
Transported To Another Word

Yoshinobu, who was accidentally transported to another world, gained the power of self-defense... or so he thought. Instead, he obtained the power of the Self-Defense Forces. Using modern weapons and equipment, such as medicine, he lives freely. This is the story of his journey with a girl he saved, traveling through the world.

Gaf_Ba · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Pondering and perplexed

When Yoshinobu escaped, the castle was in great turmoil.

"The castle gate has been destroyed!"

King Julius is informed of the gate's destruction along with a deafening blast, and that it was done by the commoner doctor.

"Duke Scole, what is the meaning of this!"

"I'm just as confused, but it seems Your Majesty's messenger angered Yoshinobu in some way.

I never imagined he had such power..."

"Angered him you say, I only sent a messenger to deliver compensation, even if he was unsatisfied with the amount, isn't this an overreaction?"

Julius had no intention of angering him.

Amidst the chaos, a report reaches Alec from his estate.

"Your Majesty, I'm told by my estate the messenger demanded he grovel and receive the 100 gold coins.

Where is the apology in this? 

Was it meant as some joke!"

"Wha- I did not order such conduct.

And 100 gold coins you say, I gave 5 white gold coins.

Still, that does not excuse destroying the gate." 

While denying the messenger's actions, Julius still condemns the destroyed gate.

"He was chased by cavalry and the gate closed on him, was there no choice?"

"I gave no such orders!"

"Yet the military clearly mobilized.

A mere messenger moving the army is a serious issue. I wish to investigate this matter and Marquis Cactus' actions in the House of Nobles."

In this country, the House of Nobles could punish or even demand abdication of the king, to prevent improper actions.

"Wha- Duke Scole, are you not my supporter!"

"I have no intention of supporting those who unilaterally vilify one under my patronage.

That doctor has helped many noble daughters.

Any nobles grateful to him would likely agree with me."

"Th-there are so many supporters?"

Julius feels shock and fear of abdication. 

Then Yuris arrives.

"Brother, I heard everything, why did you not punish them!

I asked you!"

Yuris berates Julius while coughing.

"Yuris, calm down, your sickness will worsen!"

"How can I be calm! Brother, what have you done to my savior..."

Yuris' coughing worsens.

A maid who came with Yuris brings cough medicine, allowing her to catch her breath.

"Yuris, relax, I understand, I will properly apologize."

"You must."

Seeing Yuris' agonized face hurt his heart.

He realizes his mistakes.

"Duke Scole, I wish to apologize to that doctor...Yoshinobu was it? I want to apologize to him."

"Yes, I think that would be good."

"Someone find doctor Yoshinobu."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A royal guard goes to inform the Minister of Military Affairs.

"What? His Majesty orders us to find the man who destroyed the gate and escaped today?"

"Yes sir!"

"So His Majesty sees that inexplicable thing as an issue. Good, expand the scouting troops, be vigilant in searching for what kind of attack he may make. 

And tell each division to be ready to deploy anytime. We must not be negligent."

The Minister of Military Affairs mobilizes all division scout troops to begin searching.

In order to destroy that weapon and capture the man.

No one noticed the discrepancy between the King's and Minister's perceptions.