
Transmigration to Another World

Where is this...?

When I came to, I was in an unfamiliar space. 

Is this a dream?

But it feels real. My body moves freely.

Then a door appeared in front of me.

What's this?

I tentatively open the door...

"Next!" An office lady inside calls out to me.

"Um, where is this?" 

"Please take a seat first."

At her urging I sit down on a chair. 

After confirming I've sat down, the woman begins speaking.

"This is the room for reincarnation. 

I'm your case worker, Tohte.

Now, may I have your name?"

"I'm Yoshinobu Maeda."

I blurted it out when asked, but reincarnation? Am I dead? No way, this is a dream right?

I'm confused but Tohte moves the conversation along. 

"Here we judge the karma of your previous life and connect you to your next.

Those who did good deeds will have fortunate births next life. 

Those who committed evil will have their souls cleansed in hell first before facing hardship their next life.

Now then, Yoshinobu-san..."

Tohte types something on a computer-like device.


Next she takes out a thick book and starts flipping through it. 

"It's... not here? What? Yoshinobu-san! Why are you here!"

Tohte starts panicking. 

"Well, a door appeared so I entered, but I have no idea what's going on... Huh?"

I glance back and see the door I came through has vanished. 

"Ahh, that door only goes one way. You can't go back.

What should I do!"

"Um, am I dead?"

"The problem is you've come here without dying! Oh no, I'll get scolded again!"

"But isn't it my fault for barging in? You've done nothing wrong Tohte-san."

"I-I'm sorry! It's my mistake for bringing you here when that door appeared! I brought you here incorrectly!"

"So does that mean I'm dead?"

"C-calm down! Yes you're dead! Please blame me more!"

"Everyone makes mistakes. And I don't feel dead so..."

"R-right. Please give me a moment to check the procedures for this kind of situation."

Tohte looks through her book.

"I've got it! It says to transfer you to another world."

"Oh! Transfer to another world!" 

I was a little excited.

I did enjoy these kinds of stories.

"Yes. But we should prepare you to defend yourself so you don't die immediately." 

"Defend myself?"

Hearing self-defense, I somehow pictured the JSDF.

"That's right. You'll have access to whatever self-defense capabilities you just imagined. Please enjoy your new life using them."

As she says that, my body starts fading to transparency bit by bit.

"What's happening?"

"You're out of time. We'll meet again when you die. Do your best until then!"

And so I embarked on a journey to a new world.

Living Freely in Another World with Self-Defense Force Equipment. Why are the Ranks from the World War era?

Gaf_Bacreators' thoughts
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