
Transmigration of the Godly Chef

A great chef found himself transmigrated in a parallel world. This world is almost similar to his own. Except there was an uprising caused by vegetarians nearly 80 years ago, which made it dangerous for people to consume meat. As a result, innumerable vegetarian delicacies appeared and meat-based dishes became almost non-existent. With the virus gone, the government is trying to reintroduce meat-based dishes again. But sadly, many recipes for meat dishes have been lost during the uprising. Armed with his knowledge as a chef of all kinds of dishes, meat, fish and more, will Chef Ye Chui be able to bring about a revolution in this vegetarian-based world? *** Read 10 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/NizearaOsaiyol It's a translation. 1 chaps/day. If I have got more free time someday, it might be 2 chaps. Alternate titles: 重生之超级食神 Author: Li Huo Jia Nong Bao

Nizeara_Osaiyol · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The Successor of Grilled Lamb Skewer Stall

After leaving Wan Lai Fu, Ye Chui passed by a mobile phone store and decided to buy a phone. He realized that with his two sisters not always by his side, he might miss important information about them. Besides, he was now considering entering into a romantic relationship. A phone was a necessity. 

In this era, almost everyone has a mobile phone. Wang Shiyu had complained to him that almost all the kids in her class had one. Although An Jing had never mentioned such things, Ye Chui knew that she probably wished to have her own phone too. 

Thinking of this, Ye Chui decided to buy three phones, all from a well-known brand in this world called Banana Phone, with a logo featuring a bitten banana. 

Returning home with the three phones, both Wang Shiyu and An Jing were pleasantly surprised. After recording their numbers on his new phone, Ye Chui also added Lin Wei's number and called her. 

The details of these interactions need not be elaborated. 

Due to the morning activities, Ye Chui was exceptionally busy in the afternoon. When he set up his lamb skewer stall in the evening, Lin Wei, the little foodie, once again came to visit. At this moment, Ye Chui realized a problem —he had many regular customers at his lamb skewer stall. 

However, he hadn't planned to keep the stall running indefinitely. Once the restaurant opened, the lamb skewer business would undoubtedly shut down. In order to take care of these loyal customers, he realized he needed to find a successor soon. 

Coincidentally, the perfect candidate for this successor appeared. 

Early the next morning, Ye Chui brought his belongings to the market to purchase lamb meat. At the same time, he intended to inquire about nearby chicken farms from the boss of a chicken meat stall. He wanted to personally select the best ingredients for the chicken feast he would prepare in a week. 

As he arrived at the familiar lamb skewer stall, he suddenly paused. He noticed that there was an extra person behind the stall today. 

Originally, there was only a middle-aged uncle manning the stall, but today there was also a young man in his twenties. He was tall and sturdy, giving off a powerful vibe. When the uncle saw Ye Chui approaching, he immediately greeted him, "Young man, here to buy lamb meat?" 

"Yeah, boss," Ye Chui nodded. He noticed that the owner of the meat stall seemed a bit different today. Normally, he was always smiling, but today he appeared quite troubled. While selecting lamb meat, Ye Chui asked, "Boss, what happened? Is something wrong?" 

"What else could it be? It's all because of my useless son!" The boss sighed and pointed to the young man beside him. "He really infuriates me. Raised him for so many years for nothing!" 

"Dad, why are you starting again? I was expelled from school, not because of me..." The young man was wiping the scales used for weighing meat. Upon hearing his father's words, he muttered. 

How could the boss tolerate such words? He immediately became angrier, slammed his hand on the counter, and scolded, "You still dare to say! If you hadn't resorted to violence, would the school have expelled you?" 

"It's not my fault. If it happened again, I'd regret not hitting harder!" The young man's face showed anger as if recalling something infuriating. His fists clenched tightly as if he were about to start a fight at any moment. 

"You...you...you're driving me crazy!" The meat stall owner, feeling furious, wished he could rush over and hit his son. 

