
Transmigration Of The Supreme Autocrat

After defeating the Beast King, the Supreme Wizard, Kenzeth K. Khaoscrest learns that he has transmigrated into the body of a crippled Prince who shares the same name. This prince was plotted against and framed by his own little sister, who accused him of raping her. The whole country had turned against him, even the Empress, his own mother. "Don't worry poor little prince, since I've already transmigrated in this body then I promise that I will take care of it!" "Rest easy wherever you are little prince. I will take revenge in your stead. Who ever has plotted against me will have a lot to pay! I swear!" So, begins the journey of the Supreme Autocrat in a different world as he rebels against all! ___________________________________________ World Setting: Eastern elements in a medieval western world. Tags: Fantasy, Cultivation, Magic, Beasts, Smart MC, Strong MC, Action, Romance, Harem, R-18.

Knox_Vengeance · Fantasy
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10 Chs



Kenzeth rested his back against the cold stone wall of the cell as started sorting the memories in his head.

The memories and knowledge of the Beast King and Kenzeth Marsh needed to be sorted if he didn't want to experience a severe migraine or worse, a personality disorder.

Beast King truly lived up to his reputation. The knowledge he had was immense and if Kenzeth hadn't used Azrael's Halo of Annihilation then the battle wouldn't have ended in his favour.

As powerful as he was Beast King had lived for countless millenniums and his knowledge and experience he had was really vast.

"Wow... The b*stard actually had this many Spells and Scriptures. If he hadn't underestimated me and used any of these then the battle would have carried on for days then. Well, rot in hell a*shat." Kenzeth chuckled to himself quietly as he finished sorting Beast King's memory.

As Kenzeth began sorting the memories of the previous owner of the body his eyes widened a bit in surprise.

He is in a totally different Universe and this world is called Onora. Several thousand Millennium ago humans, beastkins and other creatures lived on the land in peace and harmony.

Together the developed a civilization that was ahead of the time. It was the Golden Era of Onora.

The Era lasted for a long while. But everything they had built was all destroyed on one fateful day.

Morning came but it wasn't sunny or warm. Sun had turned black as if corrupted by some ancient evil. The sky turned red and from the above fell monsters. Invasion of the Demonic Beasts was the event that marked the end of the Golden Era.

As strong as the people were at that time they couldn't keep fighting forever. No matter how many Demonic Beasts were killed, more kept spawning.

If not for the five Holy Ancestors humanity and others would have perished long ago. Holy ancestors were revered as Gods among the men.

They were the first who had managed to break past the cultivation barrier and reach a level which no man had before.

They managed to turn the tide and the battle had reached a standstill. They knew that they couldn't do this forever. So together, they came up with the idea of a haven.

They created vast floating lands among the clouds and with their blood they blessed the land with their protection so that it would remain away from the reach of Demonic Beast and their king.

The Demon King was a terrifying and mysterious existence that even the Holy Ancestors weren't able to fight even with their combined strength.

Together they created Nine Divine Continent as a haven for the natives of Onora and used their last bit of their strength to seal away the Demon King.

The humans and others then settled on the Floating Continent and abandoned the old civilization. Now they simply refer to it as 'The World Below' and is the most dangerous place of Onora for obvious reasons.

Kenzeth Marsh was the first prince of the Rising Heaven Country of the Divine Southern Continent.

Kenzeth sighed as he finished sorting the memories of the poor prince.

"This world is probably worse than mine. The Holy Ancestors created the land so that the natives would survive and live peacefully and while it seemed peaceful on the surface there surely were evil undercurrents." Kenzeth sighed.

The tension between humans and other races was known to all. Humans felt they were superior to the rest and wanted to enslave them while other wanted nothing to do with humans and just wanted to be left alone.

Most rulers wanted to wage war against eachother for more land and resources. If not for the Grand Emperor of the Heart Continent then the Divine Continent would already be consumed by the flames of war.

Kenzeth's expression hardened as he came to a possible conclusion as to why the prince's own kin would turn against him.

Kenzeth didn't get to muse much as the cell's door opened and inside stepped an elderly man with a smug expression on his face.

"How are you doing your highness? Is everything up to your liking?" The man asked in a mocking tone. Kenzeth didn't reply for a while and just stared at the man infront of him with a black face.

