
Transmigration into Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s

I don’t own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh series or it’s games all credit goes to their rightful creators and I suggest checking them out if this series interests you. This is a passion based project with various upload times depending on how I’m feeling or what’s going on in my life. I’ll try to upload somewhat consistently but don’t get too hopeful because anything can happen.

Kenai12_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Kai: "Hey Yusei!!!"

Yusei: "Oh! Hey Kai, that was a nice duel. I didn't know you had a card that strong!"

Kai: "Yeah it was in the deck given to me by my parents. Miss Martha said that she was waiting for the right time to give it to me."

Yusei: "Well I'm glad she did. Now going against you will be even better than before! Not like when you had to use a bunch of random cards back home."

Kai: "As I'm sure you've experienced Yusei, the deck doesn't make the duelist...the duelist makes the deck."

As Yusei was about to respond he and Kai heard a familiar voice coming towards them.

Goodwin: "Hello gentleman. Normally I wouldn't come down here myself but there are some things that we must discuss before proceeding."

Yusei: "Sure, if what we're discussing has something to do with my friends being released then I'm all ears! I'm already here Goodwin and I'm not leaving until I can settle the score with Jack so just release them already!"

Although Kai knew about Yusei's friends being taken he still needed to act surprised so that Yusei doesn't know he already knew about it.

Goodwin: "Very well then. Now, let's go have a chat with the champion now shall we?"

As the three of them were walking away Kai noticed someone in the shadows observing them from a safe distance.

Kai: [He looks kind of familiar.]

Although Kai couldn't see his face due to the cloak the figure was wearing he had a feeling he'd seen them somewhere before.

Kai would've pursued the figure if Goodwin wasn't escorting them to Jack. After all, who doesn't like watching a good fight?

As they left the elevator Goodwin spoke to the only other person in the room

Goodwin: "They're here Jack, now you can talk to them all you want."

As Goodwin said this he left the room to the three childhood friends since Jack volunteered to explain the situation to them and why they've been gathered for the Fortune Cup and what their marks truly mean for them.

Jack: "Well I guess you're wondering about the marks now aren't you?"

Yusei: "Yeah, I'd like to know why I was forced into this tournament and what these marks mean! What's Goodwin planning Jack?!"

Kai: "Calm down Yusei I think he can hear you. Goodwin himself brought us to Jack so let's at least give him a chance to explain."

Jack: "Glad one of you hasn't lost their senses. Anyways, these marks are connected to something called the Crimson Dragon. Those that possess a mark are destined to fight off the darkness that will destroy the world. As you've both noticed Goodwin has been gathering people that bear these marks with the latest addition being our good friend Kai."

Yusei: "So you're saying the world's in danger and we're the only ones that can stop it?!"

Kai: "That's one way to put it. So, what exactly is this "darkness" you're talking about Jack?"

Jack: "You'd have to ask Goodwin that one. He's only given me answers on what he says are the basics."

Yusei: "So from what I've heard we have to fight together against this "darkness" and win. How're we going to do that when one of the other signers hates the mark they have and doesn't want anything to do with the people they're meant to work with?"

Kai: "Well Yusei, you happen to have a duel with her next...what a coincidence! How about you try a get through to her I'll even try and talk to her before your duel. How does that sound?"

Jack: "I'd pay good money just to see this chat with that witch. You hardly ever talked to normal girls back home now you're going to chat up one of the most dangerous girls in the world! I think I'll need some popcorn as well!"

Jack said while laughing

Kai: "Like you were any better! In all seriousness Yusei, when you duel her it just might be the most dangerous thing you've ever done. So be careful ok man?"

As Kai said this he left Yusei and Jack to themselves since he needed to find Akiza before their duel and it wasn't completely necessary for him to be present for their talk.

Jack: "I'm not worried about you beating or getting through to Akiza. Since it's you I already consider it done. However...can you beat Kai when you both make it to the finals?"

Yusei: "How do you know he's going to make it to the finals? He still has one more duel just like me."

Jack: "Fortunately for him he doesn't. Goodwin found out one of our signer friends has a twin that switched places with them in the tournament before the duels started. But since he found Luna's mark with some weird piece of tech he's already announced to the media that Luna was disqualified and was able to get her opponent out as well under the assumption he knew about the switch and didn't tell anyone. So now Goodwin plans on having you two duel for the chance to face me! So I'll ask again Yusei, can you beat Kai in order to reach me or have you lost your touch?"

Yusei: "I can't say for sure Jack. Remember how he dueled even though he didn't have his own cards? Now he has his own and even back then it was anyone's duel between us and now that he has his own cards it'll be harder than before to beat him."

Jack: "Then I guess we'll just have to wait and see won't we?"

As Jack and Yusei continued their conversation Kai was walking back into the waiting area for duelists and found Akiza seemingly lost in her own thoughts before her duel with Yusei.

Kai: [ *Sigh* Here's hoping she doesn't throw me against a wall.]

Author: Yeah I'm not dropping I'm still in school so I write when I can but I'm finishing this story no matter how long it takes. So most of fall and spring I won't write on the app but I'll have chapters ready to post when I can. I'll be trying to get back on a schedule of 1-2 chapters a week. Thanks for reading!