Ye Chui quickly consoled, "Boss, don't be angry. Tell me what happened first." 

"Bro, let me tell you what happened. You evaluate whether I'm to blame for this or not." It seemed that the young man was extremely distressed and wanted to vent to someone. He began explaining the incident of him getting into a fight at school. 

This young man's name was Qin Feng, the only son of the meat stall owner. He was very intelligent and had even been admitted to a prestigious university in Yanjing a couple of years ago. Initially, everything seemed fine. However, in the past few weeks, Qin Feng had encountered a frustrating situation. 

During his freshman year, Qin Feng had a girlfriend. They were quite affectionate, and Qin Feng even planned to introduce her to his parents. However, recently he discovered that his girlfriend was cheating on him with a wealthy playboy from their school, known for driving luxurious cars. 

When the infidelity was exposed, his girlfriend not only broke up with him but also mocked him, saying that his family running a lamb skewer stall couldn't compare to the wealthy playboy. The wealthy playboy even left with the girl right in front of him. 

Qin Feng, with a strong sense of self-esteem, drowned his sorrows in alcohol that night. After getting drunk, he went to the rich playboy's dormitory and beat him severely. 

Although the incident didn't seem too serious —since school fights were quite common —he expected at most a severe reprimand. However, due to the wealthy playboy's connections and influence, Qin Feng was expelled from school for the incident. 

Pouring out his frustrations to Ye Chui, Qin Feng's eyes were turning red. "Is having money really that great? I'll show them sooner or later! I won't let them off so easily!" 

"You can't even get into college, what 'sooner or later' are you talking about? You..." The owner of the meat stall scolded, but halfway through, he let out a sigh. He also understood that his son was not at fault, and it was challenging to endure such humiliation. 

Observing the gloomy father and son, Ye Chui assessed Qin Feng's physique and impulsive personality. Although he was impulsive, Ye Chui found it quite appealing. He smiled and said to Qin Feng, "You're right. Show them what you're made of. Relying on your parents to be arrogant is nothing. If you want to make a name for yourself, it has to be through your own efforts!" 

Qin Feng nodded in agreement but then showed a hint of helplessness. With his university dream shattered, how could he navigate through a society that placed such importance on diplomas? 

"I can give you a chance to make a breakthrough. Would you be willing to give it a try?" Ye Chui continued. 

Qin Feng's face froze, looking at Ye Chui in surprise. "You?" 

"Yes, help me sell grilled lamb skewers at the night market. I'll pay you a thousand yuan per month, but you have to follow my instructions. Eventually, we can grow this business. Of course, it might be tough initially, but once we succeed, you'll definitely make your ex-girlfriend regret leaving you —I can guarantee that." 

The meat stall owner, hearing Ye Chui's proposal, became visibly excited. He urged his son, "Feng'er, this young man's grilled lamb skewers are extremely popular in the night market. He's much better than my stall. The head chef at Wan Lai Fu even came to seek advice from him. What are you still hesitating for? Thank him quickly!" 

Qin Feng, looking confused, studied Ye Chui. This guy seemed to be two years younger than him. Working with him to sell lamb skewers at the night market? 

It was hard for him to accept. However, when he remembered Ye Chui's words just now, his fists clenched. He pondered for a moment and said, "Alright, I agree. I'm not afraid of hard work. If your lamb skewers really have potential, I'll follow you devotedly." 

"That's good." Ye Chui nodded. Qin Feng, contemplating Ye Chui's words, was initially hesitant, but considering the circumstances, it wasn't surprising. Ye Chui continued, "This evening at 6:30, meet me at the nearby night market. You'll see the potential of my lamb skewers then." 

The meat stall owner, upon hearing Ye Chui's words, showed a happy expression. Qin Feng, still puzzled, agreed to Ye Chui's proposition. Ye Chui, despite lacking credibility in Qin Feng's eyes, assured him that he would witness the lamb skewers' potential that evening.