
Transmigration with QQ Farm [{REPOSTED}]

All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign? A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings? Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals? What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals? Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner! Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving? All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals! Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land! Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

MOS9895 · Urban
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243 Chs

Juner is pitted and forced to eat people

Xiao Yuteng shot, Liu Tianshan's body rushing to the real gas to stabilize.

Cheng Hao saw a sigh of relief, and then looked at Liu Tianshan, who had just been practicing for only one year. He had already broken through the samurai and had to say that his talent was good.

"Little master, he is fine!"

Xiao Yuteng's small face was slightly white, and then he said: "This kid, this time is a blessing in disguise, at least it can be rushed to the martial artist's peak!"

"No, he is a warrior now. Can he be a leap?" Cheng said in a different place.

"Little master, you are too young to see me!"

Xiao Yuteng was dissatisfied with picking up a small mouth and playing with his little finger. He said: "I used my original juice just now, and even if he used it again, he could improve it!"

"Hey--" Cheng Hao couldn't help but laugh and yelled at it: "Say it, not because of your willingness!"

"Of course it is my reason -" Xiao Yuteng's face is arrogant.


Cheng Hao ignored it and saw Liu Tianshan start the conflict and hit the bottleneck. She retired.

When I first came out, I saw the Juner girl rushing.

"Miss ——-"

The person who rushed over saw Cheng Hao, and hurriedly said: "Miss Yan, how is the big brother of Tianshan now, saying that he seems to be mad, right?"

"Hey, you are anxious, where have you been?" Cheng Wei smiled and asked.


The girl of Juner was flushed and suddenly showed her daughter's shy look. She was too embarrassed to meet her sharp eyes.

"Well, Tianshan brother is fine!" Cheng told her the truth.

"Great!" whispered, the girl of Juner seems to find her own gaffe, and the little face seems to be bleeding.

"Jun girl, it seems that you are ready to seduce our Tianshan brothers, aren't they?"

"What seduce -"

Juner girl's face was stunned and she was unsatisfied with a lame. "Miss, you bully people—"

"Where, when will I bully you?"

Cheng Hao held back his smile and continued: "The original Juner girl didn't mean this. In this case, we have to prepare for Tianshan's brother to introduce a partner. After all, people are not young, we can't let Tianshan brothers be alone. ,dont you agree?"

"Introducing a partner?"

Juner girl was stupid, and it seemed that she was not joking. Her face was blue and red, and her eyes flashed a flustered voice. "Don't, me, I-"

"What happened to you? We are considering Huihui Xiaogu and Tianshan brother, you said -"

"No?" Cheng Hao slightly raised his eyebrows and stared at her. He asked: "Why? You don't like Tianshan's brother, can we still not find a partner for him?"

"I, who said that I don't like him -" the person who jumped into the trap blurted out!


Cheng Hao nodded and clap his head and said: "Yes, this is your own recognition, you come with me -"

Not waiting for her reaction, Cheng Hao grabbed the person and swept away.

When the girl of Jun children came back, the two had already appeared in Yuteng.

"Miss Xiao Xiao, I-"

The girl who has always been bold and daring is so embarrassed to see people, pinching her clothes and not talking.

"What, don't you talk?"

Cheng Hao clung to the smile. "You just don't admit that you want to abduct our Tianshan brother. Now they say that you like him. I said Juner girl. You know, Tianshan brother is the person of our Central Plains. You are Don't you give me a confession?"

"That, how to confess?" The head of the melon seeds has been smashed and has not been realized.

"It's very simple. You want to be with the Tianshan brothers. You have to show your sincerity. Otherwise, we will not promise you to be with him."

"Why me--"

"This is to see you, what kind of price you want to pay!" Cheng Hao interrupted her words, did not give the other party a chance to speak: "You don't know, Tianshan brothers grow here, he will not live in other places. Habit, you advised you not to want to abduct people, and he may not be willing to leave -"

"Who said that I want to take him away -"

It's really unbearable, the girl can't help but worry, "Miss Ms., for the Tianshan brother, I won't take him away. Where is he, where am I, he is my person, you are not allowed to find other things for him. Woman, otherwise, me, me-"

"How are you?" Cheng Hao finally showed a bright smile.

"I, you-"

I found a glimmer of gaze in the other's eyes, and the girl finally understood that she was being played.

Tightly biting his lips, the person who was so shy again that he couldn't help but screamed: "You are too bully--"

Say it, immediately leave and leave!

"Ha ha ha -" Cheng Hao rushed to the distant figure, suddenly laughed and teased others, the days are really good.


The sound of tenderness like water sounded, and then the familiar atmosphere appeared, and the gaze of gaze gazing at the charming and touching people, Mo Xuanzun smiled and said: "You tease the girl, wait for the palace sister to come back, I will definitely find you trouble!"

"Come on, I am afraid that she will not be!" Cheng Hao smiled indifferently.


Slightly shaking his head, Mo Xuanzun smiled and shifted the topic: "I don't know how they are with the sisters and sisters!"

"It should be okay, don't you say that Luo Laotou is dangerous?"

