

Liam's Pov:

" No, we're very weak now after the surgery they performed on us. It most likely we might die on our own before they catch us. " Venom said to me as a matter of fact.

I stay mute for a couple of minutes after Venom's reply, I already knew it was impossible to escape too. As a trained doctor myself, I could tell how weak my body was now. But the look on my best friend's face could tell how worried he was for me and I wanted to assure him that I'd be fine, but I didn't have the courage to comfort him when I couldn't even comfort myself.

Sam informed me of the preparations which was going on in the pack for the welcoming of the Alpha King. Since I woke up from my slumber, no one had come to visit me except Sam, but they were busily preparing to send me off. How can these people be so cruel to their family member? I could not believe my father and my younger brother did this to me, I used to be a strongest werewolf in the pack, my father taught me everything and wished me to take his place after he retired. And my younger brother whom I took care of him since he was baby, we trained together and I assisted his first shift, but now I felt ridiculous.

I was not Liam, I was Scott McCall, I was surely going to get my revenge on them one day, making them regret ever doing this to me. I was so deep in thought that I didn't hear Sam call my name until he tapped me on the shoulder.

“Liam are you okay, do you feel pain anywhere? Should I go get the healer?”

I waved my hands at him to stop him from calling the pack healer.

“Nah, I'm feeling good. I'm just a little bit sore. I think it's due to laying down for too long.... Sam ... can you get me something to eat? I'm feeling very hungry.” I spoke in a very low tone, making my voice sounded very pleading.

“Yes, of course!! I'll go get you something to eat from the kitchen now. Just relax and take some rest Liam.”

Sam quickly exited the room and run to the pack kitchen.

I got off the bed as soon as Sam walked out, I started to walk around the room inspecting it. " This room is quite smaller than my room in my previous life, to be frank my bathroom was bigger than this room ", I muttered to myself and started to stretch my body.

“Venom, so when do you think we'll completely heal from this?”

" I think it might take very long time, this isn't just like a wound or cut. They've shattered our bones and rebuilt them. We have to heal bit by bit. " Venom answered after analysing our current condition.

I was so enraged, I couldn't believe my own family would agree to do this to me. And it wasn't as if they had qualms with the previous Liam.

' I'm so going to kill them all ', I sneered and thought.

I slowly walked to the mirror in the room and my mouth gaped opened to the sight in the mirror, " Oh gosh, .... I squealed. “I look like a goddess who had descended from heaven to earth. Is this really me?!! I don't look like a human. I think if I auditioned as an actor, I'd rather get filmed as the female lead rather! " i whispered to myself amusingly.

The door was suddenly opened when Sam walked in carrying food try and I was brought out of my thoughts. “What do you think you're doing walking around in your state?! I don't need to inform you of how weak you are. Come here, and be careful not to hurt yourself.”

Sam slowly led me to the bed and I pouted and quietly sat down on the bed...

“ Go on and eat Liam. I'm going back to the kitchen to clean up the mess I made.”

Sam walked out and suddenly stopped at the exit, he turned back to look at me with a worried face. “The Alpha asked about you ..... He orders you to stay in here and not cause any trouble. You're not suppose to step out of the room The omegas will start taking care of you and your needs, they'll be the ones to doll you up when the Alpha King arrives to take you. " Sam passed unto me the Alpha's words.

I had already come to accept my fate and there was nothing I could do to change that now. " I had to start making my plans now on how to escape and take revenge after I was completely healed, I'll put my plans to work ", I muttered to myself and started to eat my food in silence.

The days went slowly with preparations still going on.

Alpha Finn always sends his warriors and omegas to come and check up on me whether I'm behaving or being naughty. Since I woke up, my days went on with Sam coming to keep me company and me having conversations with Venom. I spend all my days and time in the room I was left in, so no one realized that Liam's soul had been swapped with mine.

I started to use Liam's memories to teach myself about my pack and other packs, I got Venom to teach me a about being a werewolf. I wanted to get myself familiar with everything involving before I'm going I was taken to the Blood Moon pack. I didn't know the life I was going to live there and I'm not planning on finding out when it's too late.

The Alpha King's arrival was drawing near, two days left for him to come and take me. The pack was busier than it was in the previous days. Sam had not come to visit me the whole day and I was getting bored of staying in closed doors, I decided to step out for a few minutes for a different scenario.

But my luck just wasn't good, I opened the door and walked out when I bumped into someone. I didn't look up at the person and I didn't know why but I Started to shiver just staring at the person's feet, I raised my head to apologize but I was met with the eyes of Alpha Finn who stared daggers at me. if looks could kill, I'd be six feet in my grave. I felt like I was drowned in a very cold stream.

It was Alpha Fin! My pack’s Alpha!

I gasped and stepped back.