
Transmigration with QQ Farm [{REPOSTED}]

All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign? A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings? Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals? What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals? Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner! Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving? All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals! Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land! Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

MOS9895 · Urban
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243 Chs

Sister brother, pharmacies liquide

"Hehehe, we don't have to hire a carriage!" Even Cheng Hao couldn't help but laugh.

The person in front of me was so cute, she decided to leave the brother, this kind of person is worth cultivating.


The brothers were embarrassed to look at the two "sisters" who were smiling like flowers. He didn't know why he was talking, and the two younger brothers would laugh.

Although he is simple, he has been living outside, he has a set of skills to observe and recognize people. He will promise to help the "teacher", mainly because he can feel that the two "teachers" are not malicious to him.

The most important thing is that he has been stuck in the peak of the samurai, there is no teacher guidance, no resources, just relying on a little bit of resources from the adventure, only enough for him to spend the day, let alone to change more resources for cultivation.

For the days to come, he decided to follow these two seemingly extraordinary "teachers", a good blog, even if it failed, nothing, anyway, his days are like this.

After a few hundred years, whenever he remembered this decision, he was fortunate in his heart. If it was not his own decision at the time, he would not have achieved today.

Under the watchful eyes of his brother, his two 'teachers' raised their hands and waved two corporal cranes out of thin air, making him completely dumbfounded.

Choo Choo Choo--

The spirit cranes are happy and screaming, and the whole forest is echoed with a crisp and nice voice.

"Senior brother, do you dare to take the crane?" Cheng Hao looked at the man who was stunned and asked with a smile.

Gong Ziyan has been sitting behind the crane, she also looked at the brother like a tree.

"I, I, I should be!"

The brothers and sisters were flushed and looked at the two "teachers" in front of them, as if they had guessed their identity.

Cheng Hao nodded, waved again, another Linghe appeared, and smiled: "search Brother, go up, we are ready to go back."

"Oh, good, good-"

It is also a samurai repair. In this continent, it is also a medium-level repairer. What's more, when the younger brother is young, he begins to practice alone, and his ability to control his emotions is good.

He calmed down and still had a bit of confusion. He jumped on the back of the crane and sat down on his knees. The commanding Linghe was flying high and the three cranes came to the Central Plains.

Returning from Daling Town, it takes only half a column of time. When the brother saw a place like a fairyland, he was completely stunned.

In the distance, the green mountains overlap, like the waves of the sea, the surging, majestic and magnificent, the vagueness of the beasts can be heard.

Nearly, the beautiful pavilions seem to be dotted with the whole piece of land. The layers of aura are filled with a layer of gauze. The shadows are smashed in the misty clouds. If you leave, it is like a few inks. , wiped the blue sky.

However, a group of singular cranes in the air circled and danced, and the singer-sounding cranes made an elegant voice. On the ground, a stag deer ran and jumped. Many of them were dressed in uniform robes and shuttled in this paradise. in.

"Missy is back -"

With a whisper, the brother finally returned, and the crane had stopped. He quickly leaped forward with something.

At this time, he found that many people were greeted, and inexplicably made him nervous and uneasy.

As for him, he is still not sure what this is.

When the old man and others saw the stranger appear, and the person who came back with Cheng Hao, looked at him and asked: "Missy, this is -"

"Should be old man, how is he, I am going to find the apprentice for you!" Cheng Yan glanced at the stupid person and smiled.

"What? Apprentice for me?" The old man was surprised and almost stunned his eyes. He looked at the stupid 'apprentice' again. He couldn't help but say, "Miss, what are you kidding, give I find--"

"What, don't you?"

Cheng Hao raised his brow and turned his head to look at the stupid brother in front of him. He asked, "Senior, I am sorry, I have never asked you what your name is."

"I, my name is Gao Hanjun!" The head of the melon seeds also responded with some dizzy people.

"It turned out that my brother is called Gao Hanjun!"

Cheng Hao nodded and then asked: "Higher brother, this is our elder elders part-time law enforcement elder, plus the current temporary housekeeper, you are willing to worship him as a teacher? To be honest, although he is sometimes not very Reliable, in general, it is still good, especially when it is repaired, it is also at the top. As for his appearance, he is a little old-fashioned. You should not blame it."

"Wait, Missy, wait--" The old man was almost anxious to jump up. "Miss, don't tell me, you are on the roadside to find this stupid boy?"

"Hehehe--" Gong Ziyan covered his mouth and laughed. "It should be elders, you said it is good. You are really going to bring this high-ranking brother back on the roadside. No, it should be said that your apprentice will be Give it back."

"Ah, no?" The old man was completely dumbfounded.

Missy gave him a disciple on the road. Is this what it is because he has recently robbed him too much, so Missy deliberately finds someone to play for herself, so as not to hit her idea?

"Missy, can I return it?" Looking at the stupid apprentice, the old man should have an old face.

"What do you say -"

Cheng Hao squinted at him, and the old man immediately pulled his head and looked depressed.

The other elders and disciples who were onlookers looked at this scene in a funny and interesting way. It was rare to see the elders showing embarrassment, and everyone looked at it with gusto.

