
Transmigration in Against the Gods (AU)

A young soul drifting through the void is waiting for something to happen just to be chosen by "something" to come back to the world of the living, just...a little different world than the young soul was accustomed to. Will young soul go with the whims of whoever or whatever chose him? Will he try to rebel and overcome that "thing"? Or...will they both compromise and find a middle path to take on this journey in this new cruel world? [A/N: This is the fan-fic about Against the Gods. It's supposed to be more relaxing, more comedy and satire. You can expect a lot of cliches like in any other cultivation novels just to see how our MC from our world response to those. Also, this is AU so expect some different things from the original, also, I will be using a lot of other techniques and other ways of cultivating other than Profound Way] Cover shamelessly stolen from Pinterest, in case anyone would like me to take it off, no problem.

darvom · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
90 Chs

Inner Demons

(Important message in the Author's note)


"W-Wait a second!" The girl called out to Meng who was about to leave her sight.

"Hm?" Meng stopped and turned to the side to look at her from the corner of his eye.

"Is this mysterious Big brother willing to share his name with me?" The girl asked with a peaceful smile while keeping her right hand to her heart.

"...Let fate decide whether it is meant for us to meet once again. My or your name will not matter if we won't meet each other again. It was nice walking with you for a short while, thank you for your guidance, princess." Meng said and once he finished, he instantly disappeared from the girl's sight before she could even say anything back.

"?!" The girl's eyes widened when she saw him disappear so fast.

'I thought he was only Sky Profound practitioner but the speed of his movement technique is truly on a different level...' "Mysterious big brother...hehe~ It doesn't sound bad" The girl muttered with a dreamy smile.



Meng quickly found his way out of the mountains and quickly arrived at the Divine Phoenix City.

'This city is truly much bigger than Blue Wind's capital, well, the regular powerhouses here are also of a different standard. I won't be considered as a big deal even if my cultivation base gets revealed...*sigh* That could prove to be troublesome if some people decide to create trouble.'

'Anyway, it should be around here according to the information...' Meng thought as he was looking around while wearing the cloak with a hood.

Meng entered an inn that didn't look too high-class. He paid for the room but once he arrived at the hall where his room was located, he went to a completely different door than his room's number.

*Creak* "I am-" While he was opening the door and as he was about to announce his presence, he felt a thick killing intent concentrated on him.

It was Yufeng who was pressing the tip of her sword on Meng's neck.

"?! Little Meng?" Yufeng widened her eyes and the killing intent from before completely disappeared but her sword still remained near his neck but it looked more like she froze with her cheeks turning red.

"..." Meng's eyes traced down to see that she was just in her undergarments and it wasn't just any regular undergarments he would normally expect other women to wear but it looked much more seductive and almost see-through. One couldn't see anything yet they could easily imagine it inside their heads.

*Bang* Meng shot a dangerous glare at the hall and was relieved that no one was there so he quickly closed the door.

"...T-This isn't what I normally wear...Please don't misunderstand!" Yufeng finally retracted her sword and instead covered her intimate parts out of embarrassment. If it was under normal circumstances, she wouldn't be so much embarrassed but this situation was too awkward plus this was the first time Meng saw her only in her undergarments.

'Why?! Why the first time he sees me in my undergarments is during the time I am trying this naughty outfit?! And why the hell does it turn me on?! He mustn't know of this!' Yufeng thought while looking down in shame while occasionally looking up to discover why was Meng being so quiet.

"Well, everyone has their tastes, who am I to judge" Meng closed his eyes and replied with a wide smile saying "don't worry".

"That's not it!!!" Yufeng shouted at the top of her lungs, scaring a few other residents of the inn.



Yufeng quickly explained the situation but she obviously skipped the facts that she has been trying all kinds of undergarments just because of him, after all, she wasn't so shameless as to say that.

"I understand so there is no need for you to feel embarrassed, alright? Plus it was a nice way to greet me after not seeing you for several days. haha" Meng tried to comfort Yufeng but in the end, he ended up laughing while running his eyes all over her body once again to tease her and show her that he didn't forget the previous sight.

'Now that I think about it...our "relationship" hadn't progressed much. I am really awkward when it comes to relationship and love...maybe I am not honest with my emotions or maybe I am just so much inexperienced that I have no idea what to do at this point to advance our relationship. Neither do I know if she is ready or feels like advancing it anyway.'

