
Chapter 7 P1

Now the man with glowing sea green eyes and hair now stood before Lin standing calm and proud, The Beast King was the first to speak freeing the aura that made one want to kneel in his presence and he spoke

"Hello Creator, I am the 7th Seed"

"Huh, Creator?" Lin asked in surprise

"Yes, As you created this world, it is natural for you to be known as the creator

Lin Was stunned how did this guy know that he created the world, after all he made the world a few millions of years old already. How did this man know this? However, Lin wasn't going to deny this statement and instead he then revealed the truth of all that happened before the few before him from his life before to his death to his creating the new world, Everyone except Lin was in a stunned silence for a while but as he spoke the world around shimmered and shook and faint images of the Otherworlds shown in a bluish hue causing no room for dispute.

"Even I didn't know all of this!" The Beast King Roared In Laughter

"Truly amazing, Even more so than I had imagined"

"Then can you... Hmm, how do I say this, manipulate the world"

"I've never tried, But why don't we" Lin laughed at this interesting question that even he wanted to know.

Lin Focused on the world around him, Then closed his eyes and in his mind's eye shown the world around him shimmering and calm it was beautiful then on impulse, He reached forward and his surroundings began to change taking new shape and colors quickly forming that of a door of the darkest black.


[Skill Obtained: World Minipulation- The ability to manipulate and create new things in the world around you, However, this cannot be used on living beings, In the future this can be used to create new species however at the current level it can only be used to do small scale things]

[Skill Obtained: Void Door- Opens a door to the void, It will be destroyed or created as you wish]

In his concentration Lin failed to notice the amazed cries of the surrounding group who were now kneeling before him with complete amazement, "Amazing" the Beast King said in awe.

"This is like no power I have seen before" The wolf said

"Amazing" Was all Rose could say

"Well, I didn't know I could do that!" Lin Said Stunned

So I have to leave soon to Colorado and I'm unable to write while driving to the airport and all so here is a part 1 of chapter 7 if i have time later today i will complete this chapter!

Sorry, but I hope you enjoy

Orionwasherecreators' thoughts