
Transmigration: Revenge Of The Fallen Heir...

5-6 chapters Weekly ****** (Original name- Vanquisher: Monarch Of Beginning) This is a transmigration/reincarnation story set in a modern fantasy world in a novel. I know you must have encountered many such stories, but please tag along for this journey because you might love this one. ****** Kaizer’s only solace in his life after 11 years of suffering was the parents who adopted him. The love, joy, and happiness they brought him were everything in the world to him. Kaizer’s life took a dramatic turn when his parents were killed in front of his very eyes. In rage and anger, he set out on revenge, but the result of fulfillment was filled with bitter death. But is death the end of everything? Awakening in an unfamiliar place and regaining his memories as he realized his past as Kaizer Aster, a character in the novel he once read, he set out on the quest to rescue his mother. But his world turns upside down when he realizes that the who was the reason for his suffering is also alive in this world. With anger and fury in his heart, he led on the path to revenge and rescuing his mother. A path that will unknowingly be the beginning of his realizing his fate as the fallen heir. ****** Join the story of Kaizer Aster as he traverses through all the obstacles in a quest to save his mother and realizes his destiny under the guidance of the ancient king. The path of a character who would have died as a discard to the course of a ruler. {The start might be a bit slow with some flashbacks, but please tag along .} ****** [Discord server: https://discord.gg/RwpjjUX3]

moon_light_02 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 14 [Nexus Entity]

[WARNING: The following chapters could be disturbing for some people, so read at your own risk. Please bear with the following chapters. Then, the novel will pick up the pace.]


[3rd POV]

Away from the bustling modern cities of the world, deep underground, a secluded mountain existed a facility unknown to the world.

The modern facility consisted of multiple researchers, the latest technology, and materials.

This facility, accessed only through a hidden entrance concealed within the rugged terrain, was a testament to the pursuit of knowledge.

As you approach the entrance, a heavy security door disguised as a natural rock face swings open, revealing a well-lit tunnel that descends into the depths of the mountain. 

As you venture further, the air becomes crisp and sterile, hinting at the advanced technologies employed.

The facility boasted state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with cutting-edge instruments and manned by a team of dedicated researchers from diverse scientific fields. 

Massive computer servers hum with computational power, supporting simulations and analyses that push the boundaries of human understanding. The walls are lined with monitors displaying intricate data visualizations and complex algorithms.

The hidden facility was known only to a handful of people worldwide.

[The Nexus Entity] 

Connecting Existence was the primary goal of the Facility.

The researchers moved swiftly as they recorded the data from studying the materials.

In the heart of The Nexus Entity, the nerve center of groundbreaking research, stood two figures, each bearing the weight of their respective experiences and responsibilities. 

Dr. Benjamin Holloway, the venerable head researcher, his gray hair a testament to a lifetime spent unraveling the mysteries of science. 

The lines etched into his face told stories of countless discoveries and overcoming challenges. 

Despite the passage of time, his eyes sparkled with an undying curiosity, and his gaze reflected the wickedness acquired through decades of relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Standing beside him was Andreas Mercer, the middle-aged man in the immaculate suit, his countenance a blend of calculated professionalism and youthful vigor. 

Andreas's suit, perfectly tailored, spoke of his role as the liaison between the scientific endeavors within the Nexus and the broader world beyond the mountain.

His expressionless face contrasted the bustling facility, and the underlying fear Dr. Holloway tried to hide was recognizable in his trembling hands. 

His sharp mind and business acumen complemented Dr. Holloway's wealth of experience, creating a dynamic partnership that fueled the facility's success.

"Sir Andreas, I didn't expect to see you today. How have you been?" Despite the difference in years of wisdom between them, Dr. Bejamin addressed him with a polite attitude.

"Benjamin, I thought you mentioned that we are very close to success. But the results contradict your notion." Andreas ignored the greeting and lightly put his hand on Benjamin's shoulder.

The gentle touch on the shoulder made Dr. Benjamin's body tremble from fear.

Cold sweat ran down his neck as he struggled to organize his words.

"Sir, the results of this batch have far exceeded the previous materials. We hope to achieve the results in a few years. Material 900, Material 1100, and specifically the Material Kaizer are showing tremendous success." Dr. Benjamin hurriedly blurted out the results in panic.

He quickly passed the reports of the three quality materials to Andreas in order.

Andreas carefully flipped the pages of the first two reports while carefully reading them with his discerning eyes.

His expression remained solemn throughout his actions.

Dr. Benjamin gulped nervously as he observed Andreas inspect the reports.

Working for 20 years with him wasn't enough for him to understand the personality of the master of Nexus Entity.

Andreas Mercer was an existence he could never decipher.

"Material 900 and 1100 are the pair of siblings. Make sure that they aren't aware of this fact. They are four and five years old, respectively. I think the selected materials should be named Michael and Alicia. Both are siblings, and it would be easier to differentiate them like Kaizer. First, I want you to isolate them in a different container for three months. The only thing you will provide them is food without any contact. After finishing the isolation…Hmm…" Andreas organized his thoughts and quickly formed his plans while Dr. Benjamin nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Adreas's thoughts stopped when he reached the topic of isolation.

