
Bai Hua… My dear sister Part I

Bai Yu had intended to bait the truth from Bai He. Though she was excited to see her brother, she did not forget how much she was curious about Bai He and Xu Peipei’s relationship. She had not led her brother away for more than a few steps before Ouyang Feilong announced that he would return to the royal study to focus on his work, as his empress had suggested, and to let the siblings talk privately within the palace rather than outside.

Seeing the sparkle in his wife’s eyes, how could Ouyang Feilong not realize that her attention was no longer on him? He could only sigh and leave with his long line of servants.

Bai Yu waved to her husband, then turned to smile at her brother.

“You’re not afraid that you’ll upset his majesty?”

Bai Yu shook her head. “I have something more important here.”

Bai He raised an eyebrow, and the corner of his mouth curved up slightly. “What is it?”

“It’s about Brother and my future sister-in-law.”