
trapped in a zombie world with a system

Erick_Martin_9381 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

waking up discovering the status window

I woke up in a hospital room not remembering anything but my name and age. My name is David and I am 19

I woke up in a hospital room hearing loud noises and the building shaking. I got up wobbly and made my way to the door in my hospital gown but stopped.

The floor shook again so I turned back. I then went to the window to open it. when I did I seen a scene that shocked me

the city was destroyed there where buildings on fire helicopters and Jets flying around, destroyed buildings everywhere and bridges crossing the river where all collapsed but one.

there was a crowd of what looked like to be a large crowd of people moving on to the last remaining bridge be it very slowly I stopped watching then looked around the room for for anything ues full I seen a white coat.

walked over to it stumbling against the wall it was hanging from. I then put the coat on. suddenly a voice rang in my head saying you have equipped an item to see the stats of the item say or think stats.

I said stats then a window the size of a medium sized computer monitor showed up in front of me.


level: 0

Armor : none

Weapons: none

Injuries: head: effect ( temporary memory loss)

health points: 80-100

stamina: 100-100

thirst: 80- 100


intellect :10


skills : none

I was surprised I had a head injury because I didn't feel any pain but when I touched my head I felt the bandage wrap around my head.

I started to the door then all of a sudden the ground shook then a loud crash happened in the hallway I got to the door then opened it. I peeked my head out it seems when the ground shook the legs of a vending machine broke and fell on its side blocking a door.

Not only was there a vending machine blocking the door there was lights hanging from the ceiling that had fallen out. there was also something smeared on the wall saying living dead beyond this point with an arrow pointing at the door.

I looked down the other end of the hall and there was corpses and what looked like pale people eating the corpses. there was at most 5 people eating copses.

I quickly shut the door to my room scared of what I had just seen locked it. I must have closed the door to hard because there was banging at the door. I assume that I gand the attention of one or two of the things out side the door.

I started to frantically look around and through the drawers I found 3 scalpels, a broom handle, a 2 bandages. and 4 soft cast wraps. then the voice rang in my head again it told me that I had just picked up the items so I ignored it.

I used the medical bed rail as leverage to make a clean brake on the broom handle. then using a scalpel and the broken off part of the broom handle to make a split in the top of the broom handle and slide the other two scalpels in to the split. then I used a soft cast wrap to fassen everything tightly together.

the system rang in my head and said you have gained a new skill crued weapon crafting and leveled up. You have gained 1 attribute points. you can use these to upgrade your attributes by 10 points. I chose to upgrade my strength to help me fight. System notification your strength has gone up from 10 to 20.

edit (this is my first time writing a novel I am also a bit illiterate so some words may not be spelled correctly I will try to make sure that all words are correct please 🥺 tell me if the chapters are to short)