
Trapped and Tormented

Undiscoveredflower · Horror
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4 Chs

Chapter 2


I always knew I was different but I never understood how. My mom used to tell me I was weird but I only stared blankly at her. If you're going to make a point at least explain said point. How was one to understand your perspective without any explanations. Humans! I thought while rolling my eyes.

I began being more observant at a young age after getting in trouble multiple times for saying the wrong things or acting the wrong way. I was told life does not revolve around me and I shouldn't find it fun toying with people. I was told I should smile, I should have empathy, I should this, I should that.

My second question was Why?

Turned out the answer to that was simple. It's because people do whatever you ask of them when a cute little harmless girl smiles or cries.

Home wasn't really a good place to observe human behavior because there were limited people around. School on the other hand was PERFECT.

I walked through the brown large doors of my school and stood in the hallway watching all the students shuffle around. I had just entered 5th grade and my aim was to test out all I've learned by first making 'friends'. Apparently humans love company so I guess I now love it as well.

There were two girls I already had in mind. Briana and Bianca. Briana was the girl who was very polite, always saying hi, doing nice things for people but the last term of 4th grade she changed. She is now mean, I like this side of her and I'm curious to know what changed her. Also I have some special plans just for her. Bianca on the other hand spoke to my soul. She was dark and mysterious. Always wearing dark clothes, never smiles and gives everyone the cold shoulder. We could literally be partners in crime.

I plastered a smile onto my face like I've seen others have done and walked up to Briana.

"Meet me at lunch" I told her and walked away as soon as the bell rang.