
Transporter : Fishman Island

I some how ended up on Fishman Island, in the One Piece world after getting lost in the mountains. I plan to leave the Strawhats alone and live a normal life while enjoying the wonders of the new world I find myself in, but everyone has to make a living in any world so I'll... ... Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Paypal.me/DrakeGrimmhound Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound Twitter.com/@DGrimmhound

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Cha 5 : You got bigger, Little One

"That's once! Twice! And~ Sold!" The auctioneer dressed like he was at a disco shouted as he slammed down his wooden hammer onto a wooden block in front him.

Solomon was forced by the threat of death that was wrapped around his throat to act as a chair for his bitch of a master, who was sitting beside her monster of a father, they were on Shabody, in an slave auction house and they were buying slaves, so far only humans had been sold in the auction but Solomon wasn't that much attention.

Solomon had been forced to be a slave for the last 10 years, he was forced to act like a horse and carry around the bitch, forced to wait on her hand and foot, for fun she would either make him fight in death matches in the colosseum on top of the red line against other slaves or captured pirates that would get their freedom if they killed their opponents.

If not that she would torture him by cutting his skin or by whipping his back with a metal whip, he was just glad that she was so physically weak that it didn't hurt, not that he would even make a sound if it did, he didn't ever want to give her the sick pleasure she seemed to find in torturing people.

But it was thanks to being forced to fight in the colosseum day in and out that he had put on a lot more muscle, gained an amazing fighting instinct that was sharpened with close death experiences, fighting skills that earned him the title Berserker in the ring, and a couple other interesting skills that he remembered from watching One Piece.

Solomon had also grown a lot more in the last 10 years, he believed he was now the same height as Whitebeard, he still didn't know how it was possible for him to have grown so large when he originally wasn't from this world,but he was just glad he didn't become disproportioned like most human giants that he had seen in the anime, he had seen people with massive heads and small bodies in the anime and he was just glad he hadn't grown bigger like that.

During the time Solomon wasn't paying attention to what was happening around him a lot had come about, for one there was now a teenage green haired Mermaid in a bowl on top of the stage that was about to be sold and there was also an octopus Fishman laying across the stairs with a gun shot wound in his chest, it was bleeding a lot and he would need it treating right away if he wanted to live for longer.

Further up the stairs he saw the bitches fat ass brother hopping from foot to foot in sick excitement, if he wasn't already used to seeing his ugly face he would have thrown up, a little bit like the first time he had caught a glimpse of him, the anime didn't portray just how ugly he actually was.

Solomon's mind quickly caught up with what was happening and without even realising what he was doing he jumped up from the floor, knocking the bitch to the ground in the process which also knocked her unconscious and leaped clean over the top of everyone that was sitting in the audience, this sudden reaction from him made everyone pause and they certainly didn't expect it when Solomon ran up the stairs faster then the eye could see.

Running right up the fat bastard that didn't realise the danger he was in, without anyone being able to react Solomon grabbed the fat bastard by his chest and also by his legs, his giant size making it easy for him to engulf the fat bastard in his hands, and Solomon simply lifted him up and twisted, just like he was wringing the water out of a dirty rag.

The screams rang out across the hall until they didn't anymore and then there was silence.

Solomon dropped the two things he had in his hands onto the stairs and turned around to face the person he felt behind him, it was a serious looking boy with black hair, and a straw-hat on his back, Solomon also noticed that he was wearing an open blue shirt, black shorts and sandals.

The boy didn't say anything to him so Solomon decide to ignore him for now, in favour of walking past him to the Fishman that was still laying on the stairs, on the way he ripped off his sleeve and used it to put pressure on the bullet wound, the Fishman quickly also used his arms to put pressure down on it as well.

Happy that he would be alright for a little bit longer he left him there and walked towards the stage, and towards the Mermaid with a pink tail.

While Solomon was doing all of this everyone else was too shocked to move from their seats, even the guards along the side aisle's didn't move, they could only watch as Solomon jumped up onto the stage and broke the top off the bowl the Mermaid was locked up in, looking down at the Mermaid the next words Solomon spoke were heard all across the hall and surprised everyone there.

"You got bigger, Little One." Solomon said with smile that he had been hiding for the last 10 years, patting the shocked mermaids head before he then reached into his pocket, Solomon pulled out a black bear plushie, only now it no longer had a right arm, or a left ear and it was sewn up where they used to be, their was also a lot of dark red blotches that had soaked into deeply to the bears fur, "He's seen better days ... he's been put through the ringer quite a bit as well but I hope you still want him." Solomon smiled at the mermaid as he tried to brush off some of the dried blood, he then held it out to the mermaid who was now shaking with tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.

With a shaking hand she took the bear from Solomon, looking it over briefly before holding it tightly to her chest, her tears now falling down her face but she now also had a smile on her face that just made Solomon smile wider as well, "Thank you so much Mr. Creed!" She shouted out as loud as she could, crying as she did.

"Hahaha, no problem, now let's get this off of you." Solomon said before he quickly ripped off the collar and chains that she was in, he threw it behind him just as quickly, the explosive going off in the lap of a fat bastard with a bubble around his head, the explosion also killing all the people around him as well, since no had reacted yet and hadn't left, that was until after the explosion went off right next to them.

Everyone rushed out of the hall as quickly as they could, besides a few people that stayed behind in the back, watching Solomon closely.

"Let's go home shall we, Little One?" Solomon asked the Mermaid who seemed unable to stop her pout, "My name's Camie! Not Little One!"

"Hahaha! Whatever you say little one!" Solomon laughed as he also ripped his collar off as well, throwing it through the open door and right into the crowd of people that were here to buy slaves, killing a good amount of them and just making the others extremely injured, Solomon had a much larger collar after all meaning a lot more explosives inside it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


https://www.pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

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