
Transported to a Forgotten World

Mazido · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Aftermath 2

After that she quickly finished her cup and rushed to the kitchen, showing urgency. To make more coffee, she turned back, sounding a bit frustrated.

"Not enough. I need some more coffee. You wait like this for a few minutes. You deserve it after accusing me of being a sexual harasser."

Seconds stretched endlessly, each one intensifying the burden of unanswered questions. Frustration and confusion battled inside him, on the verge of bursting into a scream that never surfaced. An invisible force seemed to hold him against the wall, compelling him to endure the agony of waiting, resigned to a fate he couldn't escape.

After a few minutes, she reappeared with two steaming cups. Settling down beside him, she spoke in a calm voice, "Don't stress; your thoughts are all over the place. Just take it easy, alright?" With a comforting smile, she, "Sip on this velvety hot chocolate; it might help warm you up. Feel free to ask anything you want to know."

After putting down her cup, she joined her index and thumb, making a clear snap sound in the air.

In an instant, I felt my body again. Trying to stand, but couldn't keep my balance and fell onto the bed.

"You are so soft, darling"

She placed her hands on my head, and said, "Calm down and relax."

In an instant, my mind shifts from a sailor navigating a stormy sea to a sailor smoothly sailing on calm waters.

Turning my gaze towards her, I see a lovely middle-aged woman with blonde hair cascading from under her cowboy cap. She wears a white T-shirt beneath a short brown jacket, paired with blue jeans.

As he rose on the bed, questions tumbled out like a cascade, "Who are you? What did you just do? How can you read my mind?" The air hung heavy with uncertainty as he grappled with the enigma before him. A peculiar familiarity lingered in the touch, sparking a puzzling connection despite their apparent first encounter.

"Do you know me?" he pressed, eyes searching for answers. "You mentioned my mom. Do you know her?" The revelation of orphanhood unfolded, a painful narrative revealed by a priest. "My parents died when I was just a year old, and my aunt left me at an orphanage with a letter and some money. Are you my aunt?"

Silence loomed as he delved into the complexities of his past. "Why now? Why appear in my life after all these years?" Emotions welled up, the weight of growing up alone etched across his face. "Did you know how tough it was for me?" Suspicion lingered as he questioned the authenticity of the newfound connection, unsure whether the stranger bore truth or merely wove tales to match his circumstances.

"How did you fi—"

"Hey, hey, hold your horses or do you want a punch on your face?" The room quieted, the silence stretching like a taut string.

*Slurp* "Ahhh! I'm answering your questions. Listen up. I don't like repeating."

"My name is Eleanor Éclair Beaumont." Her voice resonated with mystery, each word a carefully chosen note in an enigmatic melody. "What I did with you is a delicate dance of gifted talent and intricate hard work. It's not magic, but a skill honed with dedication, practice and unwavering patience"

"I know you intimately, from your past to present," she continued, her gaze unwavering. "I saved you from your father's clutches, a perilous journey that bound us together. We shared a year on Earth, though the memories may elude you. You were a mere 2 years old when I left you at the orphanage, a letter framing a fictitious aunt and a fabricated story of your parents' tragic accident. All just to keep you safe."

"Why now?" she mused, a mysterious smile playing on her lips. "If it weren't now, I'd lose you forever, swallowed by the river's embrace. I had planned to appear a year later, but you know, the whims of fate or maybe a grand game orchestrated by unseen hands watching us all."

After a thoughtful silence, she took a sip from her cup. "Start drinking before it gets cold," she advised, her eyes holding a depth of knowledge.

He took a sip, the chocolate comforting in its heat, lost in his thoughts.

"The world is tricky," she mused, her eyes scanning the room. "It's not just what you see. There are mysteries, hard to believe unless you see them. And even if you do, you might forget or just disappear. Some powerful people out there can change everything with a snap of their fingers."

Her words lingered in the air, and his hands trembled, catching the echoes of revelation. A soft touch, like a comforting breeze, steadied his shaking fingers.

"Oh lord, you're shaking. Is it the chill in the air or the fear creeping in?" she questioned, her eyes searching his face.


"Why the silence, Brat?" she probed, frustration evident in her voice.

"You told me not to speak," he replied

"Haha haha haha. Alright, spill it. I was upset earlier because I failed my mission to find something earlier but .. . it's nothing compared to you," she confessed, her laughter carrying a hint of irony.

"How much do I matter to you, and why?" he asked, curiosity etched on his face.

"You matter a lot. I mean, a whole bunch of people, not just me, hold you in significance. You could be their hope or their downfall. Time will unveil the tale," she explained, her words layered with mystery.

"Who am I, and what role do I play?" he prodded further.

"I can't say. I was given the order to save you, hinted that you might be the key to our planet's future, our hope in a place called Arkadia ."

"What? Am I an alien?" he gasped, eyes widening.

"Yes, we both are, but forget the Hollywood fantasies. No triangle heads or UFOs," she reassured, her tone calm.

"Wait, wait, wait. I can't process all this in a single day. I thought I was just an orphan who lost my parents to a car accident, and now I could be a potential saviour or destroyer. An alien? Another planet called A R K A D I A ? Are you pulling my leg?" he exclaimed, a whirlwind of emotions on his face.

" No listen carefully brat"

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many."

"what do you mean by it? "