
Transmigration: Revenge Of The Fallen Heir

5-6 chapters Weekly ****** (Original name- Vanquisher: Monarch Of Beginning) Kaizer’s only solace in his life after 11 years of suffering was the parents who adopted him. The love, joy, and happiness they brought him were everything in the world to him. Kaizer’s life took a dramatic turn when his parents were killed in front of his very eyes. In rage and anger, he set out on revenge, but the result of fulfillment was filled with bitter death. But is death the end of everything? Awakening in an unfamiliar place and regaining his memories as he realized his past as Kaizer Aster, a character in the novel he once read, he set out on the quest to rescue his mother. But his world turns upside down when he realizes that the who was the reason for his suffering is also alive in this world. With anger and fury in his heart, he led on the path to revenge and rescuing his mother. A path that will unknowingly be the beginning of his realizing his fate as the fallen heir. ****** Join the story of Kaizer Aster as he traverses through all the obstacles in a quest to save his mother and realizes his destiny under the guidance of the ancient king. The path of a character who would have died as a discard to the course of a ruler. {The start might be a bit slow with some flashbacks, but please tag along .} ****** [Discord server: https://discord.gg/RwpjjUX3]

moon_light_02 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 22[Fiona Liebert(2)]

[Lucas's Office, Skylar Household]

[Kaizer's POV]

[Amidst an intense stare-down between numerous individuals, there existed an existence whose dignity and grace knew no bounds. The existence reveled in its presence. Staring at the mortals arguing amongst themselves. If someone is wondering about the identity of this gallant existence, it is none other than me, me who was given the terrible name Grade, the creator of-]

'Would you shut your trap?' I addressed Grade in annoyance, exhausted after the intense battle and the suffocating aftermath I am witnessing.

[Hmph, you are just jealous of my existence.]

'Why is your personality chart so wild? I can't even describe it anymore at this point. Let me focus here. It's already suffocating enough.' I addressed Grade again in annoyance.

[Well, I am unsure why my personality is like this. Is it that bad? Should I kill myself? I don't think I can even kill myself. Why is this happening to me?]

Ignoring Grade's self-deprecating thoughts, I refocused on the drama ahead.

Fiona Liebert and Lucas Skylar held in an intense confrontation while Asher and Alastor were standing by the wall as Sierra was dressing, or rather aggressively, my wound.

"Ouch," I growled in pain as she applied the medicine to my wounds.

"Who told you to get on her temper? We can't even use elixir because you just woke up from a coma. What were you thinking when you fought with her? Huh?" Sierra glared at me as she pushed the cotton on my bare wounds again.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch…Careful, I am still recovering. Why are you victim-blaming? Ask her why she went crazy." I grimaced in pain as I pointed at Fiona, who looked at Lucas indifferently.

"Our request was to help Kaizer catch up with his peers. I don't think we requested him being sent back to coma." Lucas addressed Fiona from his seat in a calm voice.

His calm demeanor was intriguing because he had been very supportive and caring of me before this, so I expected him to display anger rather than calmness.

"Uncle Lucas, I just got excited after witnessing his witty tactic and went ahead with the flow," Fiona replied promptly as she leaned back on the sofa.

'Uncle instead of Sir…That means they are close. I should have guessed it when the word request was used instead of a favor.'

[Are we in trouble then?]

'Honestly, it doesn't matter either way. I don't see any point in avoiding learning under her if they are acquainted. Asher probably approached Lucas regarding my request for training, and they both finally approached her for it.'

"Kaizer, what do you think about training under Fiona? You probably don't know much about her, but she is an excellent Awakener and has yet to have a disciple. Becoming her successor will be beneficial in the Academy as well."

"Can I talk to her in private before we conclude?" I questioned as I organized my thoughts.

"Sure, Alastor, guide them to a different room." Lucas promptly agreed to my request.


[Guest Room]

[Kaizer's POV]

Despite the guest room's luxury ambiance, the room's atmosphere was rather bland.

One may wonder why such a gloomy statement, but the reason was none other than my aching body and the somewhat blunt look on Fiona Liebert's face.

The silence in the room was loud, but instead of breaking the ice, I was focused on organizing and changing my plans.

The benefits of having Fiona Liebert as my master far outclassed the detriments.

I would be in the spotlight as the disciple of the Crimson Blade, but does it affect my future?

I wouldn't stay in the background either way, so becoming a disciple of someone considered the strongest among the younger generation isn't too bad.

Although I can hope for more, why kick away something with the best benefits in the current situation?

But the main question is whether I can trust her and when I can leave searching for 'that' place.

"Are you going to stay silent after requesting this meeting? If you expect an apology, you are in for a disappointment." Amidst my thoughts, Fiona addressed while she rested her chin on the back of her left hand, which was on the armrest.

Contrary to her excited and strong appearance during combat, she looks calm and cold.

