
Transported to a Forgotten World

Mazido · Fantasy
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3 Chs


In the hushed solitude of a frosty winter's eve on December 31, 2017, a weary soul grappled with its inner demons, crafting a poignant letter destined to be a farewell to a cherished sister named Niya.

"Hey Niya,

It's hard for me to say this, but I've been thinking a lot. I've made up my mind to step away from all the heaviness in life. I'm sorry, sis, but it's just too much for me, and I can't go on with you in this world. I really wish you the best as a doctor, soaking in all the good things. Things are a mess for me, and we're out of savings. Saying goodbye like this breaks my heart.

I leave you my diary – a repository of my final thoughts, akin to a parting whisper. Despite our lack of shared blood, you, Niya, were my anchor, especially during our time in the orphanage. I harbored dreams of witnessing your triumphs and a life brimming with joy. I longed to be there for you, but alas, I find myself at a dead end. I apologize for departing in this manner, but I trust you will navigate through the storm..

In the aftermath of these words, a profound silence enveloped the room, laden with the weight of sorrow and a love that comprehended the agony of farewell.

Always yours,

Your brother carrot

Following the haunting dispatch of his farewell letter, the door groaned under its own weight as he ventured out, surrendering the room to the clutches of the biting winter night. An eerie desolation lingered in the silent corridors, as if the very air mourned the impending tragedy.

Bearing an insurmountable sorrow, each step toward the bridge felt like a reluctant dance with destiny. The frigid night, shrouded in an icy stillness, bore witness to his somber pilgrimage, the gravity of his decision hanging in the cold air.

The bridge loomed ahead, its silhouette etched against the night sky, a stark reminder of the abyss he sought. The river below, a silent confidant to the sorrows of countless souls, awaited his arrival. As he approached the edge, the distant lights reflected on the water's surface painted a melancholic tableau.

Unbeknownst to him, Niya sensed an urgency, a foreboding whisper compelling her to follow. Her hurried footsteps echoed a desperate pursuit, her voice cutting through the cold air with a plea. "Wait!" she cried, but her words were carried away by the wind, unheard by the tormented soul inching closer to the brink.

In a tragic crescendo of fate, his name hung in the air for a fleeting moment before he succumbed to the darkness below. The river, a silent witness to the unraveling of a life, swallowed his anguished cry, carrying the weight of his departure into the depths of the silent night.

Niya, breathless and tear-stricken, arrived at the bridge just in time to witness the chilling winds sweep away the echoes of her brother's plunge. The tragic scene unfolded, leaving her standing alone on the desolate bridge, a sister's love echoing in the silent corridors of the night, unanswered and lost in the profound tragedy of loss.

Niya's anguished cry echoed through the stillness of the night, a sound lost amidst the jubilation that surrounded her. The celebration, like a lively dance of lights and laughter, seemed oblivious to the profound tragedy unfolding on the bridge. As her tear-streaked face glistened in the glow of festive lights, the contrast between her private anguish and the public revelry accentuated the isolation of her grief. The joyous cheers, the melodies of celebration, all formed a cacophony that drowned her heart-wrenching sobs.

She stood alone on the bridge, surrounded by the paradox of a world in merriment and her own world crumbling in despair. Niya's cries, though heartfelt, became silent whispers in the grand tapestry of the celebration night, unheard and overshadowed by the rhythmic beats of the festivities.

As the clock struck midnight, marking the arrival of a new year, Niya stood on that lonely bridge, her world shattered. The confetti rained down around her, a stark contrast to the tears streaming down her cheeks. The revelers reveled, the music blared, but Niya was in the throes of a private symphony of grief.

As the pages of the calendar turned, Niya, the resilient sister, found solace in the magic that intertwined with her grief. The enchanted river, a keeper of secrets, whispered tales of love and loss.

In the aftermath of that fateful night, the world, unaware of the personal tragedy, continued its journey through the twists and turns of world. Niya, though marked by the indelible imprint of loss.

Hey folks

Allow me to express my profound gratitude as I embark upon the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream – the creation of my novel

Traveling to a Forgotten World

As an introverted individual, I often find solace within the confines of my room, where I liberate my imagination to roam freely in the vast landscapes of my dreams.

Navigating the intricate art of storytelling remains a challenge for me, as my natural disposition tends to shy away from the expressive discourse that storytelling demands. Nevertheless, the allure of transforming my thoughts into written narratives propels me forward on this literary journey.

I extend heartfelt gratitude to my girlfriend and friends, unwavering pillars of support throughout the journey of crafting this novel. Their encouragement, patience, and belief in my ability to weave this narrative have been indispensable. In moments of self-doubt, their encouragement echoed, providing the inspiration needed to persist and bring this story to fruition. This novel stands not only as a testament to personal perseverance but also as a reflection of the collective strength bestowed by the steadfast support of loved ones.

Wishing you joy and fulfillment in the reading experience.

Kind regards


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