
Chapter 5 Cases on

After another polite greeting, Jip left with official duties, leaving Susan for follow-up records.

"Melany, don t worry. I take many cases of this kind. Men just can t control their little buddy and easy to become angry. I will not let him succeed if I am here. After processing the provided data, there will be other places that need your help to notify you later. If you have any evidence, you can contact me at any time." Susan was full of confidence and glanced at Sam intentionally or unintentionally while speaking.

Sam and the manager couldn't help but twitched when they heard this. The paralegal's hostility towards the man was very serious.

"Okay, Assistant Susan, thank you." Melany finished natly, then turned to nod to Sam, "Director, thank you for this trip. If it's okay, I'll go back to the hotel with the manager and work. ......" The kind-hearted woman thinks that she should work harder to repay such a good boss.

"Please wait a minute, and there are documents I want you to sign." Susan glanced at Sam again, "Oh, you still have to smile and work when something like this happens. This kind of company is really uncomfortable." , Sam really doesn t know where he provokes this big beauty. He can t help but want to refute for himself, "This lady..." "Please call me Assistant." Susan curled her mouth, and stare at Sam meanly.

Sam shrugged, "OK, Assistant.. Su..san!"

"Please say."

"Actually, I have been exposed to a little bit of psychology. Your reaction just now was a bit overwhelming. It's a bit like you have been traumatized to see people with colored eyes..." He looked at her with a smile.

It is hard for him not to doubt that she who is prejudiced against men in front of him is really the same person as the coquettish woman in the club? The enchanting little poisonous flower VS. ego female assistant, almost double personality, but it is really interesting.

To talk about why Susan looks at Sam as not pleasing to the eye, it starts from the nightclub. She dances and drinks to vent the great emotions of rebirth. Of course, on her terms, it is normal to be accosted by a man. She has already seen Sam yesterday. Although he did not take any actions that shouldn't be done, it was obvious that he had an attempt at her. She even saw the same desire as other men in his eyes, but the matter is over now, who knows that she would meet him in the office today. , She just happened to bring a female employee who was sexually harassed. One of the things she hated the most was that men sexually harassed women, and the inner hatred for men was completely uncontrollable.

What's even more exaggerated is that he actually confronted her tit for tat, hum!

Susan s eyes flashed cold, her beautiful eyes squinted, and the corners of her mouth were drawn up. She smiled extremely sexy, "Mr. Sam is really involved, I heard that you are the restaurant director? Now cooking needs to learn psychology, as it is. I'm really an eye-opener among chefs, haha." Sam shook his head secretly, touched his nose, and smiled with a handsome face. He has always pitied beauty, and there are still interested beauties in front of him. Naturally, he wouldn't say anything for him. "Assistant, I actually do a little bit of research on psychology. If you are interested, we might as well discuss and discuss it together." Susan curled his mouth. He didn't see her face turned into charcoal so black. He even pretended to be stupid and cute. Didn't he say that he was a high-level hotel manager, wouldn't the higher-ranking person be very aware of words and expressions and care about dignity?

Alas, even if she is unlucky, don't pay attention when you meet a weird person.

"Thank you Mr. Sam for your kindness, but I'm sorry, I'm really busy as an assistant." "It doesn't matter, you will always have holidays, I will be free at any time." For beautiful women, he has always been very cooperative.

The corners of Susan's mouth twitched, feeling itchy teeth and itchy fists. "Are we focusing on Melany's case first?" "Of course." Sam smiley replied.

"Please wait a moment, I'll prepare the entrusted documents, please sign it later." Susan smiled at Melany and turned to leave.

Closing the door of the conference room lightly, Susan returned to her seat, opened the file in the computer, made a simple modification, and printed it out. She folded her hands on her chest, and her delicate face was obviously dissatisfied.

Strange, how did you meet him? She had never met him in her previous life, even if she met him in a nightclub last night, isn't she just a passerby? And looking at his character, he is definitely a super hard hater!

The more she thought about it, the more irritable she could not help but gritted her teeth and cursed inwardly.

"Susan, why is your face look so tired? Are the Boss customers troublesome? Is there anything I need to help with?" June walked to her seat and asked with concern.

"Oh...no, I'm thinking about personal matters." Susan raised her eyes, she really didn't like this colleague.

He smiled understandingly, "Well, that's good. If you need help, you must tell me, don't hold on to yourself. I think you seem to be very tired recently and your complexion is not good." "I can, thank you." Susan pulled out the printed paper and said, "I'm going to work now." June looked at her graceful posture and said nothing.

"June is trying very hard... Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful the poisonous flower is, it is still poisonous." The gossiping male colleague Ali patted June on the shoulder and sighed.

"It's also prickly! Speaking of a woman like this kind of good condition, she has a high vision, her personality is so rebellious, you will definitely suffer if you like her." The same gossip male colleague Paco echoed.

"Susan is very nice, don't talk about poisonous flowers." June gave them a glance and explained for Susan.

"Sure enough, it has been said since ancient times that heroes are sad for Beauty." Ali shook his head and said helplessly.

"I think a woman should be gentle and obedient to be a good wife." Paco persuaded.

The two persuaded each other bitterly. After all, June s interest in Susan is nothing new in the office. June s performance is too obvious. The blind can see it after three meals, but everyone doesn t think he can succeed. His object is that poisonous flower.

"Hey, I heard that Susan often goes to nightclubs..." Paco leaned close to June's ear and said softly.

"Unexpectedly, it is a poisonous flower that can be sociable, it is twice as poisonous." Ali said with disgust, he least likes women who are sociable.

"But it's undeniable that she is really beautiful." Paco was a little regretful, but who doesn't want to have a sexy beauty like Susan, but it's hard to tame.

"Don't spread rumors, this is a great harm to girls, besides, when everyone wants to relax, there is nothing wrong with drinking a little wine." June once again showed his generosity and sincerity.

Ali and Paco patted June's shoulder left and right.

Susan didn't hear the discussion behind her. Even if she heard it, she still could not take it seriously. She smiled with amorous feelings as usual. She despised the kind of man who could only gossip behind her back.

"Ms. Melany, please sign these documents, and the office will officially accept your entrustment." Susan put a few documents on the table and explained.

Sam sat aside with great interest, crossing legs to observe the woman who fascinated him.

In the night, she is the glamorous queen who gathers everyone's eyes, and she is hot and sexy. In the company, she is attentive and serious at work. In her beautiful eyes, she can see rebelliousness and defense against people.

There is a smile in his eyes, Susan, this poisonous poppy is really intriguing.