
Transmigration:Rampaging Tentacle Monster

In a twist of fate, Yann, once a fearsome Lich King in a previous life, finds himself reincarnated as a tentacle monster in his current one. But what happens when a delectable little girl crosses paths with this unlikely creature? "Others may traverse realms to become heroes, but I traverse to become a tentacle monster," Yann jests. "While others wield cheat codes, I become the cheat code for others. And while others command legions of magical beasts, I become the pet of another, albeit fortunately, the pet of a lovely young maiden. And you there, dare to harm my little maiden? You won't escape my grasp after school! I'll make sure of it!" "My dream is to use my tentacles to ensure a blissful life for my little maiden at home! Anyone who dares obstruct me from building our crystal palace will face my wrath!" With such determined words, Yann sets out on a whimsical yet ambitious quest, using his unusual abilities to protect and provide for his newfound charge, all while dreaming of a brighter future in their crystal abode.

Billy_7484 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The Little Beauty With Eyes Full Of Gold Coins.

"Blood... bloodline magic!"

"Is it true?"

Upon hearing that the document Coleman held was actually bloodline magic, the audience below couldn't stay seated any longer. Even the dignitaries in the private booths stretched their necks towards the stage, eager to catch a glimpse of the diagram.

However, Coleman wouldn't grant their wish. He immediately placed the diagram into the box and covered it.

"As for the preciousness of bloodline magic, I believe there's no need for me to introduce it. It's a branch of dark magic. Due to religious oppression centuries ago, bloodline magic has become extinct. It's said that occasional sightings of it have occurred on the continent, but it's extremely rare." Coleman's introduction of bloodline magic was well understood by everyone.

As one of the mysterious magics, bloodline magic had always been notorious for its horror. Five hundred years ago, there was a terrifying incident involving bloodline magic.

A group of desperate bloodline mages, oppressed by the church, gathered around the Holy City. Under the leadership of a esteemed-level mage, they laid out a bloodline magic array. 

This array directly sent over a hundred thousand priests in the Holy City to heaven, dealing a heavy blow to the dominant power of the church at that time.

However, these crazy bloodline mages were eventually slaughtered into pieces by the church's senior warriors and priests!

It's said that their souls are still suppressed in the prison of the Holy City to this day!

"Bloodline magic has always been rare and formidable. 

Hundreds of years ago, it was very difficult to learn bloodline magic, let alone discovering such advanced bloodline magic now." Coleman continued to entice.

Actually, if bloodline magic wasn't unsuitable for Coleman, he wouldn't have relinquished it.

"Master Coleman, there are no bloodline mages now. What's the use of you buying this?" At this point, someone without magical talent in the audience asked.

After this person asked, he realized that the magicians in the auction hall were looking at him with contempt.

Of course, ordinary people wouldn't understand the value of bloodline magic, even if there were no bloodline mages now.

You see, advanced magics are interlinked. Bloodline magic is a more lethal extension of dark magic. If the dark magic system is compared to a tall building, then dark magic is the foundation and main framework of the building, while bloodline magic is both the decoration and essence of the building!

On a positive basis, bloodline magic can be developed from dark magic. Similarly, in reverse development from bloodline magic, one can comprehend the mysteries of many bloodline magics from high to low! Moreover, with the magic structure diagram, the difficulty of comprehension will be further reduced. After all, the structure diagram is equivalent to the solution steps. Everyone already knows the basic arithmetic operations and functions, but what's lacking is the method to solve the problem. The bloodline magic provided by Yann is the method!

After Coleman explained this to the person who stood up to ask questions, the person sat down embarrassedly. It turned out that he had asked such a question without much technical content, which was why he was so despised.

But thanks to Coleman's explanation, the atmosphere at the scene became even hotter. Now everyone understood! The seven-level bloodline magic structure diagram in Coleman's hands was so precious!

This was simply a windfall. Wealthy merchants were already preparing to make their move, hoarding the rare items. This principle applied everywhere. Even if they couldn't use it themselves, they could make considerable profits by selling it later.

The magicians at the scene, especially the dark magic practitioners, couldn't sit still anymore. Regardless of whether they had money or not, they were borrowing money from their friends. Everyone could foresee that the next thing would definitely be a fierce battle.

The outcome of this battle was measured in money, not strength.

The thoughts of the dignitaries in the private booths also became active. With their extensive knowledge, how could they not know the value of bloodline magic?

"The name of this bloodline magic, as stated by the auctioneer, is 'Death Touch.' As for its effects, out of discretion, our auction house won't disclose them. But I, Coleman, dare to guarantee in my name that the power of this seven-level bloodline magic can rival that of an eighth-level magic!" Coleman revealed another big piece of news.

A seven-level bloodline magic that could rival eighth-level magic! How precious that must be. If someone else said such a thing, it might be considered boasting, but this was Master Coleman. Was there a need for him to boast?

With one after another provocation, the atmosphere in the auction hall was like a block of ice being poured with hot water, emitting a steaming white vapor.

"I announce that the auction is officially beginning." Coleman clapped his hands. "The starting price is ten thousand gold coins, and each bid must not be less than one thousand gold coins!"

Yann and Niya's private booth.

"Te-ten... ten thousand gold coins!" Niya counted on her fingers, her petite mouth agape, her face showing a shocked and disbelieving expression at everything happening before her eyes.

"Tch, just ten thousand gold coins, back in the day..." Yann began reminiscing about his life as an sovereign lich.

That was truly a decadent and corrupt bourgeois life. The palace complex he lived in was hundreds of times larger than the Forbidden City, and every day he feasted on fresh... uh... fresh souls.

"Do you know what ten thousand gold coins represent?" Niya grabbed Yann's arm and shook it frantically. In her watery eyes, there was a glimmer of golden coins.

"Yeah, I know." Yann nodded. When he bought the cloak before, he had already understood it. In terms of purchasing power, one gold coin was equivalent to about ten thousand yuan in later years.

The currency of the Shinaro Empire is divided into three types: copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. Each currency uses a decimal system. One silver coin can be exchanged for one hundred copper coins, and one gold coin can likewise be exchanged for one hundred silver coins or ten thousand copper coins.

When buying the cloak, the price of one cloak was thirty copper coins, which was similar to the price converted into RMB in later years. When buying the cloak, there was also a little episode. Niya actually negotiated the price of two cloaks to thirty copper coins!

In the tearful eyes of the cloak vendor, Yann discovered that Niya's bargaining ability was unexpectedly strong!

This was all due to being forced by poverty. When Niya met Yann, she had only a few dozen copper coins left. So it was only when the starting price of the bloodline magic was ten thousand gold coins that Niya was so shocked.

Niya was completely stunned, with her eyes spinning with gold coins. Although she had grown up, she had never touched a real gold coin before.