Gong Ziyan saw the high cold and still reacted, but she shook her head and secretly spread the words: "High cold, stupid, not fast, apprentice, this elder is the great elder of the Central Plains Holy Land, Cheng Jia's most powerful elders First, he is a master of Wudi, and he is giving you a good taste. Don't you want it?"

Emperor Wu!

Hearing the word, the chilly body was slightly shocked, showing a shocking color. He finally understood where he had arrived and who he had met.

The surprises and shocks in his heart made him involuntarily kneel down. He knew that this opportunity was equal to falling the pie in the world. If he did not seize this opportunity for the troubled, then he would regret it for a lifetime.

So, he didn't even think about it, he just fell down!

"You, how did you get down -"

The old man was scared and jumped, and he rushed to the side and screamed eagerly. "Hey, don't worry, my little ancestors, who are you bad, why are you jealous of me, me, can I leave? ——"

"The disciple Gao Hanjun met with Master and asked Master to accept the disciple!" After all, Gao Hanjun directly slammed three heads and did not give the other party a chance to refuse.

What kind of jokes, the master of Wudi, the entire mainland, the number one character, have this opportunity to worship, how he is willing to give up.

"You, you, hey, I am a stupid boy. You can be a teacher."

The old man who shot the forehead was angry and anxious. He pointed to the elders who were watching the movie. He said: "They, these elders are better than me. Why don't you worship them as teachers, as long as you like, Anyone who can worship them, they will promise, obviously do not understand?"

"No, the disciple is going to worship you as a teacher, please Master to complete!" Gao Hanjun firmly said.


Looking at a dumbfounded boy, the old man should open his mouth and never go back, staring at him.

The people couldn't help but sneer, but Cheng Hao took his hand and took a look at his head. He said, "Don't be content, the high brother is a good choice. If he really ran away, he would cry later. Man is you!"

"Well, Missy has orders, the old slaves dare not!"

The old man's face was helpless and stubborn, but his heart was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Cheng Hao was so fancy in front of his stupid boy.

"Kid, don't roll up!" The old man immediately took up Master's shelf and ordered it directly.

"Yes, Master!"

Gao Hanjun bowed his head with respect and respect, only to stand up and walk silently.

Seeing that he was advancing and retreating, the old man should nod his head, and the light turned, and then revealed a smile. He said, "Miss, you see, Gao Xiaozi is a warrior, but also a breakthrough, is it--"

"Roll, this is what you are a master, don't think about something!" Cheng Xiao, who was so angry and sullen, gave him a look and left.

"Don't, Missy, I'll appreciate it. It's the first time that the old slave is the apprentice, or the one who Miss You brought back, Missy-"

"Get out of the way -"

As the sound came, the next moment, a powerful instinct came out, and the old man should quickly lift the apprentice behind him, and the figure of the master and the apprentice disappeared.


A large tree a few feet away collapsed and scared the face of the cold and chilly face. Only then did he know that he had always been regarded as a younger brother, Miss Cheng Jiada, and his strength was so powerful.

As for the other days, it was a strange look. Several guards immediately lifted the broken tree, and then planted the saplings in the original place. In a blink of an eye, they were cleaned up.

"Hey, Missy is getting stingy, isn't it a little reward? Why do you make such a big fire, if you scare the children, what to do!" The old man sighed and sighed, and complained dissatisfied.

Several other elders looked at each other and smiled. They said that they should follow the old man's words. Congratulations, he received the apprentice. They should look at them with a smile, but they told the people next to them: "The apprentice, Don't hurry up and give some of your uncles an appointment, just to receive your meeting!"

Can't rob the Missy, the person in front of me can't let go, want to see his good play, how to do it without paying some price.

Hearing his words, several elders who were full of smiles suddenly became bitter melons. However, they still pulled out a baby and met them. Naturally, they couldn't be cold.

The elders were robbed again, and the old man was finally satisfied with his apprentice.

Inside the main house!

"Hey, how do you think of letting the cold and worship the elders as a teacher?" Gong Ziyan asked curiously.

Cheng Yizhan Yan Yixiao said: "The old man should be too busy, give him something to do!"

"Oh, I think you don't want him to find an excuse all day to give him a reward!"

"You said yes, anyway, this old man is a vampire!"

"I see, this vampire, you are very happy!"

In the eyes of Gong Ziyan, the mans flashed, saying: "The old man should be old and good, but he is a personal talent. There are people who don't have to worry about too many things. This kind of big housekeeper, the average person can't ask for it."

"Stop, don't give me a raise, or else, the old man will not give me the tail, and it will be more difficult to deal with later." Cheng Hao looked like a painful head.


No more to say, the two women went back to the pavilion to change dresses!

"Little master -"

Just back to the space, Xiao Yuteng appeared, Cheng Hao asked in surprise: "How come you?"

"Hey, Missy, there is nothing fun in Daling Town at night, hand it over to the people below, I will be back!"

Xiao Yuteng opened his eyes and smiled.


The treasure hunters slipped out of the crystal tree and yelled at them.

