

"Let's take a ride, shall we?"

A bright golden light emitted from the journal Stella was holding as a powerful energy sucked her into the book itself. Stella felt like it was deja vu all over again, landing into an area covered in black and white figures similar to that of a historical film. Tiny letters wrote '1979' in the bottom like it was some sort of caption in a movie.

"My Lord!" a male with long platinum blonde hair called out as he stalked up to someone with a black cloak covering his face.

"Hello Lucius, how's Stella doing?" the cloaked man question.

"Lady Stella is fair I suppose, although her attitude is slightly questionable." Lucius answered as he knelt in front of the male, bowing deeply.

"Rise Lucius. I believe it's time for him to….move..on."

The cloaked man's voice drowned out, images breezed over with a ripple as the next scene cleared into Stella's eyes.

"Die you filthy girl. You're a disgrace! A disgrace you hear me!" An elderly man slapped a young girl hard on her face, causing her to spit blood. The little 11 year old girl shriveled into a ball as her father continued to beat her, yanking at her beautiful greyish lavender locks. Stella tried to jump in and protect the little girl but unfortunately she merely ran through her in the process.

"Show some power you squib!" he continued to yell. "How dare you carry the name of Gaunt but produce no power!"

The young girl who wore tattered clothing hadn't mustered a sound seemingly mute, her eyes blacker than the black hole as she bore into Stella who was standing in front of her.

"Don't touch her." a man hissed, deep black orbs boring into the elder. "Uncle."

"You're a sullied Gaunt, Tom! Your mother was a whore! Your father was a filthy muggle!" he cackled, laughing almost psychotically. "Out of my sight if you know what's good for you!"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that." Tom snarled, yanking his uncle by his shirt and tossing him harshly to the wall.

"Your marriage with my daughter has been long canceled since the day you were born! We will not have your dirty blood taint the purity of the last remaining Gaunt bloodline. Stella is to breed with another pureblood." Morfin Gaunt chuckled, trudging towards his daughter menacingly. "Dear Stella. Dearest Stella, why are you a non mag. It's okay though, once you come of age, we'll reproduce."


Morfin dropped to the ground in excruciating pain, laughing maniacally as he welcomed the tormentation of the Crucio spell. Little Stella watched how sick her father was, as she stood out to reach for him.

"Cousin, step away." Tom ordered, his wand at the ready to deal the killing curse to his own uncle. The young Gaunt looked at Tom before baring her genetically disordered fangs out at him, smiling as she obeyed his command, her hand still holding out to her father as if waving goodbye.


A bright green light surrounded the entire area as Stella tried to cover her eyes, not able to see what was happening next. The only thing she heard was a high pitch screaming coming from a girl as it pierced her ears. Within a split second, the light drowned out and she was in the Malfoy's Manor. Loud crying rang throughout the enormous mansion as a male carried a baby in his arms. Black ink etched onto the side as it bore the numbers '1980'.

"It's okay Mistress.. Don't cry…"

Lucius Malfoy cooed at the baby who was chewing at a gold ring inset with a black stone and as each time she opened her mouth to cry, two tiny fangs jutted out.

"It's okay~." he smiled, shaking his arms to try and comfort the baby girl. Stella looked over to glance at the baby, slightly disgusted at how she looked. The infant barely looked human, she seemed to be a mixture of a snake and a human with green serpent eyes and long black hair with a pale complexion.

A bright golden light burned into Stella's eyes once again as wind whipped around her furiously, in a flash she was back in her room. "Holly shit." she whispered to herself, patting herself down to make sure she was fully intact. "Is that it…Where's the rest of it?"



Students gathered around the Great Hall as a certain hooked nose professor stood on the stage, sneering down at all of his students. Chatter buzz amongst the female students as they watched a dashing young Professor take his spot next to their Potions master.

"Allow me to introduce myself." the young Professor announced, sliding his outer robe and tossing it to the field of female students. "My name is Gilderoy Lockhart. I'll be your dueling club instructor. In light of the recent darkness that has been looming upon us. Headmaster Dumbledore has granted permission to start this little club so we can teach you to protect yourselves if needed."

Stella frowned at the Professor once his eyes landed on hers, his lips curving upwards in a sly smile. Draco narrowed his eyes in disgust as he watched the two's interaction, nudging his Slytherin mate softly.

"You like that floozy?" he whispered, watching as Lockhart and Snape demonstrated the proper movements to disarm their opponent. With the flick of the wrist, Snape sent a Disarming Charm so powerful that it knocked Lockhart against the nearby wall. Draco was the first person to burst out laughing as the male barely covered his own ineptitude by lying that he let Snape do it.

"What do you think, Malfoy? He's all looks and no brains." Stella retorted, laughing along with the rest of the students.

"Right, very well….uhm shall we have some volunteers?" Lockhart cleared his throat, glancing around nervously as he pointed to two students. "You two?"

"Weasley should stand down. His wand needs replacing." Snape countered, glancing at the Malfoy who was below him. "Perhaps someone from my own House? Malfoy?"

Draco jumped onto the stage, glancing downwards at the young Gaunt who was grinning at him. "Wipe that grin off your face, Gaunt." Stella stuck her tongue out at the Malfoy before looking across the room to see who his opponent was.

"Scared Potter?"

