
Transmigrator Commander of Girls Frontline must not be a Reckless man

The Commander who claimed to be a Transmigrator said to have traveled through several different worlds, and even blew up a planet with his bare hands, and tore off his system with his own hands... Even them Tactical Dolls were not willing to believe such outlandish claim. But seeing how this guy even wanted to unscrew and taste a bottle of Collapse Fluid... They felt that this is most likely true, and their commander...was more like a complete reckless man! -XXXXX- A Google Translated Fic from the Chinese Fic of the same name with some slight edits here and there for fixing, there seems to be a lacking of GFL fanfics and even with those present have too much gloom and this fic is pretty much a breath of fresh air and pacing. I just want to port this so people can see this gem that ive found in the rare GFL fanfics that ive come across. Original CN name; 少女前线的穿越者指挥官必不可能是个莽夫! Disclaimer: I aint own anything, and a mere 'translator' or 'editor' to show gems.

Bismarck_Imperia · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Chapter 47: Assembling the Chassis

As the T-Dolls beings chatted, their hands kept moving, unloading all the parts from the truck. Meanwhile, Reno took off his coat, which was full of grenades, and took out the T-Dolls repair tools, placing them on the table as he glanced at MDR.

"Hey? What are you going to do?" Seeing those fully powered electric drills, saws, and files among the tools, MDR's heart skipped a beat. Ignoring the fact that one of her legs was injured, she jumped off the ammunition box in a panic.


In her haste, MDR ended up sitting on the ground, staring at Reno with wide eyes in terror as he approached her.

"Hey hey! Don't mess around! I can scream! My Zener Protocol can still contact the Griffin T-Dolls!" Sitting on the ground, MDR retreated while shouting nervously.

However, Reno remained silent, his steady footsteps feeling like they were stepping on her neural core!

"Hey! You! Can't you control your commander? I don't want to be disassembled! You! Don't come near me!"


Just as MDR screamed, Reno grabbed her by the neck, lifting her up like a kitten and placing her on the table.

Huh? Huh?

MDR, expecting her imminent demise, waited for the drills and saws to land on her, but when she opened her eyes, she found several T-Dollss who had finished moving the items standing nearby, suppressing their laughter.

"Ha ha ha! Look at her expression just now! So pathetic!" Simonov was the first to burst into laughter, holding his stomach. Seeing MDR's pitiful expression, he couldn't help but imagine what Reno's face looked like in her mind!

"Hey? Ah! You guys..." Seeing the T-Dollss around her showing no signs of concern but instead laughing at her frightened appearance, MDR felt like exploding.

What's wrong with these T-Dolls!? Can't they be normal for once!

"Lift your leg." Just as she was about to retort with her superior ability to retort, MDR heard Reno's calm tone in front of her.

"Oh, okay." Seeing the attitude of Simonov and the others, MDR probably guessed that Reno didn't intend to disassemble her. So, after hesitating for a moment, she lifted her leg.

"Tsk, the injured one." Hearing this, MDR blushed, but then she saw Reno's disdainful look.

In his eyes, it was clear...

'You T-Doll, are you a fool?'

Tsk! After MDR's scream, when she lowered her head again, Reno had already pulled off her socks and started cutting the surface bio-materials with a surgical knife.

For a fault like a bullet jammed in the skeletal framework, if it were in G&K HQ, the repair bay there wouldn't need much intervention.

Just let the T-Dolls enter, and the preset repair program would restore the T-Dolls's prototype to a new state.

Unfortunately, the thing Reno had on hand didn't have this kind of function. Before repairing the external bio-layer, any foreign objects inside the body needed to be removed.

It was also MDR's bad luck. While she was in mid-air, the bullet got wedged between the bulletproof layer and the skeletal framework at a tricky angle. Later, as MDR moved, this thing burrowed deeper and deeper, eventually getting stuck between her kneecap, rendering her leg unable to move on its own.

By prying open the bulletproof layer a bit, then using tweezers, the bullet could be removed.

"Okay, you can take it off yourself..."

"Hey hey! Even if you help me fix my knee, you can't do this kind of thing! Besides, I'm a tactical doll, I don't have such mundane functions!" Before Reno finished speaking, MDR, with her hands covering her chest, pretended to look terrified and shouted.

This guy probably realized that Reno wouldn't actually do anything to her. Although she guessed that Reno intended to have her remove her clothes and repair her bio-mimetic tissues in the nearby repair bay, she instinctively made a joke.

Tsk! This guy! It's the first time he's met such a cheeky T-Dolls!

"Hold her down." As soon as Reno's voice fell, M1 Garand and the others walked up with smiles on their faces, each holding one of MDR's arms or legs, pinning her to the table.

"Hey? Hey hey! Ah hey! I was just joking! You can't do this! This is tyranny! It's unfair! This is rookie abuse!"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt, and you won't feel anything. We're just going to format your neural cloud, and you'll wake up with no memory." Suppressing a smile, Simonov connected the data cable handed over by Reno to the interface behind MDR's ear.

"No no no! Don't do it! I don't want to disappear yet! I won't do it again! Let me go! Ah... I'm dead..."

After struggling for a while, MDR shouted these words before her head slammed into the table, rendering her unconscious.

"Commander, are you going to remove her root protocol restrictions and install a firewall?" Although MDR was silent, M1 Garand and the others weren't worried. After all, they had been through this before, just not with as much shouting and screaming as MDR.

"Yes, the same. Once it's installed, throw her into the repair bay for repair."


After dealing with MDR, Reno didn't plan to rest but brought a chair and started assembling the parts brought back by Nagant and P38. While there was still no sleepiness, he assembled the bodies of Nagant and P38.

Most of the autonomous T-Dolls prototype models were based on IOP's Service doll structure. Depending on their different price points, the various parts installed inside would have different levels, but their universality was very high.

As long as the sizes weren't too far off, it was possible to manually assemble a body with a bit of time.

Of course, only Reno could do this kind of thing. After all, his hands were very steady, and when welding, there was no difference between him and a machine.

The M1911 crew had originally planned to assign one T-Dolls to keep watch, but Reno sent them all off to rest.

He sat here, where there was no need for anyone to keep watch.

Moreover, after removing the base-level protocols, it was necessary for the T-Dollss to rest properly.

Without their root protocols, the T-Dolls's way of thinking would quickly change. If they didn't rest properly, while there wouldn't be any problems with the T-Dolls's prototype, there was a high chance of strange changes in their consciousness.

It was probably similar to staying up late, resulting in a decrease in SAN value?

But it wasn't a big problem as long as there was no mental breakdown.

Just as everyone except Reno crawled into their sleeping bags and started to rest, MDR, who was being repaired in the repair bay, slowly opened her eyes.

Want to read advanced chapters? go to my patréon for 50+ chapters.


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