
Transmigration Twilight

Our MC died, met with God, who gave him the choice of the world at his discretion and 5 wishes.What will happen to the main character?What will he do?

Wasilisk100 · TV
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5 Chs


I was surrounded by darkness, where I didn't look, where I didn't go, and how many times I went - just endless, impenetrable darkness. I only knew that I had died because I had saved the girl from the car, but I didn't seem to have the reaction to Dodge it. I wonder how many days, years, centuries, or millennia I've been here.

So this is the place where everyone goes after death, I thought.

While I was thinking about it, I was interrupted by a voice that didn't sound like a man's, a woman's , or a child's voice, as if it was something between, that carried through the entire space-You're absolutely right, my boy, this is where you decide where you go.

"Who's there?"I asked, surprised. Although wait what I'm so surprised, I've watched the anime with rebirth and reincarnation many times, so this is a higher being or something like a God, I think Yes, so it is-calming down I thought.

-Yes, I am what you call a God, but I am the God in charge of this particular place. This place is connected to the entire multi-universe, " the creature Said.

-Um…So you're also a mind reader? I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"Hahahaha, this is my space, naturally I can do everything here.

- Well, I won't keep you here, as you already understood, I will give you wishes and the world at your discretion. How many desires will all depend on your karma, the world you take as before. Now let's check how much karma you have - said the creature.

-So I can be reborn in another world?, and how much karma do I have-I said.

- Your karma is enough for 5 desires, as for the world, you will not be reborn , but you will transfer your body there, so in this space you can create a new body and age whatever you want.

"Okay, I choose the Twilight World. My first wish for this is that I want to be a hybrid like Klaus Mikaelson, with all his abilities, so that I can create hybrids, vampires or werewolves. My second wish would be this-I want to have a house in Seattle in that world , all the documents, as well as a decent amount of money. My third wish is to show up two days before Bella arrives in forks , and also to have me enrolled in this school. My fourth wish will be the power I can use to reflect the abilities of other vampires. The fifth and final wish is that I can change the physiology of vampires while they can have children and eat normal food or grow old, I said.

-All this can be fulfilled, only in the fifth wish I will give you this power, but they will be able to do all this, while the need for blood will still be there, you will need to feed on blood once every two weeks - said the creature.

- Yes, and this will be enough, as long as I can survive and settle in that world-I said.

"Now tell me what kind of appearance do you want?"the God(being) grinned.

"God, make me look like the Goddess wants me," I said shyly.

- Ahem... Being fell into confusion, but after a second his state was already normal from this stunning statement, then he replied-I will fulfill your request my boy. The creature thought it was worth watching what the boy would bring to this world.

- Thank you!!!I said with a twitch of my brow.

(Here even the author himself did not expect that this would come to this, but I did not want to kill time on appearance, most likely it will be in the next Chapter.)

I felt a sharp pain and my mind became blurred, my eyelids grew heavy, and after a while I fell asleep.

-In a good way my boy, I think it's worth keeping an eye on you, ohohohoh and he surprised the old man.


When I opened my eyes a little, I noticed the grayish ceiling, and when I stood up, I realized that I was in a house…

And the continuation of what's-his-name seems to follow, but this is no