
29 She's missing

Shang walked back to his wing to check on Succubus. Moving the the fifth chamber after his,he knocked but no reply

"Succubus,are you in?"he called out. And still no reply.

After calling up to whoever knows,he dashed into the room. Scanning with his eyes,there was no sight of Succubus. He shouted and the servants rushed in, "Where's Succubus?"Shang asked and they all shaking their head to indicate they didn't know.

He dashed out of the room and to meet Cheng.

"Succubus is missing",Shang said. He was concerned about the Demon lady mainly because he feared the humans life. She could do anything if care wasn't taken.

"She's missing?"inquired Cheng,not believing such. "She might have returned to hell."

"That's highly impossible. Even If Succubus wants to return to hell,she can't." Stated Shang. If she did that he would have been happy but Succubus returning back to hell was impossible.

"Why?"questioned Min/Jasmine

"Because Ru had banned her. She can't get back on her own."

"Ru banned her?why?"asked Cheng. He wondered why his Demonic brother would ban Succubus. He had always showed interest in her but this,he wondered what happened.

"Because of you. Shit!! let's do something,she might be in danger or the human might", muttered Shang.

Jasmine couldn't help but smile as she heard Shang using the word she usually said when she first got here. Ah shit!.

"How to find her?"asked Jasmine.

"Finding Demons was something hard and tricky. They knew how to cover their trace but to find Demons they had to use their mates. Marked Mates. But Succubus was mateless at the moment,so finding her would be hard.

Back when Cheng and Shang left hell,in their spirit form,finding them was impossible. Even when they became human,the Demons couldn't find them until recently. So at this moment,to find Succubus,they had to come up with a fast and successful plan.

"Let's search her room,she might have left clue or maybe a letter",said Jasmine.

They all went to her room to search,they could have asked the servants but it was likely for Succubus to keep something not to be seen by humans there,so they went by themselves.

Jasmine searched the drawers,beneath the bed,under the rug,under the chairs but nothing. Cheng though wasn't interested in looking for Succubus,had no choice. As far as the humans weren't in danger,he would do anything.

He took over by searching the books shelf. Not even certain if Succubus made use of the shelf,he still searched. But found nothing.

Shang took over by searching behind the paintings. In the room,there were lots of painting. He made them. Almost every room that existed in this wing,had paintings. There was nothing behind the paintings. They all grew fed up. But still didn't stop searching.

Fu Cheng,still continued to search. He picked up a book and then something slipped to the floor. Bending he picked up the paper and said, "found something." Min and Shang dashed to his side and they looked at the paper in his hand curiously.

Cheng unfolded it and saw the drawing of plant. Nimune.

"What?!"exclaimed Shang. "Oh no!".

"Who's Nimune?"asked Jasmine.

"Lady of Lake. Not good nor bad. Controller of plant",asked Cheng. Nimune on earth,shit!.

"Wow!!she's got qualities",said Jasmine.

"Don't think of that. She's not nor bad. What's she even doing here and this paper,how..."said Shang dumbfoubdedly.

"We won't know if we don't take actions. We are leaving."said Cheng

"To where?"questioned Jasmine

"To find Succubus and Nimune. There had never been a history of Succubus and Nimune together,so this, something is wrong",said Cheng.

"Ohh,I'm coming with you guys",asked Jasmine wanting to go on a dangerous adventure. Seems like she forget what she said to herself, 'not to die'.

"No!"said both Cheng and Shang

"Yes,I'm going with you guys and you can't stop me. Where are we even going to go?"

"We are going to find Lakes. Every Lakes possible,so as to find Nimune",said Cheng.


Succubus stared at the man who captured her. It was surprising and unbelievable how she of all people could be captured. After that day when Cheng held her neck,she went to her room and found a paper on her bed. Opening it,she saw the drawing of a plant and not told twice,she knew who it belonged to,Nimune. Though,she and Nimune never had business together,she was curious about her.

Curious about the lady who was neither good nor bad,the lady who could control plants,the lady of lake. The lady who delivered the 'sword of power'. The mighty lady. Without thinking twice she headed out to find the lady. But stopped on getting to the door step. 'what if it was a trap?and why did she get this paper?but she and Nimune had no relation,so why?'she thought.

Walking towards the shelf,she placed the paper in-between a book and made up her mind to find the lady. She memorized the drawing of the plant and set of to find her.

She hadn't even gotten anywhere and she got caught. A whole demon like her. The Lycans were advanced. Knowing how to trap a demon so they wouldn't be able to make use of their gift. Her own gift was even seduction,so...

She got kept in the room and got tortured before she actually spilled out the beans. She was certain that Cheng and Shang were powerful enough to save themselves and they were. No capping.

"How to lead your Demon lord here?"asked the leader of the Lycans

"There isn't anywhere to do that",she said slightly irritated. She would never lead Cheng nor Shang here. The person that even made her leave and get caught didn't even bother to look for her.

"There should be",said the man.

"There isn't",replied Succubus again. On a normal circumstances,she would have seduced the man in his sleep and drained his energy. But she can't. Humans weren't advanced like Demons so what he used on her and in his freaking dark ugly building was something she didn't know of.

A servant came in and whispered into the man's ear and he stood up to leave, "I will be back."


"I will change and be back in a jiffy",said Jasmine and dashed off to change.

They all sent off to leave and Jasmine in her mind thought, 'Im going on a journey to save my rival,aishh'

A/N:hey guys,so sorry for not posting for two consecutive days. Day before yesterday,I was streaming "Yet To come'" and yesterday,I woke up to sad news and got devastated