have a new student joining our class today." He announced as he entered and stood in front of the class.

"You can come inside now." He turned to look at me who was standing outside the door. I looked at Mr. Thomas who was smiling and sighed, placed my usually apathetic on my face, and walked in.

'Here we go again' I entered and looked at my future classmates with a look of disinterest, well that's until a familiar face caught my eye.