
Transmigration of the Godly Chef

A great chef found himself transmigrated in a parallel world. This world is almost similar to his own. Except there was an uprising caused by vegetarians nearly 80 years ago, which made it dangerous for people to consume meat. As a result, innumerable vegetarian delicacies appeared and meat-based dishes became almost non-existent. With the virus gone, the government is trying to reintroduce meat-based dishes again. But sadly, many recipes for meat dishes have been lost during the uprising. Armed with his knowledge as a chef of all kinds of dishes, meat, fish and more, will Chef Ye Chui be able to bring about a revolution in this vegetarian-based world? *** Read 10 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/NizearaOsaiyol It's a translation. 1 chaps/day. If I have got more free time someday, it might be 2 chaps. Alternate titles: 重生之超级食神 Author: Li Huo Jia Nong Bao

Nizeara_Osaiyol · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

You Bastard!!

"Master...is that person you mentioned really him?" Fang Jun felt as if he had been hit on the head with a wooden log, taking a while to come back to his senses. "This is someone selling lamb skewers at the night market. How could he possibly create dishes that even a distinguished five-star chef like you cannot?" 

"In the culinary world, chefs are unpredictable. What's the big deal about a five-star chef?" scolded Tian Xiaodu, then became curious. "You say he sells lamb skewers at the night market. Have you seen him before?" 

(A/N: In the real world, chef rankings are not based on star ratings. However, in this book's context, the events take place in a parallel world where they use star ratings. Please note this clarification.) 

"Well...I've seen him once..." Fang Jun stammered. 

"Someday, take me there. This young man's grilled lamb skewers must be extraordinary," Tian Xiaodu immediately showed great interest. 

Seeing Ye Chui approaching, Tian Xiaodu immediately put on a friendly smile, went to help Ye Chui carry the fresh-keeping box, and was about to say a few complimentary words to liven up the atmosphere. However, before he could speak, Ye Chui gave him a stern look. "What are you doing here?" 

Ye Chui had already noticed Tian Xiaodu and Fang Jun. He remembered this chubby man who inexplicably barged into his house the day before yesterday, ate the food he cooked, and claimed to be the head chef of Wan Lai Fu. 

He didn't seem like a good person. Now, seeing him again and noticing Fang Jun standing next to him, Ye Chui felt even more convinced that this chubby guy wasn't a good person —Fang Jun had been following Cao Kang around last night, and Ye Chui remembered it clearly. 

"Are you here to buy lamb? Do you need me to help you out later?" Tian Xiaodu asked, smiling. 

"What do you intend to do?" Ye Chui asked coldly. He had already connected this chubby guy with Cao Kang in his mind, so he naturally didn't have a good expression. 

"Hehe, well, you know, I'm the head chef of Wan Lai Fu. Two days ago, when I told you, you didn't believe me. Today, I brought my apprentice here to help me prove it." Saying this, Tian Xiaodu waved to the side. "Fang Jun, come over and tell this young man who I am!" 

Ye Chui squinted at Fang Jun. 

Fang Jun walked over with a forced smile. Although he was usually articulate, at this moment, he couldn't say a word. This made Tian Xiaodu anxious, and he whispered, "Fang Jun, hurry up and say something..." 

"Master, this..." Fang Jun looked at Tian Xiaodu with a helpless expression. He couldn't bring himself to say anything at this moment. 

"Alright, you two stop acting right now." Ye Chui spoke with a cold tone to Fang Jun. "Both of you, go back and tell Cao Kang that if you want to confront me openly, do it. I, Ye Chui, am waiting for you. Don't resort to these sneaky tactics; it's not interesting." 

Tian Xiaodu looked at Fang Jun with narrowed eyes. 

Fang Jun, with a bitter expression, walked over. He was usually eloquent, but at this moment, he couldn't find the right words. This made Tian Xiaodu anxious, and he whispered, "Fang Jun, you need to speak up..." 

Tian Xiaodu immediately looked bewildered, "What Cao Kang? Young man, what are you talking about?" 

"Get lost!" 

Ye Chui was impatient to deal with this chubby guy any longer. With a cold shout, even though he looked like a young man, he had the title of Food God in another world, which was a position of great influence. This cold shout was quite imposing, frightening both Tian Xiaodu and Fang Jun. 

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tian Xiaodu didn't dare to linger any longer. He hurriedly said, "Don't...don't be angry. I'm leaving, I'm leaving," then quickly pulled his apprentice and ran out of the market. 

