

"Tell me Mystia ," Azreel starts but I cut her off.

"I prefer Moja. " I say raising a dismissive hand.

She looks at me blankly for a second and clears her throat.

"Moja, If you had five days to change what happened today? What would be the outcome? "She asks in her emotionless voice, straight face and lifeless eyes staring at my soul. Gulp.

I think for a minute.

"I would have sent my junior to this deal. The hood could survive without any of them but without me they will all die like sewer rats. You will be collecting them one by one just you wait. They can't last a day without me. You should ask me what I would have done five minutes before all this. If you could take me back, I would shoot both Matt and Ben . Bastards! " I rumble in rage.

Azreel is quiet for a while.

"Very well then, brace yourself for the sickest ride of your life. " She says gravely.


I don't even get to finish my thoughts when weird whirlwind appears from nowhere. It surrounds me and start spinning faster.

It goes faster and faster and I feel out of it. It's like I'm there and not there at the same time. I then start falling into nothingness. It feels weird and scary. I was weightless before, but now I feel so heavy. The torture ends when I drop to my knees feeling weak. It all stopped and now we are like in an ancient castle made of marble that is now old with moss grown on it.

We like just popped up in front of it. I now remember not seeing Azreel next to me. She let me suffer the ride alone?

"You flew here? " I question unbelievably.

"Shh! "She places a long delicate finger on her pale lips , "Do you hear anything? " She asks.

"No. " I reply quickly.

"Then shut it Moja. The founder doesn't like noises in the day. You will have to learn to not make a sound. " She instructs.

"Who the fuck is the founder? Why doesn't he like noises in the day? " I question irritated.

"He likes his entertainment in the night. " Azreel smirks at her own words.

I shudder a little. That is the angel of death smirking talking about some 'founder ' !

"Azreel, been a while since you brought an inmate into this unit. " A strong cold voice says out of the blues.

Azreel and I turn around to face the owner and two cold chills run down my spine. The man is overly handsome like best features were all given to him. But he has horns on his head and black wings behind him. Then on either side of him is two shadowy figures.

I say shadowy because they have no faces and are wearing thick black cloaks. You cannot see their silhouette and they have no legs. But they have hands which are very calloused. The three are moving towards us but they are not walking. It's as if the ground is moving away from them.

"Settle this one in, I have another errand to run right now. " Azreel says and poofs away.


"No! Don't leave me here. I don't want to be here. " I shout looking around me in case she is still not gone far.

"She can't hear you. She is already back on earth collecting the next soul. So you are stuck here for eternity. I have one rule and one alone, do not make any noises during the day. Get him inside. " The founder I guess commands.

And he leaves no room for discussion. Before he also poofs away. The shadowy figures are onto me in a second. On both of my sides.

Here comes the chills again. I try not to look at them. They don't touch me or say anything. Suddenly I feel like my body has flesh again. I look at myself and I feel alive again. But still very naked. Then I straighten up and start walking as I start chanting, 'Keep walking ' in my head.

Why I would be chanting that, I don't know. As soon as I make the first step, the figures move with me and I hear screams and cries. I am shaking so much right now with every step, you would say I'm having a seizure or something. But we keep walking and I am chanting the way as we go as if I've been here before...?!