
Transmitted into a medieval world


Pancake_Attack · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 0: the start

Acastus is a Greek boy that suffered through his country's inflation. His family immigrated to America to try to find a better life in the mixing pot. They didn't find a better one just an average one. Growing up in new york he quickly grew a custom to seeing 12 year olds selling crack on the side road.

This was his way of life but he wanted to escape it he wanted to reach for the sun but his wings were snipped on his way there. He was thrown back to earth to be brought back to the start same neighbor hood same everything he wanted everything to disappear. Most of all he wanted power more than anything he wanted to win.

this grew into an inferiority complex, if there were someone even remotely better than him, he would cut off contact as he did with his brother and family. No matter who it is he doesn't care this power projection grew until he was tired.

Tired of the way he was living tired of the way his life turned out slowly he got rid of his inferiority complex. He decided to fly, to soar higher and higher he wanted the world. Just like Icarus, his wings were cut his wife and daughter betrayed him. Of all people, the people who supported him betrayed him.

The people who brought life into his dying soul, the people who changed him. after that point he lost everything to the divorce his home, the business that he tried starting, everything nothing was left but soulless man. He had to pay child support which was too much for him $250 a week. He couldn't even rent a house he wasn't paid enough 80 hours a week to only get $310(560 - 250).

Along with that he only had 4 hours a day to do things he wanted. He gave up thinking of life as pointless; he had no reason to live or do anything. If only there was hope in a desperate life, If only there was a reason to live.

He soon turned 48 and at this point, he was homeless living under a bridge for some time. It was his way of life. He quit his job to be a homeless person this is where the joy in his life returned. He found the thing that cured his depression it was drugs.

He forgot about everything when he used them, He didn't have to remember what he wanted to. This lead to him Dying of a Heart attack.