
Transmigrating: Why's The Villain Pursuing Me?!

Arawinda fell asleep on her work desk yet when she opened her eyes in the next second, she seems to be in a different place?? Hm? Her name changed to Arawinda Danastri, not Arawinda Ratujaya! Wait-wait, she knew who Danastri was. Wasn't she a second female lead from a zombie book and her ending was miserable? She was the ex-lover of the male protagonist and surprisingly the ex-crush of the villain. Back in time, she was asked to go out by the villain but in the end, she was together with the male protagonist instead! What's worse, the male protagonist and the villain were enemies! They often compete in terms of strength, both ability, and manpower! Once for the sake of the male protagonist, she went to 'pursue' the villain and stole his core ability just to make him lose his power. Deceived by the woman he loved, it made the villain have a love-hate for her! But, in a blink of an eye, the male protagonist abandoned her to be together with the female protagonist and she was tricked into a lab then was accidentally killed by the villain disguised as a researcher! Arawinda Ratujaya--no, it should Arawinda Danastri now, shivered chilly at the thought of her miserable ending! She really wanted to avoid her death, but she couldn't ahh! Because the story had progressed to the point she was about to be abandoned by the male protagonist! That means she had stolen the villain's core ability and her future ending seems already right in front of her eyes! However, the memory of Danastri had successfully reformed her view of her character, and her view of the story itself. Relying on these memories, she doubted whether she could survive or not, however, she would try her best! ... It's just that, why was the villain pursuing her now instead of hating her to the bone?!

denan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Take revenge, take revenge on them!!

In the Disciplinary Office, in addition to the two old women, there was also a male and female student, sitting far from each other with sullen faces. Both of the students were stubborn and persistent in denying the explanation of the previous incident. Moreover, the male student simply guessed the group of students earlier mistaken their dating as molesting instead.

One of the old women, the librarian, whispered with concern on her face, "Since we have misunderstood them, we can't do anything about it either. I once witnessed the girl slap the boy beside her, and assumed she was defending herself but seems like I'm just thinking too much and that group of students too. Who knows they are just young ones in love."

"Sigh... You're right, still, we have to discuss this issue with their parents instead. It'll be clearer this way, " The other old woman, the Head of Disciplinary, sighed powerless as she wrote two invitation letters for the students' parents, "Furthermore, this boy is Teacher Nandano's boy. The last time he also got into a problem and yet doesn't finish his punishment. Trainer Nehan reported it back to me hours ago. I can discuss to him about this matter with all at once."

Listening to the unexpected identity of the boy, the librarian frowned lightly, imagining hard to compare the appearance of the boy and Teacher Nandano, "So that's why he looks familiar... It turns out to be Teacher Nandano's son!" Then in the next moment, she asked with suspicion, "This... I heard from students that Teacher Nandano's son is a very good student. Are you sure this boy is him?"

The Head of Disciplinary looked up from the paper and squinted her wrinkle eyes to observe the boy sitting not far from them, "Yes, this boy is him. He's indeed a good student but remembers that he's still a teenager. Sooner or later, he'll enter the rebellious stage. It's very normal actually."

"Ah! You're right. Now that you mention it, I suddenly remember how rebellious my children were back then..."

Whereas the two women were chatting nostalgically, Bhahran was thinking about the vivid scene of being slapped by Arawinda in his head. Formerly, the moment it happened, he indeed became extremely furious as it was the very first time for him being treated this way, especially right in front of his friends and the one he liked. He was too embarrassed by it that his animosity took control of his heart and mind.

Yet since his head had cooled down, if he put more thought into it, he realized the real fact behind Arawinda's actions. Generally, no one wished to see their partner be closed with someone else. The same also goes for him too as back in time when Raden and Arawinda often hang out together. He even made a deal with her, if she was willing to fulfill it then he would do the same. But what then? She had fulfilled it, what about him? Instead, he complained, tired of being her boyfriend. What's worse, simply like Arawinda's words, he was cheating on her, betraying all his promises to her, and always hurting her feelings. He, too, was aware, he was a scumbag.

