
Transmigration:Void Queen

So what happens when you put a black woman who's got a fiery temper who is used to conquering all challenges life has thrown at her accompanied by a system who is any thing but holy but wicked into different world's where she must change someone's destiny and destroy all those who have hurt them . destruction obviously so join us in changing lives and taking lives in Transmigration: Void Queen

SA_Queen · Fantasy
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5 Chs

meeting the protagonist's Dad

Hi ma'am how are you feeling

feeling fine nurse so when can I get discharged I need to go home.

You can be discharged today all you have to do is sign the discharge papers and you'll be free to leave

fine nurse so where do I sign

right here and here

Damien have done what I asked you to do

[done and dusted by the way who is your first target and before you call me perv I'm just curious]

curiosity killed the cat Damian

[that it did but I ain't no cat so spill]

fine the first target is Ichigo then Orihime.

Lets leave this hospital wait a minute ain't Ichigo's dad's hospital. you thinking what I am thinking.

[If it involves you getting into his families good book's then yes]

time to act nurse can I speak to the doc who treated me I want to thank him.

okay ma'am I'll go call him for you

Isshin's POV:

today I treated a very hot patient apparently she was in an accident but the Reiryoku I felt coming off her was insane but one thing is for sure she is no soul reaper her energy is all over the place

Doctor Kurosaki may I come in

yes you can

Is there an emergency nurse Yui

no doctor but the patient in ward 5 is asking for you.

You mean miss Tsubaki is looking for me .

Yes sir she is. well that's interesting.

Hello miss Tsubaki how are you feeling nurse Yui told me you where looking for me.

Yes I was I just wanted to to thank you for helping me and keeping me alive.

No need to thank me I was just doing my duty as a doctor.

Doc Isshin call me Isshin okay Isshin I meant it really thank you a lot.

Isshin can I ask you a question.

If's fine ask away.

was there a kid where i was found I'd swear I saw a kid with a chain in his chest running away from a monster with a white mask and a woman with short black hair wearing a black kimono.

No mis' call me Shiori fine Shiori we didn't find any one of that description. thank you for answering my question I'll be leaving soon but still thanks a lot goodbye.

well that confirms one thing she isn't a soul reaper but a human with captain level reiryoku

Shiori's POV

[you're wicked you know that you practically made him have interest in you with that conversation and that might make him mention you to Urahara]

you're wrong about one thing he will mention me to urahara especially when he finds out about me being his son's teacher and that secures me a place in the story line.