
Transmigration: I Am Now A Dimwit (BL)

Being trapped in the body of a mentally challenged person in a strange and unknown world filled with only men, was never part of the various scenarios that played in Yue Yan's mind whenever he had envisioned where his soul will go after death. But now that he was here, he told himself "No matter what, I will not let this body be trampled over again. Not while I still occupy this body". He intends to live the rest of the host body's life very well as opposed to before he had transmigrated here, come what may. But it was easier said than done. At the end, he lost his wife and two children at the hand of his own family. Join Yue Yan now known Chen Yan on his journey with his new found family and friends as they strive to attain a better life for themselves and their generations to come. EXCERPT 1: "If you want my help, you need to give me something in exchange. What are you willing to offer me in return for the favour?" "I can wash your clothes for a week?" "Don't want that." "I could cook and wash for you for a week?" "That too will be nice if only they were added to what I actually want." "What do you want? I don't really have anything else to give. " "No, you're exactly what I want.", the leader said while walking around Xu Bao, openly checking him out. "What do you mean?", Xu Bao asked in apprehension. Time is not his his side. Lives are at stake! Circling his arms around his slim waste, Yunfeng pulled him in, staring into his ocean blue eyes. Xu Bao could feel his breath on his face. He wanted to pull away from the embrace but Yunfeng held him in place. "I believe you get what I am trying to say?", he asked in a seductive voice with his nose lightly brushing against Xu Bao's ears. "Or shall I demonstrate?", he added teasingly. P. S. Please do check out my other Book as well. -- Dead End Feelings (BL). Link: http://wbnv.in/a/beiB6mw Thank You all. Have a great day.

Abbiex · LGBT+
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31 Chs

22. Facta Non Verba

The crown Prince was in the study with Li Zicheng. They have both been thinking of how best to return Chen Yan's documents to him. In the end, they decided to just go with the flow.

Chen Yan knocked on Li Zicheng's door and entered after he told him too.

Li Zicheng sat behind his desk and signaled to Chen Yan to sit at the seat across the desk directly opposite the crown Prince who was sitting beside him at the his desk.

"You called me.", Chen Yan said after greeting and taking the seat.

"Yes, I did. But I called you here for him." Li Zicheng said and pointed to the crown Prince.

Chen Yan looked at the may before him. He does not know that he was a Prince but he remembers his rudeness towards him and decided to use this opportunity to apologise to him.

"Erm, please sir, I will like to apologise for my rudeness towards you in these past days that I have been here.

I do not hold any animosity towards you and I have no excuses for my actions then. All I ask is that you forgive me and to ask if we could start afresh please."

Shi Benyou raised a hand in a stop motion and said. "Stop with that already. Your apology is accepted. I understand the situation that you were in. I hold no grudges against you either.

Let's end all that with a handshake, shall we?", he said and extended his hand.

Yue Yan was surprised. In this world, the mais are treated like how women are treated in his former world.

Mais are not allowed to have any form of skinship with hems. So how is this one okay with a handshake instead of just a bow. 'What an oddball.' he thought.

Chen Yan also stretched his hand and together they shook hands. After all was over, they got down to business.

"Chen Yan, since we do not know what happened to you in those five years and you too do not seem to know what happened, we cannot you ask much.

Just let us know once your memories return and any important information that you may have." Benyou said and Chen Yan nodded to that.

"Here, take these.", Benyou puts some documents in front of him. "These are the documents to some of your properties that I know of.

It includes the deeds to them. Zicheng was the one in charge of all of them in your absence including the finances.

He will take you through everything and you can ask him all that you want to ask." The Prince said.

Chen Yan was looking through the various documents and saw that his name was on all of them.

What he realised was that most of the dates were from five years ago, the period when he was supposedly missing.

"So what you mean to say is that I am rich?", he said jovially.

"Yes, and as such you are the sugar daddy now and not me." Li Zicheng said back jokingly. The Prince didn't know what they were talking about.

"There may be more but these are all I know of.", the Prince said.

Chen Yan did not know how to feel. He had a lot of questions but the only one that could have any answer for them is the original Chen Yan. Now he'll have to go with the flow.

"Yanyan." Yan moved his eyes from the documents in his hands to look at the Prince who just called his name.

"I will like to ask, can I be your friend again? Since you cannot remember me, I will like to be your friend for now at least. Can you not push me away?" Benyou asked.

He had thought about it and has come to accept that this Chen Yan is no longer his Chen Yan.

If Chen Yan gets his memories back and decided to be with him, then fine. If not, then he'll have to settle for just this new relationship as friends.

He doesn't want to lose his friendship with his beloved at least.

"Of course please. Action they say, speaks louder than words. What what all of you have shown me since my coming here, it's evident enough that you were all hi... sorry my close friends.

So no need to ask again. We are all friends. It is I who hope that you'd all accept me as I am now.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart.", A tear dropped onto the document in his hand so Li Zicheng collected it from him.

The Prince then left not long after. The two told about their childhood memories and Benyou shared more from his teens to when he was a young adult.

Chen Yan listened to them talk about the original host's past. It felt as if they were talking about a different person, at a point he even asked them if they have not mistaken him for someone else.

They said no but Yue Yan believes otherwise, for how could one have all these wealth at such a young age in this era. Especially without good backing.

And also, with the sort of parents that he had seen Chen Yan and his family with, there is no way they would have left his properties alone. They would have squandered all his wealth by now.

Nothing is making sense to him at all. It feels as if he had transmigrated again into another Chen Yan except this time around in the same world.

These new friends would not tell him more of what they know about him. It seems there's more to the stories they've told him.

He believes that indeed they do know nothing of his last five years, but he feels they're withholding information on the details of his life before.

If indeed the Chen Yan that he had occupied is the same Chen Yan that they are talking about, then this Chen Yan was no poor fool as he had been made to believe.