"I wasn't expecting an apology anyway. Besides, prideful people rarely apologize, which doesn't matter to me either. But-" I replied as I rested my chin on my right hand, copying her posture to mock her.

I saw a momentary blur as the air rushed past my face, blowing my hair.

I was confronted with her pristine emerald eyes as her snow-white hand gently grabbed my neck.

"You didn't even flinch?" Fiona surprisingly questioned.

"Should I be surprised or scared?" I counter-questioned as she tightened her hand around my neck.

"You have a big mouth. Do you think I am prideful? If so, then you are wrong. It's not pride, it's confidence. I am confident that I will be the strongest." Fiona proclaimed as she released her grip over my neck.

"Is that so? I never expected to hear such a proclamation in my life; haha," I wondered as a chuckle escaped my mouth, admiring her confidence.

Fiona smiled in response as she settled back in her seat.

"Well, I think we are past pleasantries and banter. I will get straight to the point. I will give you four months, and I don't care how high the training intensity is. I want you to make me strong enough that I won't die a meaningless death." I presented my conditions.

"Four months? I think the academy starts later than that." Fiona questioned in confusion.

"I have a place to find. I will need to leave, and the sooner I leave, the higher the chances of finding that place." I replied vaguely.

"A secret place?" Fiona's curiosity peaked as she leaned into question.

"It's a place where a keepsake is stored," I replied dejectedly.

[Aren't you lying?]

'It is a keepsake. It just doesn't belong to me yet,' I replied to Grade's question.

'From what I remember, it could probably be from his mother who disappeared.' Fiona concurred as she stared at me pitifully.

[He's lying, don't trust this two-faced bastard.]

'How am I two-faced? You don't even know me.'

[I feel that you are two-faced.]


"I am sorry for asking. I will make sure to make the best out of you in these four months. Tomorrow at 6 AM, be on time. Call me Master from here on." Fiona promptly accepted my request and left the room. 

[Wow, now you have a master too.]

'Yeah, I guess.' I replied.

[Is it exciting?]

'We are getting sidetracked. I suppose the system isn't just some status screen; I can check it to see my stats.'

[Of course not.]

'Do me a favor and show me a simulation of Fiona's movement.'

[On it.]

[System Simulation Initialization]


'Interesting. Can you create a 3-D model for techniques and visualize martial arts books?' my curiosity peaked after watching the simulation.

[Yes, these functions are available.]

'I guess you aren't as useless as I thought.'

[By the way, you still haven't told me what you found in the library and the place we will be searching for.]

'Oh, that, you will know about it soon.'

[My curiosity is at its peak.]

'We have much work to do. I want to find that place, but before that, we will start with some clean work, too.'

[Cleanup work? What do you mean?]

'In the future, Andreas will invade Earth with the demonic race. After recounting the novel's content, I realized they had followers before the invasion, for instance, the presence of demons in the academy. I can't do much currently because I am weak, but I will at least chip away at even little bits of his plan.'

[What difference would it make?]

'It was mentioned that they used humans or other races for experimentation, and they were stored in the underground of prestigious cities by criminal groups. Most of these were orphaned or kidnapped kids who had no place to go. I am no saint, but it doesn't sound too bad if I can save a life while achieving my revenge. But if someone comes in the way of my revenge, I won't hesitate to cut off their necks.'

[Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?]

'It does, but so what? I will live my life with the values I have learned.'

[That's true; upholding one's values means respecting yourself.]

'I don't think we were discussing philosophy.'

After a quick chat with Grade, I slept the rest of my day in my room.

The basic training I did for a week, the fight with Fiona, and the contents I read in the library made me mentally and physically exhausted.

Tomorrow onwards, I must push myself even past my limits.

It would be better to surrender myself to training instead of half-assing things and falling behind.


[A/N: Hey, Readers, it's been a while. I am still surrounded by mid-semester exams, projects, and assignments, so I apologize for not updating frequently.

I want to thank for the two more collections I got and all the readers reading my book; it feels great to know someone is interested in my story.

I will give you all the best I can.

On to the story, I will do some small time skips so we can quickly go into the main story. If you feel Kaizer's strength has increased drastically, there are reasons for it.

You can look forward to it, as I will introduce new characters and plot points to incorporate the other races.

On a side note, I started reading Myst, Might, and Mayhem, and the main character stoked me.

I even started reading the novel and realized that it is a prequel to Nano Machine. I always avoided reading Nano Machine because, from what I heard, it wasn't enjoyable.

But I was so wrong; I started reading yesterday, didn't sleep at all, and am at Chapter 178 in the Manhwa.

Addictive af.

If you are wondering why I am sharing this, I just wanted to; I am sorry.

Please add the novel to your library, comment, review, and donate power stones.

Whatever you feel, comment. Good or bad, anything.

I will try to post more frequently

Thank you.]