
Transported to a MMO World

Derek was a smart High School student who spent most of his time playing video games and surfing the internet. That was until he woke up in an unfamiliar grassland. Disconnected from civilization, Derek notices a blinking letter icon floating in his field of view. Once he reaches for the icon, a menu opens up revealing an ominous message.

YungDom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


Two days later… Derek had just finished another training exercise and gained another level up. He put all five of the points he just earned into his Endurance stat to allow him to complete more trainings. Derek had also learned by experimenting in those two days that food slightly improves stamina when eaten. This discovery would allow him to get more exercises by eating after losing much of his stamina. His physical stats having improved more than double also had a more pronounced impact than Derek thought it would. He felt much stronger than before and would get tired much less than before, he was in much better physical shape after only three days of training.

[Derek Vega]


[Level 10]

[HP: 2400]

[MP: 2000]

[Stamina: 85/100]

[Strength: 20]

[Dexterity: 20]

[Endurance: 28]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Mind: 20]


[Vulcanus Vessel: 30% Exp gain. (passive)]

[Weapon Mastery]

[Power-up Strikes: 3 progressively stronger attacks with a medium weapon. (30 sec CD)]


[Quick Feet: Improve move speed for a short amount of time. (1 min CD)]

[Recovery: Recover HP & MP for 30 sec. (10 min CD)]

[Charge: Slight improved move speed and attack. (15 sec CD)]

[Analyse: Quick Analysis of enemy's stats and traits. (10 min CD)]

Derek was initially too focused on his stats and leveling up to notice a blinking quest symbol at the corner of his vision. He was already familiar with the symbol as had taken the time to go through the menus when he first arrived in this strange world. After a short consideration he reached for the symbol and his quest menu opened.

[1 New Quest]

[Sender: System]

{Class Trial}

{Congratulation on reaching level 10. You have now qualified to select one of the many classes available to you. Press here to begin your class selection}

When Derek pressed on the message screen another one materialized beside it. In this new screen was the large selection of classes now available to him.








Along with the different classes, there is also a brief description of each classes. Archer are classic bowmen and crossbowmen, attacking from long range. Barbarians are powerful close quarter combatant, who are as good at dealing damage as they are at tanking damage. Fighters are more of a natural weapon kind of fighters, this can range from street fighters to monks. Gunners are capable marksmen, using magical firearms to defeat their enemies. Mages are the most capable when it comes to using magic to their advantage, this class also has a lot of subclasses which come into play when you reach level 30. Rogues are master of the shadows, they use their sneakiness to their advantage in combat. Warriors are your classic knight archetype, some focuses more on dealing damage and some on tanking damage.

'This is a difficult choice; this decision will shape the rest of my time here.' Derek pondered.

Derek usually preferred wizards when he played MMOs however, this time it was different. The world he was in reacted to his action and his choices. His body grew more powerful the more he increased his physical attributes. Derek's method of leveling in this world was also through the training exercises which are made easier by being in good shape. Derek decided to chose Warrior as his class, as the other melee classes didn't really appeal to him. When he chose his class, another menu appeared in front of him.


And suddenly, Derek's surroundings changed. It was as if he blinked and everything around him vanished out of thin air. Before his brain had the time to process what was happening, the world around him shifted again. This time, he found himself in a forest. After only a second in his new environment, another menu propped open.

{Welcome to Warrior Training Ground}

{Quest Begins!}

{0/10 Giant Rat Slain}


'That's a timer! I only have ten minutes to complete this quest. Maybe I should have brought some new equipment while I had the chance.' Derek thought.

Derek started carefully walking through the jungle with his wooden sword in hand, sneaking to find some foes to slay. He quickly came behind one, a rodent just as big as he is, walking around the jungle.

'Alright, I just got to attack it, it can't be that hard.' Derek rationalized while sneaking behind the creature.

