
Meeting Mates

Xavier's Pov:

The chauffeur parked the car in front of the crescent pack house. I was met with the Alpha and the elders of the crescent pack who came to welcome me. They all bowed down as soon as I stepped out of the car, I waved my hand at them as a sign for them to raise their heads and they all did. Finn, the Alpha of the crescent pack walked to me and extended his hands and I shook it.

" You're welcome once again to the crescent pack your Majesty. You must be exhausted from your journey, I'll lead you to your room. " Alpha Fin said with a faltering smile on his face.

I ignored his flattery and remarks and followed him as he led me into the pack house, the pack house looked fancy but my Castle was a thousand times better. He continued to lead me farther and I followed without uttering a word, my escorts also followed behind quietly. Finn led us to the second floor of the pack house and started to show us to our various rooms, I was given the biggest room and Alaric was given the second biggest room, followed by my Gemma and warriors who were given normal sized rooms.

" Your Majesty why don't you rest for a bit while we prepare for the party tonight? I will come and inform you as soon as the preparations are done. "

I nod at him and dismissed him after he said that, I walked into my room with Ric following behind. I started to feel Nik's antsy behavior in our mind link, ' Oh he has opened the mind link ', I smirked and thought. Nik's antsy behavior started to hurt my head and I couldn't take it anymore.

" Nik what's wrong? You've been antsy for a while now, is anything the matter? " i asked worriedly.

" Nothing's wrong!!! "

He said angrily having no intention to tell me what's got him feeling antsy and went back of my wind, ' at least he didn't cut off the mind link now.' I thought helplessly and decided not to bother myself with trival things since Nik was always moody. I walked to my bed and sat down, Ric did the same and sat besides me. We started to discuss about pack matters and work matters, we were at it for two whole hours. Ric walked out and left me to rest after our discussions.

Alaric's Pov:

After my discussions with Xavier, I decided to walk around in the crescent pack. But man this places looks very secretive, they kept trying to hide things whenever they saw me walk by. " Are they planning on attacking us? ", I mind link my wolf. " I don't think they're that stupid ", Elijah my wolf said and returned to the back of my mind. I continued to walk farther away from the pack house when my ears picked up sobbing sounds, wolf have really sharp ears so it wasn't hard to track the sobbing sounds. Elijah started to get antsy as we got closer to the sobbing sounds, the closer we got the antsier Elijah got. I finally caught up to the sound and slowly approached from behind without making any rustling sound to scare the person, I was stunned when I came face to face with the most beautiful guy I have ever seen in my entire life. He quickly stood up when he noticed me and we both said at once " Mate ", the guy gasped and he started to slowly back away from me and he quickly sprinted and I dashed behind him. He was fast, but I was faster. He made a quick curve into the woods when I got closer to him and I stopped chasing behind him. He knew the pack surrounding so well, while I didn't. I knew I wouldn't be able to catch up to him in the little time I have if I followed him, but one thing was for sure he was from the crescent pack and I was going to see him sooner or later, I will find him and claim him.

Liam's Pov:

I was sitting quietly in my room while the omegas prettied me up like a doll, I just couldn't believe I was being treated like a girl. ' Ha, I don't need to be told what my use to the Alpha King wad, I'm going to be f*cked!!!! ', I was busily thinking about my life when the door of my room was harshly opened and Sam ran in, it was as if he was being chased and he was breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath. He quickly walked to me in a tears and knelt beside me still breathing heavily. I then asked the omegas to excuse us for some couple of minutes which they were reluctant to do so at first, but they agreed when I glared dangerously at them. I brought a chair beside me and asked Sammy to sit and I offered him water.

" Slow down Sammy, what happened? "

I worriedly asked Sammy who looked like he was a ghost.

" I ... hic .... think .... hic ..... I met .... my .... mate and I run so he chased me, but I lost him. "

Sammy said in between hiccups, he look scared which made me confused. ' Why would he run from his mate?, Weren't mates blessings from the moon goddess? ', I thought

" Why did you run? Isn't that your other half? " i asked confused.

" He might be a rogue!!! He didn't smell like someone from this pack. And the only other packs here are those from the Blood Moon pack. He's either a rogue or from the Blood Moon pack and I am scared. " He answered in a panicked tone.

Now I'm starting to understand him, who'd ever want to be mated to someone from the Blood moon pack. ' I'd rather mate with a rogue!!! ', I thought. I extended my hands and took Sammy's hands into mine trying to calm him down as I drew circles in his palm. I started taking deep breaths and releasing it, urging him to follow my example. After a couple of minutes of talking to him and calming him down, the omegas returned and cut our conversation short as they wanted to finish dressing me or rather dolling me up before Alpha Finn comes to get me.

" I'm going to take a shower and get dressed too, I begged the Alpha to allow me escort you and he agreed. "

I was so happy to hear that my escort was going to be my best friend and my eyes lit up and I smiled widely at him. I guess I have one person who cares about me and I was so thankful.

" Hm, I'll wait for you. Thank you Sammy .... for everything you've done for me. I am truly grateful to you.

I smiled at Sammy and he also smiled at me warm heartedly before he exited my room and closed the door behind him.

Xavier's Pov:

I woke up from my nap and went to the bathroom to take a very quick shower, I exited the bathroom after I was done and heard a knock on my door. I quickly dried myself with the towel and wrapped it around my wait before walking to the door, I opened the door to the sight of Finn who was already dressed up for the party in fine suit.

" Your Majesty, I came to inform you that the preparations for the party is done. "

Fin asked and I nodded my head and waved my hand as a sign for his dismissal before closing the door. I started to quickly dress up when the door opened and Ric walked in already dressed up and looking at me strangely.

" Man it's your own f*cking party and you're now getting ready? You really suck a lot sometimes. " He complained which made me chuckled, to me it was only a party in name because the Luna i was going to pick wasn't my mate so i didn't really take it seriously. I didn't get why Ric was so worked up about it, he sweared at me and threw me my clothes urging me to get dressed quickly. ' He was my best friend, but he surely got a foul mouth ', I thought to myself and smirked at him. We walked side by side out of my room after i finished dressing up, we looked like a groom and his best man. Nik started to wiggle his tail as we descended from the stairs, he started to howl non-stop as we got nearer to the party Hall. I was about to shut him up when it hit me, the scent of lavender. It invaded my nostrils and senses, I started to scan the Hall like a mad dog. Ric started to talk to me, but I couldn't make anything out of his lips all I could think of was to find the source of the smell. I started to track the scent as I walked closer to Finn who quickly got up and walked to me and started to talk, but I ignored him and walked past him. In front of me was the most beautiful and prettiest man I've ever see , he stared at me in horror and jolted from his seat, we both continued to stare at each other and shouted at the same time, " Mate".