
Transmutation in a Supernatural Highschool

Nagumo Hajime, a third-year student at Kuoh Academy. An ordinary and naive young otaku, coming from a normal household. Minding his business day by day. Until he sees something that he isn't supposed to. What could go wrong?

TheOneAndOnlyDelta · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Request from an Archduke

Rias Pov:

My precious pawn has made contact with the church of all things. A devil's mortal enemy. I admit, I could have gone a little overboard with my lecturing but still, he has to be cautious. I just finished my homework and decided to go back to the club. I saw Akeno, my queen talking to Issei.

"We just received a message from The Archduke," Akeno said.

"The Archduke?" I was curious as to what he would want from us.

"It was urgent, a stray devil has been causing trouble nearby," she said informing me of the situation.

Akeno showed me the request and the details surround it. I used my magic to contact my peerage and have them meet up at the club. Once every one arrived, I used my magic to teleport everyone to the location.

"Stray devils, start out as devil servants. You mean like we are?" My pawn asked me with a curious tone.

"Once a servant rebels and ends up killing their master, thats when they become strays." My knight, Kiba answered.

"According to the reports, this stray has been tricking people and luring them into the abandoned warehouse and eating them. The job shouldn't be too hard. All we have to do is find the beast and kill it." Akeno said giving us details about the situation.

We started to walk towards the front entrance, while Kiba was telling Issei more about stray devils.

"They don't care about anything but their selfish desires. And it always ends in ugliness." Kiba said.

I figured this would be a good time to tell Issei what a peerage really is.

"Issei are you familiar with the game chess?" I asked him.

"Sort of, but I suck." He said curiously.

"As the master, I'm the king. I have my empress or queen, my bishops, knights, rooks, and pawns. Devils of nobility are granted these pieces, which they use to give the characteristics of the pieces to their servants. We call them our 'Evil Pieces' " I told him shedding light on the situation.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked.

"Its because I want you to watch and learn. Pay close attention the battle and how each of my servants act. as they fight tonight." I told him.

"I can sense her presence, she's in the other room," Koneko said figuring out where it was.


"Ugh, what's that fecal smell?" The stray devil asked after smelling us from afar. This lead it to walk closer and confront them face to face.

"Viser you wretch, you betrayed your master and ran away to fulfill the lustful wants and desires that have consumed you. Your sins are worthy of a thousand hells. In the name of the great Marquis of Gremory. Be gone or meet your death!" I told her giving two options of how this would play out. She started to try and aggravate me by calling us names, and comparing us.

"Give it a rest~ you little slut, you're just mad your boobs will never be as big as mine." Viser said trying to get a reaction.

"Oh, she looks like a soft-core late-night cable-star!" I heard my pawn say while enamored with her.

"Let me show you what I'm made of then," Viser said as she started to massage her breasts and moan. She used her magic to change her breasts and made them fire acidic milk at us. Issei was mesmerized so I had to grab him and pull him aside.

"He just vanished." Issei said while watching Kiba go to fight it.

"No he didn't, he's just moving really fast. In this game he is my knight, his main attribute is his speed and his main weapon is his sword." I told him as Kiba proceeded to cut off her upper body arms.

"Koneko watch out!" Issei yelled to try and help.

"It's alright," I said calming him down

Koneko got eaten by the jaws on the stomach of Viser. Issei look scared and nervous of what was happening. He was taken aback when all of a sudden the jaws burst open and Koneko was in one piece. She was holding the jaws open with just her bare arms.

"In this game, she is my rook. Her attribute is simple, she has an unparalleled strength. That attack can't even bruise her." I told him feeling proud of Koneko. Koneko proceeded to break the teeth of the jaws and throw Viser across the room. I signaled to Akeno it was her turn and to get ready.

"Look out, Sacred Gear!" Issei shouted as he ran towards me punching the hand that was about to get me.

"Thank you, for that Issei" I said.

"No problem, my body did that on it's own." Issei said while a little bit flustered.

"Akeno, finish her off please." I commanded.

"You're not the only one that likes to play rough here, so lets have some fun." She said looking excited. While using her lightning powers to fry the devil.

"Akeno is my queen. Her attributes are a perfect combo of all the other pieces. She's just unbeatable. Her weapon is a dark and magical power, and thats not all. She's really into S and M.

"Is this as good for you as it is for me?!" She moaned with pleasure.

"Akeno, thats enough." I told her as she stopped and Viser collapsed.

"Go to hell," Viser groaned with spite. I proceeded to kill her using my destruction magic.

"We're done here." I told my peerage.

"So what piece am I? Is it something badass like a knight?" Issei asked with hope.

"You're a pawn." I said and instantly Issei looked dejected.


I was setting up the circle and was about to teleport everyone out of here.

"I sense someone else here." Koneko said out of the blue.

"Be cautious, we don't know what is might be. Koneko please lead us to the location" I said.

While we were walking over to this 'presence,' I saw a trail of blood leading to a set of concrete pipes. Curious, I decided to use my magic to see the inside without destroying them. What was inside was really peculiar and reminded me as to why I liked humans so much.


Author's note:


Feedback is wholeheartedly welcomed and will help improve the quality. I have two questions for you guys.

1: Do you guys want it to be a romance, if so a harem or singular love story? I haven't written any love scenes, and it could let you down. Also, if you guys decide as a romance. Please let me know who you want the love interest to be. Please make it reasonable too, it can be from another series, think of a reason as to why they have met.

Vote here:

No romance

Single Love


2: Do you want him to have a sacred gear? I have a design in mind, but I don't have a name or a full idea of the powers. So far, I have decided to just make him a normal human who's talented with transmutation. Sacred gears that would fit him well are also welcomed.

Vote here:

Normal Human

Sacred Gear

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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