
Transmigration : FateReWrite

Secrets he never knew deep inside him, things that he had forgotten held the key to it all. Things he knew but never thought that he did not know them good enough. That last moment when he thought it was all done for good secrets revealed themselves. The life he thought was his was it really his own?. https://www.patreon.com/yuuki1412 This novel is free, But i would appreciated your support. (*0v0*)

Yuuki_An · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

1.11(End of arc 1)

Have you ever been in a situation where you are have planned everything, And it even followed all things you planned but at the very last moment someone just waltz in and completely wrecks your plans?

Si yang is in that very situation at the moment. He had planned all his actions he even planned the entire scenario. Everything was going well according to his plan at the last second that he was about succeed a man just literally fell from above and stood between him and Jing ci.

The man was tall and had very handsome features just that his eyes were the wrong color. They were red...As red as blood is. He was clearly a demon and he ignored Si yang completely as if he did not exist.

The demon raised his hand and pointed towards Ryse. Ryse blinked his eyes slowly and relaxed. Ha ha he was going to head back to the city to meet this dude but this guy just delivered himself to his door how wonderful Ryse smiled. Ah he does not have to run away anymore after killing this demon guy and his gang Ryse can immediately leave the world simply fantastic.

"Jiangshi's reincarnation, I have found you at last. It took me centuries hunting you down.....Get him! This time destroy his soul! So he will never reincarnate!" Yelled the demon with a malicious grin.

Si yang's eyes narrowed and he unsheathed his sword the moment thousands of demons suddenly appeared from the shadows of the trees. Wei qi and the three who had followed after Si yang saw this scene of a demon siege and immediately released a signal to alert all cultivators in the area of the appearance of the demons.

Ryse was just going to prepare himself for one hell of a fight when his vision swam he seemed to have heard something like 'Leave it me' ha ha he is hallucinating voices now...did he turn schizophrenic?

The demon's grin faltered slightly when a pair of lazy hetero chrome eyes fell on him. Ryse or not Ryse showed a lazy smile eyes twinkling in mirth.

"Oh my you finally decided to show up....I was getting bored waiting for so long my dear Xu rong" 'Ryse' chuckled softly.

At this time a group of cultivators arrived at the scene, "Full blooded demons?!" One of them could not hold back his surprise.

The smile on 'Ryse's' face fell,"Full blooded demons?.....No-" He snorted "They are just a bunch of filthy half bloods who stole the heart's blood of the only pure blood demon" His eyes narrowed dangerously "My heart's blood" He whispered to himself softly.

The demon's expression twisted angrily "WHO ARE YOU CALLING HALF BLOOD!?"

"You, You idiot" 'Ryse' grinned raising his hand to the sky a burst of thunder came and lightning struck where Ryse stood forming huge black flames. The black flames in the startled eyes of the cultivators and demons rose to the sky with lightning speed forming gigantic black flame angel wings. A dark energy formed to 'Ryse's' side transforming into scyth.

"Jiangshi!?" The old cultivator almost vomited blood. 'What did i get myself into!' He roared in his mind. Thousand's of years ago there was a stormy battle between the cultivators and demons. The leader of the demons their king at that time was a pure blood demon called 'Jiangshi' He was so strong that none of the cultivators could defeat not even the one they considered the strongest cultivator in their realm.

Although Jiangshi himself had not participated in the battles but he did watch silently from the sidelines even that was enough to cause the cultivators to tremble in terror. The demons massacred everywhere they even killed innocents not leaving even the mortals. This caused unrest in the entire realm.

A priest then prayed day and night hoping for the heaven's to save them. If the heaven's do not help then the entire realm will be flooded with the blood of innocents and other's. The priest pleas were heard had seven heavenly immortals descended to their realm and with their heavenly spirits they forced the demons back.

At this time Jiangshi's closest companion his right hand man a half blood demon whom jiangshi had trusted stabbed him in the back literally. Jiangshi had no guard up against him at all, His right hand man Xu rong stole his heart's blood and absorbed it becoming a pure blood demon. The heart's blood is a blood bead that is formed in the hearts of pure blood demons.

Losing his heart's blood Jiangshi lost more than half of his power's. The seven heavenly immortals took this chance of his weakness and sealed his soul in a heavenly artifact. After the leader was subdued the rest of the demons immediately scurried away back to the realm of demons.

The old man who cultivated for a thousand years had heard this story from his grandfather who at that time was only a teenager and had just started cultivating.