If he said he did not regret it, then he lied. However, everything was too late as he was incapable of compensating her. All in all, according to their current circumstances, Arawinda seems already exhausted by him. Ascertaining this, he understood, it would be better if he didn't continue to pester her like what his father ordered him to...

In a moment silent, Bhahran moved to glance at the girl sitting three meters was from him. ...If he could do make such mistakes to Arawinda, would he also repeat it to Kencana? Unlike Arawinda owning both a tough personality and heart, Kencana who's the exact opposite would definitely break down! No, he must not repeat it! He did not wish to see her getting hurt at all cost!

Unknown to Bhahran, the girl he assumed as weak and delicate one was actually far stronger and wicked than he had ever thought...

On the surface, the girl seems nervous as she lowered her head and squeezed the skirt of her black uniform dress with both of her small white hands, yet only God knows what kind of mind she harbored.

Behind her hair, Kencana was hiding her ugly face, feeling depressed at her misfortune. Usually, the moment she met Arawinda, she should be the superior one but now it seems everything turn over. On top of that, Bhahran did not even plan to take revenge on the humiliation he earn! Simply told those old women that Arawinda and her groups merely misunderstood them, letting them go easily!

With her pride, she was incapable of submitting to it! The bizarre and unreasonable desire in her heart, which she couldn't explain and understand at all, kept on hypnotizing her to overthrow that girl Arawinda! One time she tried to withhold it yet the desire got stronger and stronger, almost completely controlling her mind!

<Follow it, just follow it! It'll force you!> Fine! Intimidate her-- She intimidated her! Snatch her boyfriend-- She snatched her boyfriend! And now? Take revenge, take revenge on them!! Fine! She would take revenge!

Kencana's eyes flashed with evilness. Since she could not depend on Bhahran at all, then she would do it on her own, to them, one by one...

"Alright. Miss Kencana and Sir Bhahran?"

A light yet solemn voice shattered both the students' deep and messy minds thoroughly and began to silently pay attention to what the Head of Disciplinary would say next, not aware when the librarian left. However, what she announced was truly out of their expectations.

"Since the previous behavior is a misunderstanding, I kindly won't pursue it anymore. But, your behavior, <dating> in a public area, has caused this misunderstanding and has to be discussed more. How about it?" The tone she applied when she said the word <dating> was too purposeful, creating an illusion that there was a profound meaning behind this word.

Bhahran and Kencana did not know how to respond and could only stay silent. They were very reluctant about it as they had been punished yesterday. After all, who wished to get punished continuously? But what could they do except accept it?

The old woman assumed they approved it thus, she announced another matter, "I already sent an invitation to each of your parents." She then pointed at Bhahran with her pen, "Your father will come soon, boy."

His father?!

Bhahran stood up in a panic, still asked politely, "Ma'am, aren't we just getting punished? Why need to call our parents?"

The old woman chuckled lightly, "Dating is fine, but you're unfortunate being found by us. We, teachers, can't skip over our rules, no?"

What? How could she say it as if it was just a trivial matter? It was to her, but not for him!

Bhahran sat back on the seat limply. The last problem hadn't yet been solved, and now it was added? ...He recalled about Arawinda abruptly... Darn! This time, his father might truly be mad with him! What should he do?!?

On the other seat, Kencana was rather calm. It didn't matter if her grandma came. She was a soft-hearted person that even never ever blamed her since she was a child. As for punishment? She was sure Bhahran would help her again...

Not long after, the door of the office was pushed open, and a familiar middle-aged man come in making both Bhahran and Kencana sit up straight tensely. He approached the old woman and bent down his body a bit, "Thank you for your hard work."

"No hard work. Just rebellious teenagers. Please take a seat." The old woman smiled lightly as she pointed politely at the seat.


"There aren't any novels here! Arawinda, let's go to the Basic Library instead! There is also the book in your hands in there."