"Little golden mouse, do you mean to continue looking for baby tomorrow?" asked Xiao Yuteng.


The little golden rat screamed, but a pair of small eyes looked at Cheng Hao, seemingly waiting for her to promise.

Cheng Hao did not agree, she frowned, said: "I will not go out tomorrow, Xiaojin can go out with Xiao Yuteng, and immediately hold an auction, Xiao Yuteng, you have to think about it, this auction in addition to Yufeng Is there something more than the pulp?"

"Add something?" Xiao Yuteng put away a sweet smile, holding up his chin with both hands, said: "Little master, what do you want to add? It seems that we have a lot of treasures here, just really want to take it out. auction?"

"It's best to get something that can be auctioned out!"

Cheng Hao leaned on the crystal tree and played with his own evergreen silk. He said: "Our space needs to be upgraded. It is actually to upgrade. It is best to raise a few more levels. You also know how difficult it is for us to upgrade the space now. If there is not enough supplies, how many levels can we upgrade?"

"The little master is right!"

Xiao Yuteng nodded seriously, licking his head and said: "We have a lot of medicinal herbs, but the medicinal drugs can not be auctioned, only for their own use, or else, the medicinal drug auction is also a copy."

"You don't have to auction the drug, you can auction the drug!"

Suddenly came a familiar voice, Cheng Hao immediately stood up straight, greeted the people who came over, smiled and said: "Grandma, how come you?"

"Want to come out and walk, just hear what you said about the remedy!" Mrs. Cheng took a few steps before stopping and stopped!

Xiao Yuteng directly asked: "Old lady, what kind of liquid?"

"The liquid medicine is a higher level than the medicinal medicine. This kind of thing can be extracted by few people. It is said that this pharmacist is more popular than the alchemy."

"Grandma, isn't the pharmacist an alchemy teacher? How is there a difference?" Cheng Hao also raised curiosity.

"Of course!"

Mrs. Cheng smiled a little and explained to them: "Dan medicine, it is refined and re-condensed. Although the medicine is good, it is difficult to keep some impurities. After all, the medicine is not a kind of medicine, it is generally What kind of tens of or hundreds of kinds of medicinal materials are extracted? Who can guarantee that all these medicinal herbs are 100% without toxins?"

"It is said that the more the elixir refining the low-level alchemy, the more impurities there will be, the more impurities, the more toxins in the medicinal herbs, no matter how many people take the remedy, there will be some toxins. Long-term use of medicinal herbs may affect repair or health."

"Of course, some senior alchemists can refine the remedies that have no impurities or little impurities. This kind of medicinal medicine is extremely rare, and it is rarely seen. Even in the Bohai Sea, it is rare to see no impurities. medicine."

"Old lady, you said that this drug is slightly poisonous. These things that everyone knows, in fact, the medicinal herbs we have produced are very few. I see that the medicinal herbs in the refinery valley are only a few percent of the toxins. Well, oh, run off--"

Xiao Yuteng took a forehead and continued: "Old lady, we want to know, what does this have to do with the pharmacist, and what is the difference between the liquid medicine?"

"Oh, of course, there is a relationship. First, the liquid medicine is very pure, it is more pure than all the medicinal herbs, and there is no impurity. Second, the pharmacist extracts the liquid without any impurities and toxins. Anyone can say that it will not cause any harm to people, and there will be no residual toxins in the body. It can be said that this liquid is several times more valuable than the medicinal herbs."

"Really?" Xiao Yuteng smashed his eyes and said: "Is it possible to refine the liquid? Isn't it necessary to refine when we are alchemy? We have to extract the medicinal properties to condense the dan, so that we can pull straight Will you leave the extracted liquid, can you not condense it?"

"of course not!"

Mrs. Cheng's wife shook her head. "There is a big difference between the two. As for how to extract it, it's up to you to find it yourself. If you can become a pharmacist, even if it appears in the Bohai Sea, it will be All major forces are invited to be VIPs, and no one dares to disrespect you."

"Grandma, pharmacist and alchemist are essentially the same, but the pharmacist seems to be better than the alchemy. The pharmacist is also changing from the alchemy. The drug is just a product that stands out among the remedies. Maybe every alchemist has May become a pharmacist."

Cheng Hao quickly understood the difference between the two and whispered it out.

Upon hearing her words, Mrs. Cheng's wife showed the light of approval and said, "Hey, it's normal for you to understand this. If you want to auction, it's best to extract the liquid. If you don't, you're not in it. Auctioning for medicinal herbs, people in the refining valley can't catch your handle."

"Hey, Grandma, though this is the case, there are only three days left, how can we become a pharmacist, unless Xiao Yuteng has a way."

Cheng licked his lips and looked at Xiao Yuteng. At this moment, Xiao Yuteng seems to be in meditation and should be thinking about the problem.

"Let it think about it first, maybe it has a way!"

Cheng Laofu smiled and looked at the person next to him and asked: "What is the harvest today?"

"Right, Grandma, I found a few black stones. You can help me see what this is!" Speaking, Cheng Hao took out a few black stones in the space ring and handed it to her. .

"Hey, how come this kind of thing?"