
Transmitrated into a novel!! But I forgot the plot!!!

Mikhail was transmigrated into the body of a minor villain in a novel he might have read before. But he had completely forgotten the plot and also recieved a fraud system. Having no clue about the future and being given wierd tasks by his fraud system Mikhail decided to be blind to the plot and enjoy his luxurious as a rich young master. But without electronics and social media Mikhail got bored and decided to go an adventure and committed to enjoy his life in the fullest. [Host please go to the forest of nightmares Reward: The Holy sword of Twilight] "System are you crazy do you want me to die?!!" **** "System I have entered this cursed place because of you now give me the Holy sword." [Host no pain no gain please find the sword on your own.] "SYSTEM YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MY GOLDEN FINGER NOT MY MUM!!!"

leafless_tree · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Meeting the Hero?

[Mission: Survive your encounter with the hero 

Status: Incomplete 

Reward: Your life]

'Wow system, what a great reward you have for me there.'

The streets were very crowded, and he was occasionally pushed, leaving him without the ability to maintain his balance or move forward easily.

Ignoring the uproar caused by the devotees of the Hero, Mikhail's attention was drawn to a half-open, exquisitely crafted door off to the side. Intrigued, he approached it and peered inside. The room beyond was elegantly furnished, with tasteful decor and a sense of quiet, untouched tranquility. It seemed to be completely empty, offering a stark contrast to the chaotic noise outside.

Mikhail decided to go inside the empty store.

It seemed to be a portion shop as there were racks of bottles of colorful liquid arranged neatly.

'This place is really empty. Is this place gone out of business?'

Just as he was looking around the place he saw a woman sitting ideally on the counter greet him.

"Oh we have customers?", the lady had quite the disbelief seeing one had come to buy her products.

"Why are you questioning me rather than greeting me? It's so bad that no one buys anything from here."

"Eh, how did you even come to that conclusion?"she had a mix of anger and disbelief plastered on her face. 

" Let me correct your ignorance. My portions are one of the best in the region, to the point where the Dertain family even invests in my store just to have me in their territory, not to mention they exclusively buy from me.

And each bottle here is not cheap at all so if you are not here to buy anything then get lost."

She seemed to be frustrated by someone bad mouthing her store.

'Hey, system, is she telling the truth?'

[Affirmative host, she is not speaking the truth but is also very humble about it

In reality she is one of the best portion makers in the world and later in the story she would become the hero party's portion maker

Not to mention the breakthroughs she would achieve to become the best....]

'Ok on system stop singing her praises like a simp, I get the picture.'

"Don't get offended I was just asking, rest assured I am from the Dertain family, I believe I have enough money to buy your crafts."

Her eyebrows shot up as she looked flabbergasted, she was not expecting to be a member of the Dertain family in her humble store.

She didn't know what to say so Mikhail took the initiative to speak to her, " I would be looking around for a while would you like to guide me. "

"Ya... Yes , sure."

She didn't know much about the Dertain family much less why a big shot like that would come to her store, but the reason did not matter, she was not letting such a juicy opportunity go since has presented herself with open arms.

Smelling the money in the air, she started to show Mikhail around the most expensive section.

"This would boost your mana regeneration, this would make your wounds heal faster, this would... Oh ya would I forget this one ..."

Mikhail didn't know he was going to regret his words so much. He had an attention span of 5 minutes and this blabber mouth could write a grand thesis on each one of the concoctions. 

'The moment I try to show I am not interested, she starts making her sales pitch even higher. Please.. please stop her system help me.'

[Host is advice to buy all the portions she wants you to buy]

"I would buy all of them, pack them and send them to the count's mansion, and let him and his son make the purchase."

The sales woman went wide eyed after hearing this. She was not expecting it from the count's son. She had struck gold this time, how could let this juicy wallet go so easily.

She started eyeing Mikhail with eyes no woman should ever show a man.

"Mmmm young master, would you like to see this..."

" I have already made the purchase."

Mikhail said with a stern tone. He was not going to let this woman wag that tongue of hers. 

'System as you sure she is a portion maker and not a bonafide saleswoman.'

[Affirmative Host]

Seeing that this young master was preparing to leave she started brainstorming for ideas. Suddenly a light bulb glowed in her brain.

Showing a sultry smile she once again started a pitch," Young master I heard you have debaucher..*cough* *cough* I mean a very stamina intensive lifestyle, I also sell a lot of aphrodisiacs, would you like to take a look?"

Mikhail's face was covered in dark lines. 

"What made you think so?"

"Well there are a lot of interesting rumors about you. I don't usually leave my place because I am still able to hear them."

"Damn, I guess I indeed have the credentials of a villain."

"Fine add some of them too. This would be my last purchase."

Nodding her head she went to her desk and started to write down everything. She looked really satisfied and charming this time.

"Damn it what kind of deranged woman did I meet this time. I hope she does not start ramble on about her products again."

Mikhail was hiding Purple in his pocket out of fear of beginning to show some specialties on animals.

'Hmm wouldn't she become a member of the hero party? I hope the hero will have a nice time with her. 

Let's see how much she knows about the hero.'

"Ummm Miss? The place is on an uproar because of the hero coming here. 

Do you know anything about the hero?"

"You can call me Natasha?", she spoke without stopping writing or sparing a glance at him.

" As for the hero, he and his party would arrive after three days. 

I would have had to resupply my stockpile since the young master was generous enough to buy everything today."

'Three days?!!! And the one outside is acting like he is going to come right now.'

"The hero sure is popular."

"Indeed he is a strong man in the world and the hope and aspirations for everyone.

He would have peace and joy...."

Why the fuck does this woman blabber so much my head will bust if listen anymore.

"Do the bill to the estate I will be leaving now."

"Please sign this paper before leaving."

After quickly signing the paper Mikhail left the store.

Exiting the store Mikhail helplessly asked the system the hero was even after him.

[Host according to the plot your sex slave would cry to the hero to save her from your clutches which would result in a confrontation between you and the hero]