



She is fucking Amelia.

I never thought she would be someone involved in stuff like this. She was so pure and looked so innocent. But now that i look back i ask myself 'was it obvious or was so delusional to see it?' or ' i knew she had something to do with this stuuf but i was too ignorant to acknowledge it'.

I knocked out the man. I was already on my feet cause i needed to get out of this place as fast as i can. I cant put Rush's and Jeremy's life in danger. It seemed more guys were coming but we can get out of here before they can reach.

Amelia also stood up and was about to say something but i beat her to it " I feel don't even know you but we have more important matters on our hand now, we need to get Rush and Jeremy out first." i said coldly with stoic face. I clearly saw the hurt on her face. She masked it immediately and gave me curt nod.

I went to look for rush and heard his angry voice. I found him at the back of the warehouse, he was talking to Hayley. She was wearing same clothes as Amelia and was on the verge of tears. But then Rush said something i never imagined him to say,

"You are same. Same like every other woman. Lying to me, what else did you lied about? huh? that your parents are dead? so that you could get my trust? i never thought you would be same lying bitch i came across to maybe it was good that your parents are gone or even if they are really gone in real life, because you would have been a disappointment for them-" he never got to finish his sentence because he was cut by a loud slap across his face. Hayley slapped him and i am not even surprised she did cause if i were o her place i would have punched him. I was never close to Hayley but i knew at least that much that she is anything but disappointment.

I saw the regret and hurt in Rush's eyes while i saw betrayal and hurt and many other unexplainable emotions in Hayley's eyes.

(its first time but hayley and rush are min side characters so i will give their pov in last part of each chapter to make you understand their story too.)


He said something that i thought he would never say. He tapped on all of insecurities. He said every thing that he knew would hurt me but still he said and he can never take them back. My parents were my only family whom i lost when i was fifteen years old, they never failed to make me realize i was a disappointment to them but i loved them anyway. i felt lonely after they left but with loneliness came self doubts that i was a disappointment altogether. Amelia did everything she could to bring my self confidence back, it helped but not entirely. But when i met Rush he made all the self doubts disappear and made me realize my worth but now i think he also thought i was disappointment, but i will not allow him to ruin me i know how hard it is to live without self esteem so i won't let him bring me down.

As soon as he those words left his mouth i slapped him. He looked like he didn't expect it and soon his eyes shone with realization and then regret and then soon they were glossy.

He tried to reach out for me and i just held my hand up and stooped him. I turned and saw that travis had witnessed all this. I just went near him and whispered " just take him home safely, will you?".

His eyes held surprise and he spoke " i will. And Hayley you are not a DISAPPOINTMENT." he said through gritted teeth and with anger which i guessed was towards Rush. It was good to hear it. I just gave him a sad smile and left. I came here just for Amelia and it seemed we might need to move back because of all this mafia chaos, I never wanted to leave but it didn't seem such a bad idea now.

Sorry! for late update.

*sheild herself from rotten tomates and shoes thrown*

I am trying my hardest but i am kind of behind in my acadamies amd i need to catch up on them.

Buuuuuut.... i will try to update.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Esha_Maniyarcreators' thoughts