*sigh* Meng released a sigh after he laughed and teased Yufeng who was now completely red.

'?! "-was a nice way to greet me-" H-He liked it?' After hearing his words, a wide smile suddenly appeared on Yufeng's face who was previously looking down in shame.

"Is something the matter?" Yufeng's smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared when she noticed Meng's sigh along with his expression as he was staring towards the window.

"...It's nothing, I guess no matter what, I always feel disappointed in myself." Meng said while staring at his right palm as a miniature ice spear appeared on it before changing into a sword and then blossom, in the end, the petals made of ice started falling on the ground near his leg.

Meng never thought about it too hard but now that he felt emotion called love for the first time, it opened many more paths and views for him and not all of them were necessary good. He never cared about why he is in this world and what is his purpose but now this question popped up in his head and he couldn't shake it off as before by saying "who cares, I will explore this beautiful new world".

What if all of this is only an illusion playing with his mind? What if he is still dreaming and one day he will wake up in one of the military camps. How would he feel about it? He no longer has anyone to return to except for a very few comrades but no relatives.

'!!! Am I actually...Is my heart faltering? If this continues...this fear could create an inner demon for me and if this truly isn't some illusion, it would be a great obstacle for me!' Meng thought while staring into an empty space with eyes that started slowly filling with panic.

"?!" Meng only woke up from his thoughts when he felt Yufeng tightly hugging him while staring at his face with a worried and almost frightened expression.

"...Thank you" Meng just closed his eyes and his rapidly beating heart calmed down.

'This path of cultivation or whatever...I never had an idea it's so much complex and hard just from reading those small stories. Just one wrong step, just losing control over one's emotions can create extreme problems for him. I should stop treating this as some kind of game or novel and stop stealing lines from other characters unless I want to get a copyright strike, heh.'

'Meng...What the hell just happened a few seconds ago? I could feel it...it was as if you were rejecting your own existence. This is serious so please tell me what happened?' Even Su Zhu talked to Meng as soon as she sensed a good opportunity to do that.

'Don't worry about it, it already got resolved' Meng shortly replied before he focused his attention on Yufeng. In the end, he spent the rest of the day with her inside that room, telling her of his travels since they separated. He even mentioned the girl that guided him out of the mountains which caused Yufeng to question him for another hour.

For the entire hour, he was forced to face questions such as "How beautiful was she?" "Are you two friends now?"

Yufeng obviously knew that the person Meng was talking about and describing is Feng Xue or also known as Princess Snow. She was also aware of her beauty but she was quite surprised when Meng admitted that she was indeed beautiful. She felt conflicted because she wouldn't be able to trust his words if he were to deny her beauty but him admitting that she is beautiful made Yufeng feel slightly strange but she also could tell from Meng's tone that he had no special type of affection towards the princess despite not denying her beauty.

----At night----

"Well, I will let you rest now, there is only 1 small bed and I already paid for my own room so I better go to my place." Meng said as he stood up and wanted to approach the door.

"Umm" Yufeng who heard this felt like she had to act but she was still a bit afraid of making a bad impression on Meng.

"Hm?" Meng turned around just to see Yufeng already lying on the small bed, looking at him and occasionally breaking eye contact while tracing her fingers on the place right next to her.

"You know...Even if this is a small bed, I believe that there is enough space for both of us as long as we will be as close to each other as we can." Yufeng said while slowly taking her robe off, revealing the previous undergarments since she didn't dare to change them before right in front of Meng.

'Oh...' Yufeng opened her mouth slightly when her eyes traced a bit lower on Meng's body.

'Does she want me to...? In this culture, I am not really sure if this is an invitation to intercourse, ugh...This is one of the times I wouldn't mind being in the club back in my world where it's very easy to see women's intentions. I should just accept for now and go with the flow.' Meng thought before he smiled at Yufeng, feeling heat building up in his body.

"Sure, I don't mind a bit of cramming"

I planned to write something different and advance the story a bit but I currently have no time to write something that I need to be more careful with. But I also didn't want to just post an empty chapter saying that I will probably take a short break. For me, it's currently 3 AM when I finished this chapter so you might understand how much I am sacrificing here just to do this (JK).

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will try to answer all of them. The break will probably be 1 week, something without any worrying about "writing a new chapter" which lingers in my mind a bit too much past days.

darvomcreators' thoughts