
Chapter 22

"Victoria, it's clear your mother didn't tell you some things." she sipped tea calmly. "for starters, you must not speak unless spoken to, and second, you must not show up at an event uninvited. Also, as things stand now, you will not only embarrass yourself, but also bring shame to the Duke Veritas household."

"Verena, that's enough." the Duke stopped her.

"why, of course." she smiled politely. "I will arrange for someone to teach her etiquette, your grace, please don't worry over such trifling matters."

The Duke sighed. It's going to be one looong week.

Is this his majesty's punishment? Because it's working.


On the other side, a majestic ruler sat on his throne, with his chin resting on his right hand and a look of disinterest.

" your majesty, allow this subject to bring forward a topic everyone is curious about." a court official stepped up.

The emperor waved a hand allowing him to continue.

"the meeting is about to come to an end, however, Duke Veritas is nowhere in sight. If it's not too—"

"he was ordered to stay in his residence and reflect on his actions." the emperor cut him off.

The emperor's words seemed to appease those who opposed that the Duke accepted an offspring with vulgar blood in his family. Especially, the grand Duke, Xavier .

The grand Duke was duchess Verena's father. He was loyal to the late emperor and overall powerful in court, second only to the emperor. However, he was famous for his sense of humor and friendly aura. He didn't marry after his wife's death, and had only two daughters, Veronica and Verena.

As he did not have an heir, the emperor allowed, Archer, his son in law, to be his successor. The grand Duke had a hand in training the current emperor, so the emperor overlooked some of his annoying traits, but he wasn't too pleased.

"your majesty, this loyal servant has a request." he stood up and bowed.

According to the seating arrangement for the court room, the emperor sat in a raised Throne at the head of the room, to the left and right, were chairs and tables of a lower standing, each describing the status of each person. The one bearing the highest status would sit nearest to the Throne.

If any official wanted to report or make a request to the emperor directly, they would walk to the middle of the room and bow, but if everyone was discussing, they may remain seated.

As the grand duke was of unquestionable status, he didn't have to follow the rules of the others, yet he insisted to be a role model for others. The grand Duke drew a red line when it came to certain things, and no one, not even the emperor, dared to cross them.

Three of those things were honor, family, and reputation. By allowing Duke Veritas to bring an illegitimate offspring to the family, the emperor questioned all three, upsetting the grand Duke.

"your majesty, I request we uphold a proper meeting for the acceptance of an unofficial offspring. Duke Veritas is my son in law, and of high status, therefore his actions may influence others to think illegitimate children are officially allowed." the grand Duke has planned to keep silent about the matter, but as the emperor opened it again, he had to bring forward his opinion.

" grand Duke Xavier of Azuracre, no body said illegal children will be recognized, nor will they be granted an official title on the list of nobles. However, will be treated as no more than a commoner of the upper middle class as long as their legal guardian is alive. And that too comes with punishment. Anyone who brings an illegitimate offspring is given the penalty of 40 flogging, 70 if they accept them in the family. But as Duke Veritas made distinct contributions to the empire, he had been excused with house arrest and handing over any official documents. "

With the emperor's perspicuous explanation, the grand Duke sat down with satisfaction.

Losing official documents is equivalent to losing power, and that duke deserves it for not being faithful to his own wife. Did Duke Veritas think he get away with what he's done scot free?

"anything else?" The emperor asked. All he wanted was to wrap up the meeting and for the bickering of those old men to stop, he always leaves the court with a headache.

"your majesty..." an official at the end of the table stood hesitantly.

The emperor granted him the position to speak and he came forward.

"your majesty, recently the number of crops has been decreasing, therefore the prices of wheat and rice increased. Which in turn increased the he number of beggars and starving children."

"the emperor pondered over it then asked ." has other provinces, domains, or districts experience the same thing? "

" yes, your majesty, westmeadows."

"Sykyard, your majesty."

"go for an inspection and send your reports by the end of the week. And distribute food to the poor." he stood up. "I now announce the conclusion of today's meeting."