"I just said that he is not in danger of life. As for the others, he is not sure!"

"There will be no big problems!"

"hope so!"

The two chatted here, however, the situation in Yancheng was not very good.

Yancheng Luojia!

The Luo family is still unconscious!

In addition to the busy family, Luo Junhao, who is a young family owner, mainly traces who is the poisonous hand.

The responsibility of the caregiver falls on the palace sable.


Those who just went to visit the future father-in-law, met the oncoming Luo Junhao!

"search Brother brother -"

Gong Ziyan saw a tired person, his eyes flashed distressed, and he asked him, "How are you still not found?"

"For the time being, no one has been found, no clues, no one is who is the murderer!"

Luo Junhao shook his head and then asked: "How is the situation?"

"The situation of Luo Bobo is still stable, but he is still not awake, I don't know-"

Speaking of this, Gong Ziyan showed the color of worry and said: "If you don't want to, look at it, I am afraid that Luo Bobo can't hold it!"

"Tell a letter to you, I am afraid that when I am shocked by the mother, if the mother knows the situation here, I must come back. Now, we have not yet to the murderer, the mother is best not to come back, so as to avoid any accident. ""

"But, the doctors have no way to take this poison. Except for cockroaches, I really don't know who to call for help!" Gong Ziyan looked worried!

"Don't worry -"

Luo Junhao did not enter the house to explore people. The two men walked out side by side, and the people of Luofu greeted them.

Sitting down together in the garden pavilion, the next person immediately sent pastry and tea.

The cakes and teas are in front of them, but they can't eat them. They are still frowning. Gong Ziyan looks at the people in front of him and says, "Luo brother, I heard Luo's aunt talking about how your family's big sister and their family are not in Yancheng. See them appear?"

"Big sister -"

When I mentioned this person, Luo Junhao's brow froze, his eyes suddenly sharpened a bit, and his body's breath changed. The uninformed palace purple asked: "What's wrong with Luo's brother?"

"Hey, you don't mention them, I will forget them, they must also check!" Luo Junhao looked cold and sighed.

"Luo brother, you mean --" Gong Ziyan could not believe in asking.

Seeing her expression, Luo Junhao could not help but smile, saying: "You don't know what they want, greedy people, what can't be done."

"But -" Gong Ziyan still feels incredible, "How can someone who is so dear get a hand!"

"I don't know if they are moving hands for the time being. I think I have to send people to check it out. If it weren't for them, it would be best if they were--" At the end, Luo Junhao flashed a smattering of his eyes.

Although he was a dozen in the Shenjian Zong, he was not very familiar with the Tian family, but Luo Junhao was too clear about his personality as a big sister.

From the younger sister, I liked to grab people's things, myself and the second sister's things, I grabbed it and robbed it. After all, it is my own person. I have to recognize it again. However, for other people's things, if the big sister Luo Yujie likes it, absolutely It is a strong robbing, and people don't give it. She dares to kill people, but robs.

For such a person, the son raised is not a good thing, it is not impossible to do it to yourself!

Thinking of this, Luo Junhao immediately got up and said: "Hey, I will arrange it now!"

"Good!" Gong Ziyan nodded.

Luo Junhao rushed to arrange, he did not want to be the other party, but must confirm.

one day later!

Luo Junhao, who has been waiting for the news, is getting more and more gloomy. The two guards he sent have not come back. It's just a suburb. It's just one more time. Even if there is something, it's not a big deal. !

Today, the whole day!

If people don't come back, there must be something wrong!

"Elders of the political sect, do you have any suggestions?" There are only three people in the study. Luo Junhao did not let the elders in the family participate. After all, this matter is true, it must be a big problem.

The elders of the political sects came back with Luo Junhao this time, just the identity of the helper, generally just obeying the arrangement!

"Luo Gongzi, no matter what, let's go outside the city to see it!" I don't know the details, the elders of the political sect can only put forward their own views.

Gong Ziyan looked at them and asked: "If we go out, they don't admit what to do?"

"We can't go to the door like this, I mean to inquire first!"

The elders of the political sects frowned. "The people sent by Luo Gongzi are all martial artists. In general, even if they meet something, they want to escape. It is not impossible. Why have they not escaped? What a weird place."

"Yes, I mean this too. Now, we have determined that there is a problem with the Tianjia in the suburbs. We don't have much use to send people. In my opinion, we will send people again, maybe we will not come back, or we will go there in person. A glimpse, better!" Luo Junhao Shen Sheng.

"Okay, if so, let's go now!" Camp Ziyan directly said support.

"It's still early, let's wait another hour to start again!"


The people here have made plans, and the Tianjia in the suburbs seems to be different from usual.

The walls in the yard collapsed, and people around not far away faintly heard Tian Jia's afternoon as if there was a fight.

As for what to send, no one knows.

At this moment, the Tianjia brothers standing in the secret room looked a little blue and their body was a little trembling.

Just now they saw the black robes in front of their eyes and sucked a living martial artist into their mouths. Only one human skin was left, which was even more horrible than eating human flesh. They were not afraid.

