
The reason for Freytan's anger.

Returning back in time to when Freytan was ten years old, two years before Marian became the Duchess, because the family that held that title had died in a massacre that occurred in their region.

In the Murim region, in a different country where the main village of Freytan's clan was located, an attack was about to take place.

A colossal gray worm with red stripes and a mouth full of sharp teeth, arranged in four rows encircling the entirety of its mouth, rose up towards the sky. Its head then turned towards the center of the village, casting an ominous shadow over the surroundings.

"sssssssss" a sinister green gas began to emanate from the mouth of the worm, snaking through the air and infiltrating every corner of the village. Quickly, the gas enveloped each building, shrouding them in a toxic and eerie mist.