
Transported into the cultivation world

Our MC has made a bold choice: to be transported to a mystical cultivation world. With a clear goal in mind, she sets out to build her own sect and carve out a life filled with adventure.

US_Gomez · Eastern
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World Information

Cultivation Realms


• Early Stage

• Mid Stage

• Late Stage

• Peak Stage

1. Mortal Realm:

• Description: The starting point for all cultivators, where individuals are still bound by the limitations of the mortal body.

• Characteristics: Basic physical enhancement, minor spiritual awareness.

2. Spirit Gathering Realm:

• Description: Cultivators start harnessing spiritual energy from their surroundings to strengthen their bodies and souls.

• Characteristics: Enhanced physical abilities, basic spiritual attacks.

3. Foundation Establishment Realm:

• Description: The foundation of one's cultivation journey, setting the stage for future progress.

• Characteristics: Stable energy core, improved longevity, and stronger spiritual attacks.

4. Core Formation Realm:

• Description: The cultivator forms a solid spiritual core, vastly increasing their power and potential.

• Characteristics: Greater energy reserves, the ability to wield powerful techniques.

5. Nascent Soul Realm:

• Description: The cultivator's soul undergoes a metamorphosis, forming a nascent soul that greatly enhances spiritual strength.

• Characteristics: Advanced spiritual abilities, soul-based attacks, and defensive techniques.

6. Soul Transformation Realm:

• Description: Further transformation of the nascent soul, leading to significant increases in power and control over spiritual energy.

• Characteristics: Mastery over elements, creation of personal domains.

7. Void Refinement Realm:

• Description: Cultivators refine their bodies and souls to harmonize with the void, gaining abilities beyond the physical realm.

• Characteristics: Spatial manipulation, teleportation, and void-based attacks.

8. Great Ascension Realm:

• Description: The final preparation for ascension, where cultivators consolidate their power and prepare to transcend the mortal plane.

• Characteristics: Near-immortality, god-like abilities.

9. Immortal Realm:

• Description: Cultivators who have transcended mortality and achieved true immortality.

• Characteristics: Immense power, eternal life, and profound wisdom.

10. Divine Realm:

• Description: The pinnacle of cultivation, where beings attain godhood and wield unimaginable power.

• Characteristics: Creation and destruction abilities, control over life and death, universal influence.

11. Ethereal Nexus Realm:

• Description: A realm beyond the comprehension of even immortals and gods, where the fundamental forces of reality converge.

• Characteristics: Ability to manipulate the very fabric of reality, transcendence of all known laws of nature, merging with the primal essence of the universe. Cultivators in this realm can create new realms, alter timelines, and possess omnipotent awareness. This realm is so elusive and mysterious that its existence is more of a legend than a known stage of cultivation. Those who reach this realm are said to become entities of pure energy and consciousness, with no physical form binding them.

Divine and Righteous Factions of the Eternis Continent

1. Celestial Sylph Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Divine)

• Members: Approximately 12,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 3,400

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 5,000

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 2,350

• Core Formation Realm: 800

• Nascent Soul Realm: 350

• Soul Transformation Realm: 25

• Void Refinement Realm: 7

• Great Ascension Realm: 7

• Immortal Realm: 1

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Wind and Air Mastery

• Description: This sect focuses on harnessing the power of the wind and air. Cultivators develop extraordinary speed, agility, and the ability to manipulate wind currents and atmospheric pressure. Techniques often include aerial maneuvers, wind blades, and creating powerful gusts that can both aid allies and hinder enemies.

• Signature Ability: Tempest Dance - A powerful technique that creates a massive whirlwind, lifting the cultivator into the air while slicing through enemies with razor-sharp wind blades.

2. Verdant Lotus Clan:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Divine)

• Members: Around 10,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 3,500

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 3,007

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 2,000

• Core Formation Realm: 1100

• Nascent Soul Realm: 360

• Soul Transformation Realm: 18

• Void Refinement Realm: 6

• Great Ascension Realm: 3

• Immortal Realm: 0

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Nature and Healing Arts

• Description: This clan specializes in the cultivation of nature's energy, emphasizing growth, rejuvenation, and harmony with the environment. Practitioners excel in healing, botanical manipulation, and drawing strength from nature. Their techniques often involve summoning plant life, using herbal remedies, and harnessing the life force of the natural world.

• Signature Ability: Lotus Bloom Rejuvenation - A technique that summons a giant lotus flower that releases healing energies, rapidly regenerating the health and vitality of allies within its radius.

