
Chapter 4 No House Female Supporting Character 4_1

Translator: 549690339

Zhang Yu had packed everything he needed and was just waiting to go to his workplace tomorrow to handle some procedures and then stop by the logistics company to get some cardboard boxes, readying himself for the move.

When Zhang Guohua and the others were leaving, they all stood at the staircase entrance, calling up to the floor above, "Little Yu, we're leaving now."

For Zhang Guohua and the others, this evening really made them quite uncomfortable.

Whenever they used to chat, Zhang Yu would always be busying herself with boiling water, pouring drinks for them, preparing snacks, and arranging fruits.

All they had to do was to call out orders; as for the chores, that was Zhang Yu's domain, allowing them to be as leisurely as they wished.

But to their surprise, today, after Zhang Yu had finished washing the dishes, she went upstairs efficiently to pack her things.

She didn't come back down the whole time, let alone boil water for tea or prepare fruits for them, which they found truly hard to adapt to.

What made them feel even more anxious was the thought that after Zhang Yu left for work in another place, they shouldn't expect to come over on weekends for a ready-made meal.

What upset them even more was that, with Zhang Yu around, whenever the elderly couple, Zhang Dagu and his wife, felt unwell, she was the one rushing around to take care of them.

Once she left for elsewhere, wouldn't any ailment of the elderly couple become their responsibility?

Zhang Guohua thought about this and felt quite unhappy. Taking the elderly to the hospital, taking leaves from work that could lead to salary deductions, running around—these were all tiresome tasks.

Not to mention that when the elderly couple felt unwell, they definitely couldn't cook for themselves. They would have to prepare meals, help them bathe, and do housework, among other things.

Zhang Guohua glanced at his wife, Chiang Yun, beside him, and thought it was better not to expect her to take care of Zhang Dagu and his wife.

Chiang Yun was in a good mood today, as the house owned by her in-laws was about to be demolished, and they were soon to receive a new apartment.

That way, when Zhang Yi got married, there would already be a house for him, without the need to spend money on buying one. As for the renovations, the elderly couple's savings book was also there.

The couple's retirement salaries were quite substantial, and since it was the wedding of the first grandson, would the old couple not need to spend money?

But unexpectedly, Zhang Yu had caught everyone off guard with her decision to work elsewhere.

Originally, for Chiang Yun, caring for Zhang Dagu and his wife only meant paying lip service to keep them happy, as someone else was there to do the actual work.

Now, once Zhang Yu left for another place, she was certain that the responsibility of taking care of the elderly would fall more heavily on the eldest son.

As for Zhang Guohua, who was not adept at housework, expecting him to take care of Zhang Dagu and his wife only meant expecting her to shoulder the primary care.

The more Chiang Yun thought about it, the angrier she got. "Zhang Guohua, what's the matter with your sister? Such a big decision to work out of town, and she didn't even discuss it with the family."

Zhang Guohua was already feeling quite troubled, and to his surprise, Chiang Yun kept nagging nonstop beside him.

"Discuss? Discuss what? The leaders have already spoken to her; what do you want her to do?"

"After all, she's not an only child and has no family burdens. The leaders think she's the best candidate to go out of town, and they're not wrong in believing so."

"The leaders did talk to her, but it's not like she couldn't refuse," Chiang Yun couldn't believe that Zhang Guohua was still taking Zhang Yu's side at this point.

If it weren't for her rational side telling her not to get angry, not to argue with Zhang Guohua, she really couldn't have controlled herself.

"I think your sister is doing this just because she doesn't have a share in the house…" Chiang Yun's mind churned, more and more convinced that Zhang Yu's agreement to work elsewhere was because of this.

Zhang Guohua, in fact, also felt that Zhang Yu's agreement to work out of town probably stemmed from some thoughts and dissatisfaction.

But he disagreed with Chiang Yun's guesses and thoughts, "How could that be related to the house?"

"Only today did we find out the house is being demolished, and Mom and Dad plan to divide it into four parts, but there's no share for Zhang Yu."

"We just found out about it. How could Zhang Yu possibly know?"

"After she got home, she was busy preparing dinner, and we didn't mention that there was no share of the house for her."

"She still brought up her plans to work out of town before dinner."

"In other words, she mentioned moving for work before knowing about the house demolition not including her share."

Chiang Yun was blocked by this reasoning of Zhang Guohua's. Although she intuitively felt that Zhang Yu's decision to work out of town was absolutely connected to not having a share in the house.

But just as Zhang Guohua said, Zhang Yu had spoken first, and there indeed was no evidence that she had known about not having a share in the house well in advance.

"This is what I think, otherwise why would she go out of town?" Chiang Yun said, puffing with anger.

"Another thing we need to discuss is, once Zhang Yu goes to work out of town, have you thought about what will happen with your parents?"

"They may be fine now, but as you know, they have to go to the hospital every quarter."

"It was always Zhang Yu who accompanied them. What about the future?"

"I'll tell you, I'm very busy as well." Chiang Yun knew that Zhang Yu's job transfer was unchangeable.

If that's the case, they needed to discuss with Zhang Dagu and his spouse about the issue of their elderly care for the future.

This was indeed the most critical problem. Many things had to be set straight right now.

Zhang Guohua understood Chiang Yun's point—it meant discussing with his own family and the families of Zhang Shouhua and Zhang Hong on how to arrange shifts in taking care of the parents.

As for the three siblings taking care of Zhang Dagu and his wife, Zhang Guohua certainly didn't see an issue, as they were his parents after all.

But this inevitably brought up a significant problem, which was...

"Have you thought about it?"

"If they get involved in taking care of Mom and Dad, when the time comes, and the property is in their names, I can guarantee, even if Zhang Hong doesn't fight for it, the other two will."

"After all, it's a house. No matter what, it's worth over a hundred thousand. Who wouldn't be tempted?"

Chiang Yun's words struck Zhang Guohua deeply. Indeed, once Zhang Shouhua's family started taking care of the old couple, they would certainly not give up on the property in Zhang Dagu's wife's name.

When that time comes, just because they had given birth to Zhang Yi, the eldest son and grandson of the Zhang family, would they deserve a larger share of the property?

"I was initially thinking that the house would be for the old couple and Zhang Yu to live in, with the girl taking care of the parents."

"This way, the second and the third would be embarrassed to ask for the house."

"Before the parents pass away, I'd talk to them, see if we can directly transfer the property to Xiao Yi, and then let Zhang Yu continue living there."

"With that, no matter how dissatisfied the second and third are, they would have to hold it in."

"But I never expected Zhang Yu to just up and leave for out of town, clearly avoiding getting involved in these matters."

"That puts us in a difficult position." Zhang Guohua had considered everything only after finding out that Zhang Yu wouldn't marry.

He thought this was the best and most wonderful solution, but he didn't expect Zhang Yu to just throw in the towel. This was indeed infuriating to some extent.