The man was dressed in blue battle robes and had a 'holier-than-thou' aura around him. This man was the Elder Advisor of the Royal Court. His standing was just below the members of royal family.

"Monroe Adkin Hawkins... Just as I expected. How much did that bastard son of the Southern Governor pay you and that backstabbing mother of mine to frame me?" Kenzeth replied with a smirk of his own "Oh I forgot! B*tches don't get paid! Hahaha! Did he allow you suck his little wang? Or did he put it in you?! Hahaha!"

Kenzeth cold mocking laughter echoed through the dark cell sending chills down everybody's spine. As weak as the little Prince had been he was still a monstrous existence. There was no secret hidden from him.

The prince had suspected that Monroe was the spy of the b*stard child of the Southern Governor but because his mother trusted the man so much he had decided to not dig into the matter much.

'As smart as you were little prince, you were still naïve, ignoring your instincts was your greatest mistake. It cost you everything you had. You reputation, your freedom and your life.' Kenzeth sighed sadly in his heart. 'But don't worry if everything goes as I expect it to, then I promise that I will surely clean this mess and punish those who are behind this.'

Monroe's wrinkled toad face turned purple in rage and raised his fist to strike Kenzeth but before his fist could reach him, he was assaulted by the terrifying killing intent which made him stumble back in fear.

Kenzeth glared at the despicable man, his azure eyes glowed ominously in the dark cell.

"I advice you to keep your paws to yourself. Bark! What are you here for?" His voice was pain without any emotions.

The guards looked at each other in confusion. Even they were unable to understand how a cripple, cursed by the heavens could emit such killing intent.

'He... He really is a demon!'

"You..." Monroe regained his senses and if possible his face turned more purple than it already was at the way Kenzeth was addressing him. He took a deep breath to control his emotions and then looked at Kenzeth with a cold smirk. "Hmph! Act arrogant while you still can scum! I have come here to take you to the Royal Court. Her Highness is going to give you what you deserve!"

"Haha... I really doubt that wretched women can even afford what I deserve." Kenzeth snorted coldly.

The guards clenched their teeth hearing the way Kenzeth was addressing the Empress.

"Whatever... I'm getting stuffy in here anyways. Might as well as hear what the wretch has to say."

Kenzeth got up and raised his hands for the guards to cuff them.

"Tch. Don't touch me."

Kenzeth scowled menacing as he shook off the guard's grip and walked ahead with the startled guards and a seething Monroe following after him.

Kenzeth walked into the loud rumbling Royal Court holding his head high. His face was black and betrayed no emotions as his cold eyes sweeper across the court sending shivers down everybody's spines.

His presence alone was able to make the chattering idiots present in the Royal Court shut up.

He scoffed loudly before staking stand in the middle of the Court. His icy eyes landed on the figures infront of him.

Sitting on a golden throne is the Empress of the Rising Heaven Country, Anna A. Marsh.

The 87th Empress is a woman of extraordinary beauty. Though she is in her late forties she looked like a woman in her late twenties.

Silky purple hair tied in an elegant manner with two luscious locks from in her heart shaped visage which was void of any emotions. Her purple, precious stone like eyes held no warmth as she looked at the form of her only son. She shifted into a straight posture while correcting her golden robes.

'The aura she gives off just screams 'stuck up b*tch'.'

Besides her was a sobbing young lady, one year younger than Kenzeth. Her dark blue hair were a mess and so was her blue dress, torn in places that are private. Her beautiful doll like features were ruined by the tear marks that stained her face.

This young lady was none other than the Second Princess, Summer A. Marsh, Kenzeth's younger sister, whom he had apparently 'r*ped'. Summer peeked through her fingers, her blue eyes held no amount of remorse as she looked at the restrained figure of her elder brother.

'Little b*tch sure knows how to act well.' Kenzeth snorted in barely disguised disgust.

Behind Summer was another exception beauty no older than sixteen. Silver hair that reached her thick, white, exposed thighs. A beautiful face adorned with pink eyes was morphed in an expression of barely restrained anger. This was Alice White, Summer's personal guard.

'Personal guard my a*s, where the hell was she when I 'r*ped' the little b*tch?' Kenzeth couldn't help but curse as he evaluated everyone in this room.