3. Crimson Phoenix Sect:

• Ranking: High Tier (Divine)

• Members: Approximately 15,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 7,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 4,524

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 2,009

• Core Formation Realm: 1,122

• Nascent Soul Realm: 350

• Soul Transformation Realm: 7

• Void Refinement Realm: 5

• Great Ascension Realm: 2

• Immortal Realm: 0

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Fire and Rebirth

• Description: Cultivators of this sect are masters of fire and the concept of rebirth, inspired by the mythical phoenix. They possess the ability to control flames, generate intense heat, and even undergo a form of rebirth or regeneration. Their techniques are both destructive and purifying, often involving fiery attacks and the ability to rise stronger after defeat.

• Signature Ability: Phoenix Flame Rebirth - When defeated, the cultivator is engulfed in a fiery explosion, only to be reborn from the ashes with renewed strength and vitality, often accompanied by a devastating fire attack.

4. Azure Draconic Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Divine)

• Members: About 20,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 8,065

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 7,500

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 2,080

• Core Formation Realm: 2,045

• Nascent Soul Realm: 300

• Soul Transformation Realm: 4

• Void Refinement Realm: 5

• Great Ascension Realm: 1

• Immortal Realm: 0

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Water and Ice Manipulation

• Description: This sect's cultivation revolves around the mastery of water and ice. Practitioners can control water in all its forms, create ice constructs, and harness the fluidity and adaptability of water. Techniques include powerful water attacks, freezing opponents, and utilizing the defensive and offensive capabilities of ice.

• Signature Ability: Dragon's Icy Roar - A technique that unleashes a massive wave of water that freezes everything it touches, creating an impenetrable barrier of ice or devastating ice shards that pierce through enemies.

Evil and Dark Factions of the Eternis Continent

1. Eclipsing Blood Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Evil)

• Members: Approximately 16,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 6,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 5,280

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 3,100

• Core Formation Realm: 1,100

• Nascent Soul Realm: 405

• Soul Transformation Realm: 20

• Void Refinement Realm: 10

• Great Ascension Realm: 5

• Immortal Realm: 1

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Blood Puppetry and Life Drain

• Description: This sect focuses on the manipulation of blood to control others and drain their life force. Cultivators can create blood puppets from the living or dead, and siphon vitality from their enemies to strengthen themselves.

• Signature Ability: Blood Marionette - The cultivator manipulates the blood within an enemy's body to control their movements, effectively turning them into a puppet to fight on their behalf.

2. Obsidian Serpent Clan:

• Ranking: Middle Tier (Evil)

• Members: Around 12,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 5,200

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 3,097

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 2,004

• Core Formation Realm: 1,275

• Nascent Soul Realm: 300

• Soul Transformation Realm: 25

• Void Refinement Realm: 3

• Great Ascension Realm: 6

• Immortal Realm: 0

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Earth and Toxic Manipulation

• Description: This clan specializes in controlling earth elements infused with toxic substances. Cultivators can summon poisonous mists, create venomous creatures from stone, and use earth-based toxins in combat.

• Signature Ability: Venomous Earthquake - A technique that causes the ground to crack open, releasing toxic fumes and summoning venomous serpents from the earth to attack enemies.

3. Nether Shadow Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Evil)

• Members: About 18,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 7,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 5,400

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 3,350

• Core Formation Realm: 1,191

• Nascent Soul Realm: 246

• Soul Transformation Realm: 18

• Void Refinement Realm: 4

• Great Ascension Realm: 6

• Immortal Realm: 

• Divine Realm: 0

Cultivation Type: Necromancy and Soul Binding

• Description: This sect focuses on necromancy and the binding of souls. Practitioners can raise the dead to fight for them, trap souls, and siphon spiritual energy to enhance their powers.

• Signature Ability: Soul Shackle - A powerful necromantic spell that binds the souls of fallen enemies, forcing them to serve as spectral warriors under the cultivator's control.

4. Infernal Demon Cult:

• Ranking: High Tier (Evil)

• Members: Approximately 14,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 6,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 4,400

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 2,000

• Core Formation Realm: 1,186

• Nascent Soul Realm: 200

• Soul Transformation Realm: 14

• Void Refinement Realm: 7

• Great Ascension Realm: 3

• Immortal Realm: 0

• Divine Realm: 0

Cultivation Type: Chaotic Energy and Dark Flames

• Description: Cultivators in this cult draw upon chaotic demonic energy and dark flames. They summon chaotic forces and wield black fire that consumes both the physical and spiritual essence of their targets.

• Signature Ability: Abyssal Flamestorm - A devastating attack that unleashes a storm of dark flames and chaotic energy, obliterating everything in its path and leaving a trail of destruction.

Divine and Righteous Factions of the Nocturne Continent

1. Heavenly Jade Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Divine)

• Members: Approximately 18,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 987

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 5,000

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 4,000

• Core Formation Realm: 6,000

• Nascent Soul Realm: 1007

• Soul Transformation Realm: 45

• Void Refinement Realm: 21

• Great Ascension Realm: 19

• Immortal Realm: 23

• Divine Realm: 1

• Cultivation Type: Heavenly Jade Art

• Description: Focuses on harnessing celestial energies and refining the body and spirit to achieve purity and strength. Techniques include powerful defensive formations and celestial sword arts.

