

In a city ruled by crime and corruption, two powerful families join forces through a contract marriage. A cold and ruthless billionaire, driven by anger and a thirst for power, is betrothed to a skilled fighter with a hidden past. As their reluctant partnership deepens into an unexpected love, they find themselves embroiled in a dangerous game of loyalty and betrayal. Can love truly conquer the darkest of secrets?  

EvelynMystique · Realistic
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: No Time To Waste

As the days passed, the aftermath of the chaotic night of the kidnapping and shootout began to unfold. Investigations were in full swing, and the police were determined to get to the bottom of the case.


Detective Maria Rodriguez was leading the investigation into the kidnapping and subsequent events. She had a reputation for being relentless and thorough in her pursuit of justice. With a team of dedicated officers, they worked tirelessly to uncover the truth.


One morning, Detective Rodriguez called Alessio to her office. He arrived at the police station, determined to cooperate fully in the investigation. As he entered her office, he noticed the stern expression on her face.


"Mr. Bianchi," Detective Rodriguez began, her tone serious, "we've been examining the evidence from the night of the kidnapping, and it's leading us in a troubling direction."


Alessio raised an eyebrow, trying to maintain his composure. "What do you mean, Detective?"


Detective Rodriguez leaned forward, her eyes locked onto his. "All the evidence we've gathered points to your father's involvement in the kidnapping and the subsequent shootout with the rival gang. We have eyewitness accounts, surveillance footage, and ballistics reports that support this theory."


Alessio felt a sinking feeling in his chest. He knew that his father was ruthless, but the idea that he would orchestrate such a dangerous plan left him speechless. He couldn't let his father take the fall for something he had no part in.


"Detective Rodriguez," Alessio began carefully, "I assure you, my father did not know about the events that transpired that night. I believe he's being framed."


Detective Rodriguez studied Alessio's face, searching for any signs of deception. "Why would someone want to frame your father, Mr. Bianchi? What could they possibly gain from it?"


Alessio took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "There are rival factions within our world, Detective. They seek to undermine my family's power. I believe they orchestrated the entire incident to weaken our position."


Detective Rodriguez nodded slowly, considering Alessio's explanation. "It's a serious accusation, Mr. Bianchi. We'll need concrete evidence to support your claims."


Alessio knew he had to act quickly to find that evidence. He had Enzo and his loyal allies working tirelessly to uncover the truth. He couldn't allow his father to take the blame for a crime he didn't commit.


Meanwhile, Alessio's friends, the Vipers, were also under investigation. The police were determined to connect the dots between the rival gang, the kidnapping, and the shootout. They suspected that Alessio and his friends were involved in illegal activities.


Alessio knew that the Vipers were innocent in this case, and he couldn't let his friends suffer unjustly. He reached out to them, urging them to cooperate with the investigation while also protecting themselves from any false accusations.


As the investigation continued, tensions rose within the city's criminal underworld. Alessio was caught in the middle of a dangerous game, trying to clear his father's name, protect his friends, and uncover the truth behind the orchestrated chaos of that fateful night.


With Detective Rodriguez determined to get to the bottom of it all, Alessio knew that time was running out. He had to find the evidence that would reveal the true mastermind behind the events that had shaken their world.


The investigation was far from over, and Alessio was ready to confront the shadows of his past and unveil the secrets that threatened to tear his family apart.


During Alessio's meeting with Detective Rodriguez, as she laid out the evidence pointing toward his father's involvement, Alessio interrupted her with a newfound determination in his voice.


"Detective Rodriguez," he said, "I understand your concerns, but there's something you need to know. One of the policemen who shot that night was not a real officer. He was planted there by someone with ill intentions."


Detective Rodriguez frowned, her curiosity piqued. "Are you suggesting that there's a spy within the police force?"


Alessio nodded firmly. "Yes, exactly. I believe this spy played a crucial role in orchestrating the events that unfolded that night. If you want to get to the bottom of this, you should focus your investigation on weeding out the traitor among your ranks."