The dilemma of creating separate experiments was fascinating for him, but the fact that there had yet to be success in this experiment was disappointing. 

His eyes landed on the report he hadn't read yet. The report was thicker than the other two despite the number of years observed being the same.

The report belonged to the anomaly, considered the most successful material obtained and studied during the 20 years of long research.

The file had the name Kaizer written in red letters.

Despite being a material from the moment he was born, he was conscious of his name.

The materials currently being studied are undergoing a thorough curriculum.

The first five years were wasted in developing the curriculum, and the highest success we had achieved was through Kaizer.

This kid showed talent at the high school level when other materials were taught at the elementary school level.

Andreas carefully organized his thoughts as he flipped the report regarding Kaizer.

Dr. Benjamin was on the edge throughout the entire duration, which felt like an eternity.

He was also curious about the reason for suddenly naming the materials, which had never happened before in a long time.

"Benjamin, increase the dosage of serum to double the amount for Michael, Alicia, and Kaizer. Isolate Michael, Alicia, and Kaizer for three months, where they have no contact with anyone except food and books. After this step is completed, we will proceed to stage 2. In stage 2, keep Michael in isolation and start the daily torture. The level of torture depends on his performance. If he performs well, then beating him for some time would suffice. But if the performance is subpar, pulling out nails and burning skin are possible options. The experts will take care of the torture by their standards. The judgment will be based on physical and academic results. Make sure that Michael remains isolated besides interacting with the instructors." Andreas swiftly decided on Michael's treatment after organizing the data.

"Sir-" Before Benjamin could express his worries, Andreas continued his orders.

"As for Alicia and Kaizer, make it so they are in complete contact. They have great tenacity in enduring physical training and academic studies. If they are being tortured, make sure it happens together. If it is studying, teach them together, even if it comes to teaching Kaizer what he already knows again. Monitor them daily, except for necessities, and they should spend time together. Develop them in a way that they support each other. If it comes down to it, you can even subtly suggest that if they depend on each other, they will get a chance to be released. Don't forget that Michael will remain in isolation curriculum during this time. The level to judge them should be speed, accuracy, and tenacity." Andreas formulated the direction for the next stage of the curriculum without Dr. Benjamin's input.

Dr. Benjamin was fuming from humiliation after realizing he still had to follow Andreas's orders even after working 20 years for him.

The other researchers also realized that the significant success of the experiments was due to Andreas and not his knowledge.

It took everything in him to keep himself calm in this situation, but his face kept contorting as Andreas created the new curriculum without his opinion.

While Dr. Benjamin tried to calm his raging heart, Andreas suddenly looked away from the report and stared at him.

The abyssal stare made Benjamin remember the fear he had momentarily forgotten in his humiliation.

"Do you have any problems, Benjamin?" Andreas addressed Dr. Benjamin in the calm, disrespectful tone he had used from the beginning. 

Other researchers also paid attention to this confrontation, as this has never happened before.

"Umm…Sir, don't you think this may lead to results contrary to your expectations?" Dr. Benjamin hesitatingly expressed his worries as the eyes of the researchers gathered on him.

"Do you know what results I want?" Andreas responded with an icy voice that sent shivers to Benjamin.

For Benjamin, the abyssal eyes staring at him slowly lost color, and fear took control of his body.

Andreas didn't wait for Dr. Benjamin's reply but started walking towards the nearest observation chamber.

The other researchers quickly parted away as they politely bowed before Andreas.

"Benjamin, follow me." Andreas looked over his shoulder and ordered.

Dr. Benjamin swiftly followed him while his body trembled with fear.

Andreas reached the nearest observation room and approached the monitor.

Benjamin quietly stood behind as the trembling gradually subsided.

They both observed the material inside the experiment room.

The material being studied inside the experiment room was part of the earliest material batch when the facility was created.

The name of the material was Cecil.

The only material still alive from the first batch of materials obtained.

Cecil quietly sat on a chair at the center of the room with his head down.

There was no other presence of lifeforms except for him inside the experiment room.

Cecil wore a plain hospital gown, and his unkempt, long black hair cascaded down the chair.

Andreas and Dr. Benjamin said nothing as they observed the lifeless figure through the observation room.

After a brief moment of silence, Andreas finally expressed his thoughts as he picked up the report regarding Cecil.

Without opening the report, he calmly turned his face and stared at Benjamin.

The sudden attention from Andreas grew the tension in the air, which was already palpable. 

Dr. Benjamin tried his best to keep a composed posture while hiding his trembling hands behind his back.


A/N: This chapter will be necessary for the whole story, so I hope you don't drop the Novel. After the following one or two chapters, there will be no flashbacks for quite some time. I hope you bear with it.

Please bear with the following chapters, and the novel will pick up the pace.

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