• Signature Ability: Celestial Shield - Creates an impenetrable barrier of celestial energy.

2. Radiant Dawn Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Divine)

• Members: Around 17,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 1,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 4,170

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 3,743

• Core Formation Realm: 5,500

• Nascent Soul Realm: 1,500

• Soul Transformation Realm: 40

• Void Refinement Realm: 19

• Great Ascension Realm: 17

• Immortal Realm: 21

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Sunfire Cultivation

• Description: Harnesses the power of the sun to enhance physical and spiritual strength. Techniques involve fire-based attacks and healing abilities.

• Signature Ability: Solar Flare Strike - Releases a blinding burst of solar energy to incinerate foes.

3. Silver Moon Clan:

• Ranking: High Tier (Divine)

• Members: Approximately 14,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 2,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 4,016

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 5,510

• Core Formation Realm: 1,060

• Nascent Soul Realm: 1,300

• Soul Transformation Realm: 35

• Void Refinement Realm: 19

• Great Ascension Realm: 12

• Immortal Realm: 18

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Lunar Harmony Technique

• Description: Balances yin and yang energies, utilizing the moon's power for serene and powerful attacks. Techniques include moonlight healing and stealth abilities.

• Signature Ability: Moonlit Mirage - Creates illusions under the moonlight to confuse enemies.

5. Skyward Lotus Sect:

• Ranking: Middle Tier (Divine)

• Members: Around 15,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 2,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 4,510

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 4,500

• Core Formation Realm: 2,000

• Nascent Soul Realm: 1,775

• Soul Transformation Realm: 32

• Void Refinement Realm: 17

• Great Ascension Realm: 9

• Immortal Realm: 17

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Lotus Ascension

• Description: Focuses on inner peace and enlightenment, using the lotus as a symbol of purity and growth. Techniques involve spiritual purification and aerial mobility.

• Signature Ability: Lotus Blossom - Summons a giant ethereal lotus that purifies and protects allies.

Evil and Dark Factions of the Nocturne Continent

1. Shadow Fang Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Evil)

• Members: Approximately 19,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 3,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 5,005

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 3,250

• Core Formation Realm: 3,520

• Nascent Soul Realm: 3,720

• Soul Transformation Realm: 50

• Void Refinement Realm: 19

• Great Ascension Realm: 25

• Immortal Realm: 23

• Divine Realm: 1

• Cultivation Type: Shadow Fang Arts

• Description: Utilizes darkness and stealth to perform lethal attacks. Techniques involve shadow manipulation and assassination skills.

• Signature Ability: Night Stalker - Allows the user to move undetected through shadows and strike swiftly.

2. Black Viper Clan:

• Ranking: Middle Tier (Evil)

• Members: Around 16,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 2,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 4,000

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 3,000

• Core Formation Realm: 2,020

• Nascent Soul Realm: 3,730

• Soul Transformation Realm: 47

• Void Refinement Realm: 19

• Great Ascension Realm: 23

• Immortal Realm: 20

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Venomous Qi Cultivation

• Description: Focuses on poison and toxins, enhancing attacks with venomous energy. Techniques involve poison mist and debilitating toxins.

• Signature Ability: Venomous Breath - Releases a cloud of toxic gas that paralyzes and poisons enemies.

3. Crimson Night Sect:

• Ranking: Top Tier (Evil)

• Members: About 18,000 cultivators

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 4,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 5,082

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 3,030

• Core Formation Realm: 2,500

• Nascent Soul Realm: 3,150

• Soul Transformation Realm: 50

• Void Refinement Realm: 18

• Great Ascension Realm: 17

• Immortal Realm: 18

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Blood Rituals

• Description: Harnesses the power of blood for dark rituals and powerful attacks. Techniques include blood manipulation and life-draining abilities.

• Signature Ability: Blood Pact - Drains the life force of enemies to heal and empower the user.

4. Blood Lotus Cult:

• Ranking: High Tier (Evil)

• Members: Approximately 14,000 

• Cultivation Breakdown:

• Mortal Realm: 3,000

• Spirit Gathering Realm: 4,252

• Foundation Establishment Realm: 2,500

• Core Formation Realm: 2,060

• Nascent Soul Realm: 2,800

• Soul Transformation Realm: 48

• Void Refinement Realm: 17

• Great Ascension Realm: 16

• Immortal Realm: 17

• Divine Realm: 0

• Cultivation Type: Lotus of Despair

• Description: Corrupts the purity of the lotus, focusing on despair and decay. Techniques involve summoning dark lotuses that drain life and spirit.

• Signature Ability: Lotus of Corruption - Summons a dark lotus that spreads decay and drains the vitality of all it touches.