His other two sister were missing. The First Princess, Emilia A. Marsh was older than him by five years and the Third Princess, Joan A. Marsh is four years younger than him.

'The oldest is probably taking care of the youngest. Oh well, that's good then. Two less things to deal with.' Kenzeth mused.

Standing to far corner were two figure which made Kenzeth smile softly.

An old man in late sixties wearing scholar's robes stood there with a sad expression on his grizzled visage. Unlike that bastard Monroe, this man gave off a powerful aura and his body was still robust compared to the withered frame if the old snake.

This man was Fergu Barnes. Elder of the Barnes Clan and one of the most influential individuals in the entire Divine Southern Continent. This man was also Kenzeth's surrogate grandfather.

The man had always looked out of for the little Prince and now felt probably felt guilty as he was unable to help him. As influential as he was, he had no right to interfere in the matters of the Royal Family.

Standing besides the old man was a beautiful young lady who was about the same age as Kenzeth.

Though dressed in the uniform of a servant of the Royal Family, it did nothing to hide her breath-taking beauty.

Long silky black hair that were tied in a loose ponytail. Baby blue eyes filled with sorrowful tears as she looked at Kenzeth with eyes full of love and adoration.

This girl was Bethany Rhodes, Kenzeth's personal maid and playmate. Kenzeth and Bethany grew up together and were almost inseparable.

Bethany knows Kenzeth well. She knows that he was framed. 'How can my master Ken do something cruel like that? Especially to his own sister who he loves more than his life?!'

A guard reluctantly stepped ahead and kneeled infront of the Empress.

"This lowly servant greets her highness, I have brought the criminal as you had ordered!"

"At ease." The Empress waved her hand dismissing the guard. She turns her attention towards Kenzeth and speaks, her voice cold. "Kenzeth Arnold Marsh... You are presented here for you trail."

Kenzeth just looked at Empress and scoffed irking the Empress.

"The nerve of this rogue! Kneel before her highness you fool!" Monroe naturally couldn't let go of the opportunity to lick the feet of the Empress.

"Dog... Keep your maw shut!" Kenzeth's cold voice cut through Monroe brave facade as he shivered in fright. Kenzeth level his cold glare on his kin who turned against him and said "I Kenzeth, kneel to no man nor do I answer any one. I, especially won't ever kneel to a woman as wretched as this."

Kenzeth's statement made everyone speechless and pale in fright.

"T-This guy... Doesn't he value his life?!"

"This... The nerve of this rouge!"

"B*stard! How dare you address her highness in such way?!"

"Silent!" The Empress raised her hand and everyone ceased their blabbering. "You... How did you change so much Kenzeth. I never expected you'd turn such despicable monster."

The Empress adopted a look of faux sorrow and pain.

"Yeah, yeah, sh*t happens. People change a lot when their own kin stabs them in the a*s." Kenzeth said coldly as the Empress and the Princess flinched subtly. Kenzeth glared at them coldly at them making them internally nervous. "Do me a favour and please spare me the bullsh*t. Since you have already made this a big issue and made me a lustful monster in everybody's eye, just bark whatever you want to and be done with it."

His words were sharp and precise. Each hit them like a knife thought heart and that's what he was aiming for.

Kenzeth looked at the whole crowed and smiled mockingly as he addressed them. "I don't want to stay here more than I have to. Just looking at your disgusting, snake faces makes me want to throw up."

No one dared to make a sound. Everyone's face was red in anger and shame. The Empress and Princess weren't and exception either while Fergu and Bethany looked at Kenzeth with astonishment.

The Empress regained her bearing after a while and spoke in a voice with thinly veiled anger.

"I can't believe how low you have fallen Kenzeth. A rogue like you can never be a son of mine." Anna bellowed. She gritted her teeth and finally announced Kenzeth's punishment.

"For taking the Rising Heaven Country's Second Princess, Summer's purity against her will and for defiling her, as the 87th Empress I disown you! For your crimes against the Royal Family, you will be exiled to 'the world below'! This my order!"


Alternative Titles:-

F*cked Up World Of Onora,

Court Of B*tches,

This Rude MC Swears A Lot.

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