"Hey, you guys have no interest, really want to learn the old man's effort? If you want to learn the old lady's kung fu, you must absorb this person, or you will not be my apprentice!" The geeks sneered and gave them orders.


Tian Jiang was scared to go backwards. Tian Feng was also pale and snowy, asking them to eat people. How to eat this?

"You really don't listen to the old man?"

The black robe geek voice is terrible, and the eyeballs shoot a bunch of green light, as if they are staring at them in a fierce wilderness. The creepy Tianjia brothers are scared to faint.

They are nothing but bullies who are bullying and fearful. In addition to bullying people, they have not yet started to deal with a fierce wilderness. Now, in the face of such awkward things, why not be afraid.

"If you don't eat, you can't do it. Today, the old man will let you open the door first, and you will get used to it, hehe-"

The black robe geek smiled very strangely. He stretched out his claws and sucked Tian Jiang. A palm was shot behind him. There was a different kind of infuriating in his body. His mouth could not help but expand.

In the blank of his mind, he squinted his eyes and pressed directly to the person lying on the ground, followed by a thick smell of something straight into his mouth, down his throat!

Tian Feng gripped his fists tightly. He was frightened and watched his own big brother talking to someone else. This is nothing, the most horrible thing, he can feel something coming into his throat.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the martial artist who had just been arrested began to dry up, as if he had lost his flesh and blood. At this moment, he could not help but regret that why he should be a teacher for this kind of person. This is really a monster that eats people without bones.

He wants to escape, but he can't walk without his legs.

And he knows that even if he escapes, he can't escape the other's claws.

After a column of incense!

Tian Jiang was raised by the black robe geek, and his stomach was over the river. He couldn't even spit it out. The next second, he gave him a point. "Boy, don't think about anything now, you can give me a good old man now. Give your heart and absorb the baby in your stomach. If you dare not obey, the old man will **** you up later."

Throwing people on the ground, the dark robe of the geeks screaming, the people who can't move at the door, smirked and said: "Hey, Xiaofeng, it's your turn, don't be afraid, Master is also good for you!"

After he finished, he stretched out his claws and turned and wanted to run. Tian Feng still couldn't escape the claws of others. He was quickly caught. He didn't wait for him to scream, and the next moment, his mouth was already on the ground. Kind of human lips.

Soon, he realized the feeling of his older brother.

The black robe geek smiled and used the method to help Tian Feng absorb the blood and flesh of the person, and then aimed at the person next to him. He saw that he was absorbed in the bones of the heart and mind, and his heart was more satisfied.

The person lying on the ground soon left a human skin. He used the same technique to control Tian Feng and told him: "Don't waste money. I believe that you will soon become a master of Wuling. You must be eager to fight." ——"


A loud bang, followed by a strong and powerful atmosphere, a fierce energy fluctuation suddenly spread out.

"Oh, someone is coming -"

The black robe geek found the person outside, and he quickly swept the brothers and glanced at them.

The three people who arrived here saw the unusual atmosphere here. The elders of the political sect got the indication of Luo Junhao, and immediately showed the heroic atmosphere to the people inside.


Two infuriating opponents, a ridge of black robe appeared in front of three people, saw the sinister breath of this person, immediately sent

With a bang, the sky shines, and the infuriating air, like a huge wave, spreads in all directions.


Two of them were fine, the surrounding walls were ravaged, and all of them collapsed and became ruins.

"Hey, two people, the emperor, a martial artist, powerful, powerful -"

The black robe geek saw three people. He was not afraid, but instead showed his crazy intentions. The eagerness in his eyes did not hide, as if he had seen delicious food.

Under his gaze, Gong Ziyan felt very uncomfortable. She frowned and hid to Luo Junhao.

The elders of Zong Zheng had a hard hit with him. His face was dignified and he stared at the person in front of him. He said, "You are from the Black Earth City -"

"What, he is a black soil city?" Luo Junhao changed his face, he finally understood what was going on.

The person who appeared in the black house in the house of his own sister, he used his toes to know what the truth is.

"Hey--" The black robe geek did not panic, but he showed a few smirk of laughter. He stared at the person in front of him. "Boy, your eyes are good, the old man is the person of Black Earth City."

"Devil, you dare to come to us, it is simply unforgivable, today we will remove you!" The elders of Zong Zheng, the body of the mighty instinct, broke out, single palm, a blast One, then violently shot to the top of the head.

The black robe geek saw the giant palm, and he sneered: "Good boy, said that you can't do it, the old man can't bear to die now!"

One of the claws of the claws on the giant palms, the palace purple eyes saw, can not help but yell: "Zong Zheng elders are careful, his claws are poisonous!"

"Oh, it's late--" The black robe screamed.


The elders of the patriarchs snorted and thundered the violent bombardment on the head of the black robe. "In the early days of Xiaowuwu, even if you came from the Black Earth City, don't want to ask for cheapness here!"

Gong Ziyan saw this scene, her pupils contracted, and she took a cold breath in her heart. It was obvious that she was afraid of the battle between the two.