
Transported to a MMO World

Derek was a smart High School student who spent most of his time playing video games and surfing the internet. That was until he woke up in an unfamiliar grassland. Disconnected from civilization, Derek notices a blinking letter icon floating in his field of view. Once he reaches for the icon, a menu opens up revealing an ominous message.

YungDom · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Learning Curve

Derek's face grimaced as his belly made grumbling noises.

'I guess the hunger I felt earlier wasn't just my imagination.'

Derek remembered seeing a starter pack when he looked through his inventory earlier. He went through his inventory and opened the starter pack with the hope of seeing some food.

[1x Wooden Sword Received]

[1x Leather Armor Received]

[1x Leather Boots Received]

[10x Apples Received]

[1x Filled Waterskin Received]

[100x Gold Coins Received]

'That'll do'

He pressed on the apples in his inventory and selected one. The apple appeared in his left hand, real as it can be. Derek took one bite of the apple and saw the stamina bar in his menu slightly go up.

[HP: 550]

[MP: 1050]

[Stamina: 65/100]

'I have way more MP than I have HP.'

Derek quickly looked through the information menu and as he had suspected MP is based on your intelligence stat and HP is based on your endurance stat.

[Derek Vega]


[Level 1]

[Strength: 8

Dexterity: 9

Endurance: 9

Intelligence: 19

Mind: 18]

'Seeing as I still need to eat and drink water in this world, I can only assume I also need to rest. My best bet would be finding other people in my predicament so that someone can keep guard while the rest sleep.'

Derek went through the menu one more time to see if something could help him locate other people and saw the map. Looking through the map it seemed that there were already a lot of villages and towns established.

'So there must be NPC in this world, great. Going to one of those already established town would be great to stock up.'

Thankfully for Derek, the map had a red marker that marked his current location and it seemed that he wasn't too far from a small village named: Holton. If the size of the villages on the map indicated how big the town would be, Holton would be one of the smallest ones. Derek looked at the clock displayed at the top of the menu and thought.

'Well, might as well get going now since it's already 4 pm. I probably don't want to be out here when it gets dark.'

He equipped the leather armor and the wooden sword and left towards Holton. It was by no mean a short walk but he didn't run into any problem during his two hour long walk. Because of how close he was to the village on the map, Derek had thought that the village would be much closer, but this walk showed him otherwise.

'This place is much bigger than I originally thought, uh. I wonder how long it would take to travel to those other towns.'

Derek finally arrived at Holton, it was indeed a very small village, by his estimation there couldn't be more than 200 people living in the village. Derek pondered for a few seconds how he should approach this but then figured that it would be mostly filled with NPCs, which wouldn't be a problem for him. As he entered the village, Derek was greeted by a few of the villagers and as he was about to ask for the location of an inn, he saw a wooden single storey building, with a gray tile roof and a sign that said: Inn. He entered the building and was greeted by a young female with a round, pretty face. Her long wavy red hair flowed over her pale skin, she looked at him with her narrow brown eyes and said.

"Hello there, how can I help you?"

'Is she a NPC too?'

"Hi, I would like a room for one."

"Very well sir, that will be 1 gold."

[Alys has sent you a trade request.]

[Alys: \] [You: 1 Gold Coin]

[Accept] [Deny]

'I guess this is how we exchange services with NPCs in this world.'

After his exchange with the young lady, Derek was shown to his room and laid down on his bed, exhausted after an unusually busy day. He looked through the system and evaluated everything.

'Looking through the system, there seems to be a training tab where I could level up. I might have to use it a little before I go out adventuring, there is no respawning if I fall in battle.'

Derek took the evening to look through his attributes and skills to figure out how to best approach a potential fight and how the world works.


[Vulcanus Vessel: 30% Exp gain. (passive)]


[Quick Feet: Improve move speed for a short amount of time. (1 min CD)]

[Recovery: Recover HP & MP for 30 sec. (10 min CD)]

[Charge: Slight improved move speed and attack. (15 sec CD)]

[Analyse: Quick Analysis of enemy's stats and traits. (10 min CD)]

Writer’s notes:

I know not everyone is familiar with some of the terminology used here so I will do my best to explain throughout the story. If you have any question feel free to send me a private message or post it here, I will try my best to answer in a timely manner.

CD is usually a timer put on a skill/spell to make sure that the ability isn’t used over and over again.

Passives in the context of a skill is used to indicate that the skill doesn’t require any activation, it is permanently running.

HP= Hit Point or Health Point, when you run out of it you usually die.

MP= Mana Point, used to cast spell/use skills. Also going to be referred as simply mana throughout the story.

I will go into more details when it comes to the attributes in the next chapters.

YungDomcreators' thoughts