Gendis lay her head limply on the table with a pouting mouth, persuading Arawinda beside who's reading a book, <Basic of Core and Ability>. Gee, she was already nauseated being stuffed by this kind of knowledge in the class. She guessed it was a different thing for Arawinda as she rarely took any class.

Arawinda flipped another page then answered casually, "Too crowded and the seats are too little. Last time I went there I have to wait for an empty seat."

"Ugh..." Gendis groaned in boredom, surrendered to her pitiful fate. She peeked at the other guys one by one. Adam was nowhere to be found as he kept on searching for the book he want... Arthur was reading a book related to ice ability beside the window... While Sun was reading who knows what on the big sofa leisurely...


What was that swanky mouth smirking at her for?! Was he asking for a fight?

Sun raised his eyebrow at her and waved his hand, signaling her to approach him. It made her feel curious about what was he planning to tell her. She glanced at Arawinda who was too focused on her book then chose to walk to Sun silently.

Standing in front of him, Gendis folded her arms and mouthed, "What?"

Sun patted the area beside him, "Aren't you bored? Come here and read." Unlike the usual time, right now he looks pretty sensible.

"... What kind of book?" Gendis squinted her eyes suspiciously at him. Was this guy planning to trick her??

"A life journey of a weak guard. Not a novel, but it's pretty fun." Aware of her suspiciousness, Sun simply lowered his head to continue to read, "If you want to, come and sit down."

Gendis grudgingly stared at his face before sitting down beside him, "I want to!"

Sitting beside the window, Arthur was peeking at them behind his book intensely, from the moment Sun waved his hand and finally sitting closely together. What's this? Was it his turn to fall in love now?? He hoped he won't be like Bhahran... He got traumatized by it!

Not aware of her friends' unusual situation at all, Arawinda who kept on a straight face, was actually struggling to understand this book... Ahh! She wishes to know how to let out the villain's core from her empty core!

Huh. Okay-okay. She understood a little. Just a little...

As the apocalypse started, humans once underwent a high fever, awakening the elements in their bodies. As for the new generations, no matter how old they were, could suddenly have a high fever. The moment it ends, the successful ones signed by the sudden core emerged on the right side of their chest.

The shapes were variant if she could say it simply, it looks like small jewels. Its function was as the container of the elements. If one used their ability for too long or too much at once, the core should be exhausted and need to wait for it to absorb the elements for one's body.

That's for a normal core, an n.o.r.m.a.l one!

Whilst the dependent core, one like the villain's, was pretty different. The core was actually already filled permanently by all of the elements on one's body. Once it reached its limit exhaustion, the core automatically minimized the element's expenditures. However, one could still use the elements by using a small amount constantly.

It was pretty amazing using it continuously! That was why the villain could compare to the male protagonist!

The rare thing was the dependent core could be forcefully taken off, even by others as an upgrade for their normal core! Once it was taken off, of course, the body would be an ordinary human without power instead, for all the elements in the body had been fully absorbed by the core!

Oh~ So it turned out to be the reason the villain was incapable to survive in <The Great Zombie Tide> was this because he was an ordinary without cheat!

Then, how one wielded their elements from the core?? From almost tens of pages, only did she realize that she just need to be creative with her imagination!! Ahhh, my brain!! Hiss... The book should just go to the point instead! Either for a normal or dependent one, one should just imagine based on their elements to use as their ability!

If the element was a fire then one should imagine something related to the fire! If the element was water then one should imagine something related to the water! If the element was doubled, like fire and earth, then one should imagine something related to the both of them so they could wield their power!

If the way of utilizing the two cores was like that, then most likely her time-bomb empty core had the same way as them! After all, three of them are the same kind! Pairs of core siblings!

Arawinda slammed closed the book and snorted determinedly. Okay, she would try to take out the villain's spare tire core when she got back to her dorm tonight!!

Thank you for the power stones!! Yay!! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

Anyway, in the previous chapters, I used <Dean of Disciplinary>! I decided to change it to <Head of Disciplinary>! I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! (●´⌓`●)

denancreators' thoughts