

Calvin leaned on the rails on the balcony of his bedroom seemingly lost in thought. His mind drifted to what happened moments ago. The image of Allison's naked body refused to leave his head. Somehow thinking about her was giving him a hard on. She is not the first girl he has been with but none of them ever made him feel this way. Just what kind of power does that fragile looking woman possess?

What bothered him the most was this feeling in his chest that refused to go away. Why was he feeling so guilty. He didn't take advantage of her. Maybe he did, but at least she agreed to it. She has fulfilled the end of their bargain, she should fulfill her own.

His mind took him to that day that he saw her cry. Her cries affecting him in ways that he didn't think was possible, as though he didn't want to see her cry. He felt a strong urge to comfort her. That woman! She is really a force to be reckoned with. He should just have his way with her and be done.

"What are you thinking of so seriously little brother that you didn't hear me walk in?" he heard Leo's annoying voice from behind him. He does not have the strength to deal with that guy right now. "And where is your girlfriend?"

"Allison is in her room." he answered dismissively, hoping that he would leave.

Why did he assume that she is his girlfriend. But surprisingly, he didn't feel repulsed. He had always hated it when women try to get close to him, he only wants them for sexual pleasure and nothing else. Most of the time, it will be just for a night.

He found her, she was beautiful and damn sexy even when professionally dressed, he tried to imagine how she will appear if she was dressed to seduce. She sure would kill a man.

"Why is she not with you? You guys were about to make babies less than an hour ago. I excepted to meet you guys cuddling or something of the like."

What's with this guy and his assumptions?

"She is in her room and we weren't doing anything you are thinking." Calvin replied angrily.

"You are here because of her right?" Leo asked, his tone suddenly turning serious.

Calvin didn't reply to that.

"She's not your girlfriend right? Did you kidnap her?"

"What? No. Why would you think that?" Calvin asked, turning to him and Leo chuckled.

"You know you are capable of that." Leo said that as if he was stating a fact.

Calvin just shrugged.

"So if she's not your girlfriend and you didn't kidnap her, why is she here? She doesn't look like she is here to force herself on you?" Leo tilted his head to the side and made a sarcastic thinking expression.

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

Yeah! So typical of Calvin.

"Are you by any means falling for her?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. Oh! how he so wish that Calvin would fall in love.

"Hell no!" Calvin yelled.


"I'm absolutely sure." he said.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Leo asked again cocking his head to the side. Calvin ignored him.

"Poor you. You don't know what you are getting yourself into, but I do hope you fall in love anyway. I can't wait to see you wrapped around a lady's fingers."

Calvin looked at him, then he opened his mouth to say something and Leo quickly raised his hands as if in surrender.

"Alright I give up. You are totally not in love with her even though you are out here thinking about her."

Calvin just ignored him.

"Hey Calvin, I'm talking to you and if you continue to ignore me, I will go and look for Allison. I think she's a better companion. And right now, I'm craving a female's company."

Calvin turned to look at him, his face twisting in anger but Leo wasn't fazed one bit. He even seemed to be enjoying the situation.

"Go find someone else somewhere else."

"Why do I need to do that when they is a beautiful lady here whom you are totally not in love with."

"Leo!" Calvin called his name harshly.

"Are you in love with her?"

"I said no. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of my house." Calvin yelled.

"Relax bro. Stop scaring me." Leo replied in a laid back tone completely unbothered by the fact that the other guy was about to burst in anger. "Since you said you don't like her, I will try my luck with her. She's exactly my type anyway."

Calvin felt his blood boil at Leo's words. Why was he so angry? She didn't mean anything to him so he shouldn't be angry. Anyway since she's his for the time being, it will not be proper for her to have any other man. After the two months is over, she can be with whoever she wants, it will be none of his business. Right?

"Don't you dare Leo."

"What is it little brother? you don't want her and yet you don't want me to have her? That's not fair."

Calvin decided not to reply him again. He knows that he is just trying to piss him off. He won't do anything he says anyway.

"Anyway let me try my luck, if she falls for me, that will be a good thing." Leo then said and walked away smiling. He really knew how to push Calvin's buttons.

Calvin could only stand there and watch his annoying cousin bouncing back to wherever he came from. That guy makes him want to commit murder. At this rate, it won't be a bad thing if he just kill him.

He came out here to calm himself down and that guy popped out of nowhere to annoy him more. Great!Maybe he should just sleep.

With that he dragged his feet inside his room and lay himself down on the bed but the sleep he sought didn't come. Instead his mind kept going back and forth, thinking about Allison. She has just been here for a few days and he is already this affected. He kept seeing her naked body and he couldn't help but remember how her body felt in his hands.

He shut his eyes tightly, then the image of her crying came to his mind and his chest tightened.

"Fuck!" he cursed out.

Should he send her away? He shook his head. Whatever these feelings are; he is going to fight it and he is definitely going to overcome it. He was never the type to give up.

After thinking for a long while, his eyelids finally became heavy and he drifted to sleep.