
Who was it that came into her womb? Part I

After sending off the envoy, Bai Yu and Ouyang Feilong rode in a horse carriage back to the royal palace. Citizens of Da Yang flocked to both sides of the road, uttering words of blessing for their emperor and empress. It was delightful to know that Ouyang Feilong was loved by his subjects.

He was the former commander general who protected Da Yang’s border. Half of his life was spent on the battlefield protecting his motherland. His feats were acknowledged by all in Da Yang. And today, he maintained the nation’s peace while allying with Da Chu. The result of his effort was the clear love and respect that the people had for him.

“Can I open the curtain, Your Majesty?” Bai Yu turned to ask the person who was half-reclining in the grand and spacious carriage. In his hand was a petition that seemed to be pulling his brows together tight.

“What are you doing?”

“There are so many people coming to receive us. I want to greet them.”