Once outside, Tian Xiaodu took a breath and gave Fang Jun a hostile look, saying, "What's going on here? How did it involve Cao Kang?" 

Knowing he couldn't hide the truth; Fang Jun hesitated and briefly explained the events of the previous night. After hearing the story, Tian Xiaodu was visibly angry. He kicked Fang Jun repeatedly, expressing his frustration. He had come here to please this young man, but it turned out his apprentice had offended him already. 

Tian Xiaodu, despite showing great respect in front of Ye Chui, had a fiery temper. He scolded Fang Jun angrily while delivering a series of kicks. "You ungrateful brat! How many times have I told you not to get involved with those wealthy young masters? Now the consequences are here! If this mess ruins things for me, don't call me your master anymore, you ungrateful brat!" 

All his frustration was poured onto Fang Jun. 

Back at the market, Ye Chui sighed as he watched Tian Xiaodu and Fang Jun leave. He found this troublesome; even though he had come here to buy meat, he was inevitably dragged into these conflicts. 

He approached the lamb meat stall, greeted the owner, and began skillfully selecting meat. The stall owner, who had become quite familiar with Ye Chui, greeted him and observed as Ye Chui adeptly picked out the meat. 

During this time, the stall owner became curious and asked, "Hey, young man, what happened just now? I saw you looking angry and upset with that fat gentleman. He inquired about you a couple of days ago." 

"Don't know what that fat guy is up to. Feels like he's up to no good," Ye Chui casually replied. 

"Really?" The stall owner was surprised. 

Ye Chui shrugged and said, "That fat guy's intentions are unclear. Better not to trust him." 

With a sigh, the stall owner added, "He asked about you a couple of days ago. He's the head chef of Wan Lai Fu, a big restaurant. Maybe he's interested in hiring you." 

Ye Chui raised an eyebrow, realizing that the situation might be more complicated than he thought. 

"Oh?" He was momentarily stunned upon hearing this. He looked at the stall owner and asked, "You know him?" 

"Of course, it's Tian Xiaodu, the head chef at Wan Lai Fu, a five-star chef. I've seen him when delivering meat to Wan Lai Fu. No doubt about it," the meat stall owner assured. "Don't judge him by his appearance; he's tough in the kitchen. No one dares to defy him there." 

Ye Chui's hand, which was selecting lamb, couldn't help but stiffen. 

'This fat guy was indeed the head chef of Wan Lai Fu!? However, his apprentice was clearly mingling with Cao Kang yesterday. It was hard to say that he had nothing to do with Cao Kang.' 

Ye Chui shook his head. Forget it. He would be cautious from now on. After all, burying the water with soil was the way to go. He should be careful and watch out. 

As night fell, Ye Chui set up his stall in the night market, and the 'Premium Grilled Lamb' competitor from yesterday was nowhere to be seen. However, as the night market became livelier, Ye Chui noticed that the business was even more booming than the previous day. 

Thanks to Cao Kang's generous 'sponsorship' yesterday, Ye Chui's grilled lamb was free, effectively acting as a promotional offer. Those who had never tried grilled lamb before were enticed by the delicious taste, eagerly wanting to have it again today. 

Ye Chui quickly got busy. However, he kept looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone. Unfortunately, his wish went unfulfilled. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder. 

When he turned around expecting to see that delightful presence, he was surprised to find Yu Yan's deceptive and honest face. Glancing around, he saw no sign of Lin Wei. 

"Today, the master and mistress moved into their new residence. They are still busy arranging things at home and couldn't make it," Yu Yan said with a smile. Seeing the disappointment on Ye Chui's face, he continued, "But Wei Wei insisted that I help her grill some lamb skewers. She's been craving them all day." 

"Sure, just wait a moment." 

Without seeing Lin Wei, Ye Chui felt a bit regretful. However, he quickly cheered up. This matter was not urgent. He efficiently grilled twenty skewers and handed them in a plastic bag to Yu Yan. Five were for Lin Wei, and the rest were for Yu Yan to enjoy—although he didn't explicitly mention it, Ye Chui knew he had become a loyal fan of his grilled lamb skewers. 

Yu Yan thanked him and tried to pay, but Ye Chui politely refused. With that, he left. 

Shortly after Yu Yan's departure, another customer approached the grilled lamb skewers stand, a middle-aged man with a chubby face. Smiling like a cat, he handed over a ten-yuan bill and said, "Young man, give me five skewers." 

Tian Xiaodu had arrived again.