Harry Potter, the boy who lived, stood on top of the stage as he narrowed his eyes at the Slytherin opponent. At Snape's instruction, Draco used Serpensortia to conjure up a black Python that slithered it's way to the boy with a scar. Having created the desired effect of scaring Harry, Lockhart quickly moved to get rid of the snake, hitting it with Alarte Ascendare. However, this spell only lifted the snake a few feet into the air, enraging it further and causing it to make its way towards a certain Justin Finch-Fletchley.


The snake glanced over at who was talking, noticing a girl with black hair staring into his eyes. 'Attack' Stella's eyes turned snake-like as it mimicked the way a basilisk's eyes looked to be. Her eyes egged the Python on as it turned to Justin thinking it was the person to attack.

"Sssaya-hash-ahi." Everyone in the room went silent at the voice. "Sssaya-hash-ieth." Turning to face Stella, Harry bared his teeth before hissing out. "Versssaa-shei-ssst." (Don't you dare)

The female Gaunt's eyes returned normal as she heard the young Gryffindor speak in parseltongue, her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she blacked out from an unknown source. Draco immediately jumped down from the stage, catching her as she dropped to the floor around his fellow Slytherin friends.

"What do you think you are doing." the Slytherin House narrowed their eyes at the Gryffindor who seemed to be the cause of their housemate's collapse.

"Stel? Stella!" Draco shook her shoulders worriedly, immediately scooping her up into his embrace and pushing through the wall of students. "Out of my way." he hissed, nudging the students away. "I SAID MOVE IT!" With that, the students parted ways to make a path for the two Slytherins as Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Blaise followed closely behind. Ron's eyes trailed after the Gaunt, wanting to follow but knowing he'd get kicked back within a millisecond if he did.


Stella's eyes flew open as she quickly sat upright, her forehead dripping with sweat from what she was dreaming about. Draco's eyes widened with surprise as she came inches from his face, causing him to slap her forehead back down.

"The hell?" he hissed, standing up and rubbing at his cheek, slightly taken aback by their sudden closeness. The girl looked around her surroundings, noticing that she wasn't in her own room and nor was she in the infirmary.

"Stella!" Lucius gasped, yanking at his son's collar as he forced him away. A flash of concern crossed his face as he helped the young girl sit up once again, holding out a cup of water to her.


"My room." Draco muttered. Quickly trying to restate his answer, he didn't exactly know how to put it into words as he blurted out everything that came to mind. "Well, I didn't want to enter your room without permission and and you said I was bringing girls, which I wasn't. Well and I just..brought...you..here? Safe? Because class fainted in you. I mean you fainted in class."

Stella raised her eyebrow curiously, barely making out what the Slytherin male was trying to say.

"Tom, where's Tom?" The second thing that crossed through Stella's mind was Tom Riddle and the eyes she saw before passing out.

"Draco...go out." Lucius narrowed his eyes, hearing that name. Draco nodded his head as he walked out of the room, closing the door gently.

"Stella...Mis. Tress. Stella?" Lucius questioned the moment he heard the door behind him click closed.

"Lucius, explain to me. Who is Tom Morvolo Riddle, who are you, who am I?"


Down in the common room, Blaise and Draco sat at the couch discussing what had happened a few hours prior.

"Crabbe, get me a cup of coffee." Draco sighed, pinching his nose bridge as he felt a massive headache arising. A short thick necked male stumbled over to the coffee brewer whom Draco bought for the young Gaunt as she showed an insane amount of love for the bitter beverage.

"Draco Malfoy drinking coffee? That's a first." Blaise laughed, holding a finger up as if saying he'd take a cup as well.

"Do we have a Tom in our year?" Draco questioned, glancing upwards to the male's corridors.

"Tom? As in Tom Felton?" Blaise questioned back, taking his cup as Crabbe held out a tray to the two males.

"Tom Felton? Who is he?" Blaise took a sip of his coffee, opening a single eye to look at the Malfoy curiously.

"Pureblood, dashing, sandy blonde hair. Pansy digs him." the male answered, stretching out the word 'digs' for emphasis. Draco glanced inside his cup, taking a sip before sticking his tongue out at the bitterness.

"What's his relationship with Stella? Classes they've had together?" the young Malfoy continued as if interrogating his friend who was amused at his sudden curiosity. "It doesn't matter actually, I want him out of her sight."

"You know what Malfoy? You've been awfully possessive over Stella recently. You bought her a coffee brewer, you carry her when she's hurt, you always ask about other guys around her. If looks could kill, Weasley would be dead a million times." Draco's friend grinned, taking another sip and leaning back against the couch. Hearing this, his eyes widened as he choked on the second sip of coffee, causing him to gulp down the hot substance that burned his tongue. "Not to mention your sudden taste in things..."

"You have been concerned more about Lady Stella lately...ever since Flint sent her to the hospital.." Goyle acknowledged, tapping at his chin curiously. "Oh! Draco, I forgot to mention...I saw Pucey the other day snogging a Hufflepuff...or was it a Slytherin..."

'Have I really?' Draco questioned himself, everyone's voice drowning out as he glanced down at his reflection in the beverage he held. His face morphed into Stella within the reflection as she scrunched her nose playfully at him. "Stop being so cute." he muttered out loud causing Blaise to spit out whatever he had in his mouth at Draco.

"You just call me cute?" Blaise gasped out, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.


"I believe he called me cute.." Goyle coughed, clearing his throat, making the two alpha male narrowed their eyes at him simultaneously.