Just as he was about to find himself behind the rat, he walked on a branch on the ground which made a noise. The rat heard it and turned around. Derek was now face to face with a giant vermin that looked aggressively at him. Before the creature could lunge towards him, Derek brought his longsword down on the rat's face stopping its movement and slicing through the creature. The rat's body digitally disappeared, and Derek was now faced with two more rats who heard the commotion. Derek made quick work of the two creatures as if he had held a sword his whole life, he stepped up to the first one and sliced its head clean off. The second one tried to take this opportunity to strike but he dexterously avoided the strike and countered with a strike of his own, obliterating the vermin.

'These monsters are really weak, I guess it's to be expected in a beginner dungeon. It's a good thing I increased my physical stats.' He noted.

{3/10 Giant Rat Slain}


Derek continued his search for the giant rats, this time he was much more confident in his ability to exterminate them. He found himself face to face with a pod of four giant rats and readied himself. He casted his Quick Feet ability along with his Charge Ability and rushed one of the rats.

[Quick Feet: Improve move speed for a short amount of time. (1 min CD)]

[Charge: Slight improved move speed combined with a powered attack. (15 sec CD)]

The rats stood no change, the first one died before noticing Derek's sword passing through him. The other rats all jumped towards him, but he dashed back while slicing the throat of one of the rats. He used the last few seconds of his Quick Feet to bolt towards the two remaining rats, impaling one with his longsword and took a swing at the other one quickly after to end its life.

{7/10 Giant Rat Slain}


Derek had plenty of time to finish this quest, but he didn't want to squander any of his time. He was back on the hunt; this time took a little bit longer to find any mobs, but he finally encountered the three remaining. Derek walked up to the giant rats and used his Power-up Strikes cutting down each one at a time.

[Power-up Strikes: 3 progressively stronger attacks with a medium weapon. (30 sec CD)]

{10/10 Giant Rat Slain}


{Quest Completed!}


Once again Derek was transported this time back to where he first accepted the quest, he was back in the field he was training in. Another menu appeared to congratulate him.

[Congratulation on New Class, Check Skills.]

Sure enough, when he opened his skill menu, there were new ones.


[Power Strike: Use Strength to make a powerful strike. (15 sec CD)]

[Body Conditioning: Increase Movement Speed, Jump, HP, and grants resistance to Knockbacks. (pas)]

[Iron Body: Boosts HP, increase physical and magic resistance. (Pas)]

[Cleave: Make a cleave attack to hit multiple targets. (30 sec CD)]

Derek still had plenty of stamina to work with and it was still early in the afternoon, so he went right back to doing his training exercises.

Evening came and Derek went back to the inn he had been staying in for the past few days.

'I can't stay in this village forever, doing those exercises isn't getting me as much experience anymore. I could always move to the higher tier, it probably gives way more exp but is also much more difficult. Not that I can't do it, I've grown much stronger in only a few days, the problem is that I have to do them multiple time and my stamina bar takes a hit when I do them. I have a feeling there's a lot more to this world that I've yet to experience.' Derek contemplated while in bed.

[Exercise Option]

[Difficulty Selection]

[Easy: 1km Run. 10 Push-ups. 10 Sit-ups. 10 Squats.]

[Moderate: 5km Run. 50 Push-ups. 50 Sit-ups. 50 Squats.]

[Tough: 10km Run. 100 Push-ups. 100 Sit-ups. 100 Squats.]

[Option Locked]

The next day, Derek had made his mind. He would stay in Holton for a couple of days to test his new skills and to try the moderate training exercise. While doing the running part of the exercise he started using his Quick Feet skill since he had no use of his mana for anything else. In fact, later that day he received good news…

[Skill Upgrade!]

[Quick Feet: Improve move speed for a short amount of time. (1 min CD)]

[Improved into]

[Swift Feet: Improve move speed for a medium amount of time. (1 min CD)]

Sorry for the huge delay, life has really taken its toll and I haven't been in the mood to write for a while. I'm gonna try to stick to a schedule this time. (1 Chapter a week hopefully, might be 1 chapter every two week since they will most likely get bigger.) Anyway, hope you enjoy and the next chapter should actually come out soon since I already know what I want to do. (AKA hopefully this weekend)

YungDomcreators' thoughts