Detective Rodriguez considered Alessio's words carefully. She knew he had connections and resources within the city's criminal underworld, and he might have information that the police didn't. She decided to entertain the possibility.


"Mr. Bianchi," she said, "I appreciate your input. We'll look into the matter within the police force. But I want to make it clear that if your father is found guilty, he will face the consequences."


Alessio nodded in agreement. He knew that he had to take matters into his own hands to clear his father's name and protect his friends.


After the meeting with Detective Rodriguez, Alessio called his friends, the Vipers, together for a secret gathering. They met in a secluded location, away from prying eyes and ears.


"Alessio, what's going on?" one of his friends asked, concern etched on his face.


Alessio explained the situation, detailing the planted spy within the police force and the need to uncover the truth. His friends nodded in understanding and solidarity.


"We can't rely on the police to solve this," Alessio declared. "We'll conduct our investigation and find the evidence we need to clear our names and expose the true mastermind behind all of this."


With a sense of purpose, Alessio and his friends, the Vipers, began their covert operation. They delved deep into the criminal underworld, following leads, gathering information, and unearthing secrets that would help them unravel the tangled web of deceit that threatened their lives and the Bianchi family's reputation.


As Alessio and his friends worked tirelessly, they knew that they were racing against time. The shadows of deception were closing in around them, but they were determined to emerge victorious, protect their loved ones, and uncover the truth that had eluded them for so long.

A few days after Alessio went ahead to the police station, Detective Rodriguez arrived at the imposing gates of the Bianchi estate, her unmarked police car gliding to a stop. As she stepped out of the vehicle, her eyes scanned the grandeur of the mansion before her. The Bianchi family had long been a powerful presence in the city, and their residence reflected that influence.


She was greeted by a uniformed officer, who led her through the manicured gardens and into the opulent mansion. The interior was adorned with priceless art, intricate chandeliers, and luxurious furnishings that spoke of the family's wealth and status. Detective Rodriguez couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in such an extravagant environment.


Soon, she found herself in a spacious study where Alessio's father, Roderick  Bianchi, awaited her. Roderick, a man of advanced age but sharp demeanor, rose from behind his ornate desk to greet her.


"Detective Rodriguez, what brings you to my home?" he inquired, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance.


She extended her hand, offering a firm handshake. "Mr. Bianchi, I appreciate your willingness to meet with me. I'm here to discuss a matter of utmost importance regarding recent events involving your family."


Roderick's expression remained stoic as he motioned for her to take a seat. Detective Rodriguez sat down, her posture radiating professionalism.


"Mr. Bianchi," she began, "we've been conducting an investigation into the incident at the party, particularly the disappearance of your daughter-in-law, Chiara. Our initial findings, as well as various pieces of evidence, suggest that the police officers involved in the operation that night were under your employ."


Roderick's eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward, his tone measured but firm. "Detective Rodriguez, I assure you, I had nothing to do with any police operation or the disappearance of Chiara. I am as concerned about her well-being as my son Alessio."


The detective maintained her composure, carefully choosing her words. "We have reason to believe that there was a planted spy among the police officers that night, someone who may have acted without your knowledge. It is imperative that we uncover the truth to clear your family's name."


His expression remained unreadable, and he chose his next words carefully. "Detective Rodriguez, my family has been a pillar of this city for generations. We have enemies, and they will stop at nothing to see us fall. I will cooperate with your investigation to the fullest extent, but I implore you to find the truth quickly. My family's reputation hangs in the balance."


Detective Rodriguez nodded, acknowledging his concerns. "Mr. Bianchi, I assure you that we are committed to a thorough and impartial investigation. If your family is innocent, the truth will come to light."


As Detective Rodriguez left the opulent mansion, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Bianchi family's involvement in the events of that fateful night than met the eye. She knew that uncovering the truth would require navigating a web of power, deception, and secrets that stretched far beyond the mansion's grandeur.