

“My secret lover is not Rebecca but the beautiful lady in front of me. Let's build our love story together. With that he goes on his knees “Will you marry me? Andrea gapes at the man proposing to her, who is known for the reputation of being a ruthless billionaire. Fate can be funny and inevitable. Their first encounter was that of her warning him not to cross paths with her in the future, the second was his brutal rejection of her working in his company and now the third was his proposal. Finally caught in his enticing offer of taking care of her sick mother, she signs the contract of acting as his fiancee in public but life takes a drastic turn as many forces, scandals, dark family pasts, and secrets oppose their love story. Will they be able to fight for their love or rather lose their life in the process? Read to find out!

Adaobi_Nancy · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Outside the Manor, the dappled sunlight streamed through the trees, and the smell of freshly cut glasses and birdsong echoed. Andrea's eyes shine in admiration at the magnificent sight before her as Their van finally comes to a halt at the entrance of the building. The building exterior gleamed under the soft glow of the sun, its architecture a testament to modern elegance. The entrance was adorned with a sprawling red carpet, leading people into the world of opulence and indulgence.

"You might catch a fly! A member of her team whispers in her ear causing her to quickly close her mouth and smile uncouthly at her. "I just love admiring good things and this sight in front of me is a work of art! Andrea adds….

"I've served at the event of many prestigious families but none can compete with his manor, it looks surreal, like a heaven on earth!

Andrea blinks thoughtfully "Do you happen to know the name of the family we will be serving today?

"I don't think so but judging from the opulence of this Manor, I guess it's the Hamilton family!—no family beats them in the chart.

"Oh, I see! Andrea replies, feeling deja vu. She has heard of the family name but where? Maybe the excitement of being paid a huge amount after the party or the fun she might have at the party crowded her thoughts.

"Ladies! Start coming down from the van, please! A voice that belongs to their Madam calls from outside the van. They all climbed down the vehicle and walked to stand at her front...

"Your team is batch B and you all are in charge of serving the food and drinks tonight. Is that clear?

"Yes, Ma! They all chorused

"Before I forget, remember the rules, no chit-chatting amongst yourselves once the event starts, no exchange of pleasantries with the guests, walk with your head raised high, talk only when necessary, your hair should be packed in a high sleek bun, and wear a smile on your face."— "Did I make myself clear?

"Yes, Maam! They responded

"Good! She exclaims, her eyes skimming through their faces and stopping at Andras."Miss Andrea, I want you to give in your best! Cleo will highlight you more before the event….. With that, she walks back to the building and the team follows suit. The bodyguards scan their bodies before granting them access to the building.

Once they got to their assigned space, the girls quickly changed into a crisp black uniform and packed their hair in a neat high bun.

Many thoughts kept swimming through her head. She felt nervous and excited at the same time.

"How long have you worked as a server? Andrea asks inquisitively.

"Uhm! It's up to four years! Cleo replies. "The main advice I will give you is to avoid those arrogant tycoons to bypass any trivial matter!

"Thank you, Cleo, I will have that in mind! Andrea replies.


Andrea stood at the entrance to the family's ballroom. Tonight she would step into the world of luxury and extravagance as a server at the highly anticipated engagement party hosted by the Hamilton group. The ballroom was bathed in a warm, golden glow.

The air was filled with delicate fragrances or freshly cut flowers, the sound of laughter and clinking of glasses filled the air, and the soft, melodic hum of a live string quartet floated through the room, adding a touch of sophistication to the ambiance. The guests dressed in their finest attire, extruding an air of confidence and poise as they mingled and engaged in animated conversations.

Andrea made her way through the crowd, balancing trays of Canapés and champagne flutes, she noticed a beautiful lady who stood at the center. The lady was no other person but the famous Rebecca Gillian, the daughter of the second richest family in Los Angeles. She was elegantly dressed in a silhouette gown embedded with diamonds, her blonde hair Cascading curls and her piercing hazel eyes commanded attention wherever she went. Andrea was about to walk past where the lady stood surrounding her in admiration before Rebecca beckoned her to come closer.

"A glass of champagne please." her melodious voice vibrates.

