
I was born to protect my brother, not to govern anyone Part I

Eunuchs and maids had already left under the Emperor’s order. The royal study was quiet. No one uttered a word ever since Ouyang Feilong kneeled down.

Two siblings fixed their gazes at each other for a long while, until Ouyang Hongxian broke the silence first. “Ming-er.”

“Yes, father,” Ouyang Mingxian responded.

“Escort her back first,” he said to his son while his eyes were still on his brother.

“Yes, father.”

Bai Yu curtsied, graceful as usual. Ouyang Mingxian led her out. They both knew that the next words that would be exchanged were not for their ears. And so, they compliantly left, even though they, too, were involved in the matter.

“Rumor has it that he’s a spitting image of the former emperor.”

"Or is it possible that the former emperor has reincarnated?!”