Xu rong knew that Jiangshi's soul had not been obliterated he could come back at anytime so he prepared for a long time and then set off to keep searching for his whereabouts. He was right because that day seven years ago he felt it the return of Jiangshi.

No one in the cultivation world does not know the legend of the pure blood demon Jiangshi who even the heavenly immortals were unable to defeat and had to take the chance when he was at his weakest.

Jiangshi who was also Ryse at this time silently looked down at the demons and cultivators. Feeling a sharp line of sight he tilted his head slightly and looked at Si yang. Seeing the face and expression Jiang shi suddenly laughed out loud causing the dazed demons and cultivators to snap out of their thoughts.

"Impossible! I don't believe it! How!?" The demon shuddered his gaze fixed at the pitch black flames and scyth,"Impossible!....No Impossible! You don't have it! How can you-"

"My dear Xu rong.....You seem to have misunderstood something....Even without the heart's blood....You still cannot defeat me ever!" He raised the pitch black scyth high and slashed down with unbelievable force. A hundred demons near him instantly turned into ashes. Xu rong's red eyes widened with fear and anger and he roared.

"I don't believe it! I will defeat you i will kill you and i will destroy your soul!" Xu rong spread his hands beside him. Large energy fluctuations were felt as crimson flames just as huge as Jiangshi's surrounded Xu rong. The demon with a maniacal grin shot towards Jiangshi.

Jiangshi was still, He did not move only frowned at the demon heading for himself. With a click of his tongue he raised his scyth once more "You were always like this cowardly and weak but once you got a little strength you would become arrogant and greedy for more..... I once told you...That this arrogance will lead to your disaster".

Jiangshi did not bring the scyth down instead he let it go, The scyth turned into specks of dark energy and blended with the black flames. In the bewildered eyes of the cultivators, Jiangshi spread his arms and held Xu rong who's eyes widened in disbelief.

"What are yo-"

"For all that you did i always forgave you.....But betrayal....I will never forgive my dear" Jiangshi smiled. Black flames enveloped the two completely. The surrounding demons only heard a soul shaking scream of terror before they saw the black flames spreading out towards them at an unimaginable speed they could only scream silently as they were enveloped along in the flames.

The cultivators had long moved away from the range of the flames, Only Si yang did not move his gloomy eyes looked into the black flames as if he could see through them. He took a step into the flames that parted obediently forming a path to the middle. He arrived in the middle and saw the boy sitting on the green grass his eyes were blank he seemed to be in shock.

Si yang was right Ryse was absolutely freaking shocked okay! These black flames he had never and he means never ever seen before not even any of the mission worlds he does remember. There was something familiar about these black flames but Ryse had no clue why he felt them familiar at all.

And he was still confused about the earlier situation was he really schizophrenic? Or there was something else going on? And was his mission just done like this? He doesn't even remember anything at all there was a gap of who knows how long in his memories of the current world. Not just one but four! gaps. Could it be....Split personality?

A shadow fell over him and Ryse glanced up almost falling backwards in fright 'Si yang! QAQ'. As Ryse was about to speak he suddenly saw a prompt floating in front of his eyes.


Ryse felt it, The sudden happiness and relief when you find out you can escape from the psychos!. His happiness though was short lived he pulled forward and something cold and soft crashed against his lips. Then it came....The soul shaking force the electric current clashing straight against his soul. For a moment he thought his soul was shattered once again, The fear of the unknown feeling almost drowned him when he heard the prompt again.


'Thank the lords above!' He thought through the disoriented thoughts as he felt his soul pull out. With a loud gasp he opened his eyes and saw a silver door in the vast, He lowered his eyes and saw the world he just exited under his feet as big as planet earth if he remembered correctly. he could see thousands of other planets floating under his feet as well. He raised his hand and absentmindedly touched his lips.

A second passed....Two seconds three and then five entire minutes passed, Ryse suddenly cursed out lout.

"Damn son of a *****!!! Actually ******* DARED!!!" Ryse cursed for a whole half an hour before he felt calm. With a calm mind (NOT) he walked over to the silver door and pushed it open. He walked towards the lift and left his private portal space. With a flow of thousands of transmigrators he walked out of the Portal Dome.

'Si yang Si yang Si yang....YOU ******!!' He cursed again in his mind when he felt the unknown energy still swirling around his soul.

Yay finished the first stupid freaking arc!


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