Andrea lowered the tray and her perfectly manicured hand took a glass. "Merci" Rebecca mouths to her before turning her attention toward the prestigious guests around her. Andrea could hear them congratulating her before she walked to the right corner of the room where her service was needed.

Cleo had told her earlier that the occasion was an engagement party. Maybe Rebecca was to be engaged that night. Nevertheless, she wished her well since she seemed like a nice person.

After serving for the round she returned to the far corner of the room where her team stood in action. "How are you feeling? Cleo asks her

"For a second I thought I was in heaven! Andrea jokes and they both snicker.

"I just wish I could walk up to Rebecca Gillian to get her autograph! Cloe tells Andrea, excitement lacing in her voice.

"Are you her fan? Andrea asks in amusement… "A die-hard fan—she is just perfection! Cleo replies, grinning hard.

"Ahm, can you quit grinning? You look like a kid who got her favorite candy!

"Can I have the candy forever?

Andrea's eyebrows furrow in pain… "Oh my dear Cleo, sorry you can't!

"You sulk in acting! Both ladies laugh quietly.

A loud clap and cheering echoes around the ballroom and Andrea's head snaps to the source. All eyes including eyes turned to look at the imposing young man descending the grand staircase. The room fell silent, breaths held in anticipation. At that moment, it seemed like the man was a God commanding attention and admiration from whoever beheld him

. The Camera flashes and the shutter sounds rain on him as he majestically walks up to the stage to meet an Older version of him, who holds admiration in his gaze…..

The older man who introduced himself as the Great Hamilton gave a quick opening speech and both father and son walked to their special seat.

"Andrea! Cleo nudges her

Andrea turned her attention to Cleo, "uhm! She breathes out, feeling mesmerized by the magnificent view she just witnessed.

"It's time to serve the Hamilton family! Cleo nervously says and they both walk to their table. Their boss carries a tray of champagne whereas both of them carry a tray of arranged glasses.

Andrea suddenly felt uneasy, she could not place how she felt. Once they reached the family table. She noticed that Rebecca sat coquettishly beside the man who looked so serious pressing his phone.

"It's our honor to be of service to you! Their boss said and they all bowed to the family. Rebecca slowly raised her head to see the young man staring intensely at her. Her eyes widened in horror and her whole body turned pale, he was no other person but Lance Hamilton, the arrogant jerk…

Her hands trembled but she still managed to place the tray on the table. She subconsciously glanced in his direction to see him smirking at her.


What has she been doing all night? Hiding!!!

Andrea hid almost throughout the party. It's not like she didn't carry out her service but she kept avoiding Lance Hamilton. The universe must be working in her favor because Lance didn't for once look in her direction.

Instead, she was the one watching the couple sway and twirl on the gleaming polished dance floor to the enchanting melodies played by a live orchestra, their movement mirroring the grace and elegance of the occasion. The dance finally stops with the couple now in a romantic position, with Rebecca's body almost pressed to lances, his right hand gripping her waist, and her delicate hand gently holding onto the back of his neck...

Everyone claps in admiration and curiosity about the next action but Andrea feels indifferent. She noticed Lance's cold gaze was different from that of Rebecca's fond gaze. He gently detached himself from her but still maintained his cold expression.

"I've always dreamt of this day... he pauses to gaze at the guest's faces. The room grew silent, excitement glowing on everyone's face.

"A day that I will profess my undying feelings to the woman I want to spend my entire life loving— a woman that drew stars around my scars, the woman I want to bear my children." he turns to look at Rebecca who was now shading tears of joy.

"Lance! She breathes out his name...

The whole room gasps as Lance makes his way into their midst. Andrea's attention diverted from the drinks she was pouring into the glass to the room. Her eyes widened as Lance walked towards her direction, her heart beating loudly with each step he took.

When he got to her side, everybody gasped in shock, Cameras flashing, murmurs echoed around the room. "Mr Hamilton, w-what are you doing? Andrea stammers, feeling perplexed.

Lance goes on his right knee, pulls out a ring box from his pocket, and opens it to reveal the pink star diamond ring.

"Finally, I can now profess my love to you, my love! He mutters….

"Will you marry me, Andrea? He tells her.

Just then the bottle of champagne she held fell to the ground, shattered, and the liquid splashed on their faces.

"Will you be mine forever? He says fondly to her.