
Trapped in Her Heart

"Love finds it's way no matter what happens....." ..... At the beach. With their hands intertwined together, Sebastian and Ellie were taking a romantic evening beach walk together. Turning towards Sebastian, Ellie smiled and asked, “Seb, what do you like in me?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian smiled. Inching closer, he brushed their lips together and whispered, “I like each and everything about you.” ...... This is a story about Ellie Miller, a resident of Seattle, Washington and Sebastian Stewart, a native of Los Angeles. After spending more than a decade trying to live up to his parents' expectations, Sebastian Stewart had lost the true meaning of life. He lived his life in a very systematic manner with each and every second planned and scheduled for something. Many even said that he lived a robotic life. But things changed when someone entered his life and dragged him out of the robotic life he lived in. Not only did she add colors into his boring life, she opened the most beautiful path for him, the path of love and compassion. Like every ordinary woman, Ellie Miller always wanted to have a perfect love story. After witnessing the special bond her parents shared, her expectations for love spiked. Having zero experience in love even after twenty-five years of her existence, Ellie finally realized how beautiful love actually is after meeting Sebastian Stewart. Coming from two different family backgrounds, will Sebastian and Ellie manage to overcome all the obstacles that come their way? Join Ellie and Sebastian in their sweet and beautiful journey of love and compassion where they learn and grow together. ---- Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me :)

Sofia05 · Urban
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301 Chs


Ellie frowned and pursed her lips after Sebastian left. How could he just walk out while she was talking? Did he not know that it was rude to walk out when someone is talking?

Wait, did she say something that she shouldn't have?

Widening her eyes in shock she gasped. Did she just lash out at her boss?

Slapping her forehead, she cursed herself for having such a big mouth. Wasn't this matter already over? Sebastian had already apologized and she had already forgiven him so why did she snap at him?

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she sighed. Why was she poking her nose in someone else's life when he clearly wasn't liking it? Ellie had never cared anyone so much apart from her close friends, Melissa and her family but for some odd reason, she was caring about Sebastian more than she was supposed to and no matter how hard she tried not to, she couldn't stop herself.

Just then a loud thunder startled her.

Placing her hand on her chest, she was trying to calm herself down when Sebastian entered the room holding a glass of water.

"Here Ms Miller, drink it."

Taking the glass from his hand, Ellie lowered her head and said, "I thought you left."

"I thought you wanted me to stay but if I am invading your privacy then I can—"

"No no I did not mean that, I thought that maybe you got pissed again and left." Running her fingers through the rim of the glass, she sighed, "I am sorry for shouting at you, I didn't mean to but it just came out of me and I am really very sorry for that."

"I just stepped out to get some water for you because I thought you needed it."

"I did." Gulping down the entire glass in one go, she sighed, "Ahh this feels so good."

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she kept the glass on the bedside table before looking at Sebastian only to realise that he was already staring at her.

Balling his hand into a fist which was tucked inside his pocket, he ran his other hand through his hair before turning around.

Why did she look so sexy even when she was only drinking some water with her lips pressed against the rim of the glass?

There she was innocently quenching her thirst and what was he doing? He couldn't stop staring at her pink juicy lips and the water droplet that trickled down from the corner of her lips only to disappear under her clothes.

Massaging his forehead, he sighed. From when did he start having such nasty thoughts?

Scratching his neck, he awkwardly cleared his throat and tried not to think about her lacy bra, her lips and how gorgeous she looked when she was scolding him.

"Hmm boss, are you okay?"

"Ya, I guess I just need some water." Yes, he needed a big jar of water because he was thirsty, very thirsty.

"Ya sure, I'll get it for you."

After Ellie left, Sebastian quickly followed her behind. He didn't wanna stay in her room and see anything more than he should.



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